"Brother Xing..."

"Stop talking nonsense, you can go each one, you can't explain everything here, the real goal of Yaotian's old fox is me, you guys go quickly! "

"Go away!"

Ye Qianxing pushed Zhou Lang hard, and then shouted at Ye Ting who had not left yet.

"The night clubmaster, please be sure to send them out safely. If I can go out alive, I will be grateful!"

After all, Ye Qianxing took Little Monk rushed towards Yaodi.

Zhou Lang still wanted to follow, but Ye Ting stopped him.

"Listen to him, this kid has a lot of cards, maybe it is really possible to escape alive, we stay here, it will only drag him down."

Look at Zhou Lang I looked at Ye Qianxing, and then at Jian Yi, who had lost too much blood and looked pale beside him, and felt very entangled.

While he was worried about Qianxing, he didn't want Jian Yi to be hurt.

Just when Zhou Lang was entangled in whether he should leave, Ye Qianxing already took Little Monk to meet the coming Emperor Yao.

"Little Monk, do your best, be sure to hold him for more than ten minutes!"

Ten minutes should be enough for them to escape.

But, can he really support ten minutes?

Ye Qianxing has no confidence. Although Little Monk is strong, it is only at the Sovereign level.

Even with special abilities, it is extremely difficult to force a leap.

As for Erbaiwu and the others, Ye Qianxing has no plans to come out with summon.

On the one hand, Erbaiwu is relatively weak, and they have not even reached the Sovereign level. To put it ugly, they are not qualified to participate in this battle.

On the other hand, Ye Qianxing does not want to reveal his identity as a Spirit Master.

Although Little Monk is also his Spirit Pet, it is closer to humans in form. Yaodi and the others should not be able to find out. At most, it is guessed that this is an opportunity that Ye Qianxing got from the Thunder Sound Temple. .

"Okay, big brother."

Little Monk has a solemn face, obviously he also understands the current situation.

Yaodi was extremely fast, and turned into a golden light moved towards Ye Qianxing, rushing to see him ruthless, obviously he did not intend to leave Ye Qianxing alive.

"Amitabha, Eighteen Arhat, show up!"

Little Monk recites a Buddha's name, pulls off the prayer beads on his neck, and directly threw away.

The number of Buddha beads is exactly eighteen, which turned into Eighteen golden light and fell to the ground, golden light flashed, and went straight into the sky.

Eighteen imposing manner magnificent golden bodies Arhat descended from the sky, besieging Yaodi.

"Eighteen Arhats are here, where are the evildoers, don’t retreat!"

Eighteen Arhats shouted at the same time, with Buddhism Lion's Roar in their shouts, shocked There was a surge of blood in Yaodi's body.

He was coldly snorted, and the golden sacred dragon phantom roared up to the sky.

I forcibly suppressed the eighteenth Lion's Roar of Arhat.

"hmph, dressed up as God, playing the Devil, look at me, a strength breaking myriad laws, and destroy you!"

Yaodi holding the emperor holy sword, moved towards blocked in The Dragon-Taming Arhat he was up ahead slashed away in anger.

The emperor holy sword resounded the dragon roar and cut out a light blade with the power of Dragon's Might, and moved towards Dragon-Taming Arhat with the power of breaking through the air and blasted away.

"Amitabha, Arhat Heaven Turning Seal!"

Dragon-Taming Arhat slapped a palm and punched out a Buddhist 卍 (wan) light seal.

The light blade and the 卍字光印 collided with each other, and within a few breaths, there were several cracks in the 卍字光印.

Dragon-Taming Arhat's face is also a bit ugly.

"Senior and junior brothers, please help me!"

Dragon-Taming Arhat shouted.

Fuhu Arhat yelled.

"Eighteen Arhat formation, get up!"

The seventeen Arhats, including Fuhu Arhat, immediately put their hands on the back of the Arhat next to them, Finally, the two Arhats beside Dragon-Taming Arhat put their hands on his left and right shoulders at the same time.

The eighteenth Arhat formation can transfer the skills of seventeen Arhats to one Arhat. The eighteenth Arhat and the same sect are of the same origin, and there is no trace of the skill attribute of the senior and junior brothers. resist.

Eighteen Arhat's skills are gathered together. It is not as simple as one plus one equals two. The aura of Dragon-Taming Arhat at this time is soaring, and it touches the threshold of the emperor realm.

"Dragon Subduing 18 Palms!"

Dragon-Taming Arhat loudly roared, shooting 18 palms continuously at a very fast speed.

This time it was his fame skill.

According to the rumors, the name Dragon-Taming Arhat was derived from slaying the evil dragon in rage, and he even created this skill.

Dragon Subduing 18 Palms, that is a skill created specifically for dragon descending.

With the support of seventeen Arhats, Eighteen's palm print strikes on the light blade cut out by the emperor's holy sword, they actually broke them apart.

There are still a few palm prints left, continue moving towards Yaodi and shoot.

"pu! pu!"

Yaodi holds the emperor's holy sword and cuts it several times, directly smashing those palm prints.

Then quickly moved towards Dragon-Taming Arhat and rushed away.

If you can't attack from a distance, you can fight melee.

Yaodi was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he came to the front of Dragon-Taming Arhat, and the emperor holy sword furiously slashed down.

Although Dragon-Taming Arhat is Spirit Physique from Little Monk summon, it has an independent consciousness and rich combat experience.

Facing Yaodi's attack, he knew that a strong attack would not work, so he avoided it by one side.

However, what made Dragon-Taming Arhat didn't expect was that Yaodi's target was simply not him, but the Fuhu Arhat not far from him.

Yaodi is indeed smart, knowing that Dragon-Taming Arhat has obtained the skill blessing of seventeen Arhats, and the battle strength is close to the imperial realm.

So I didn't fight it hard at all. Instead, I set the target on Arhat, who is no longer able to fight.

In Yaodi's view, the best way to crack the 18th Arhat formation is to attack the other 17 Arhats.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated the formidable power of the eighteenth Arhat array.

The other Arhats discovered Yaodi's strategy and immediately changed the direction of the kilometer transportation, and all their skills quickly entered the body of Fuhu Arhat.

"áo hǒu!"

A mighty tiger's roar sounded from Fuhu Arhat, and his body seemed to have an illusory shadow of a tiger.

The palm that turned into a tiger claw to face Yaodi's slash.

bang! ! !

With a loud sound, the emperor holy sword burst out with a dazzling holy light.

With a body of 18 kilometers of Arhat, Fuhu Arhat barely touched the threshold of the Emperor Realm. Dragon-Taming Arhat can resist the Emperor Yao, relying on its restraint of Dragon Clan , Fuhu Arhat does not have this advantage.

In addition, he is a holy sword against the emperor. This is the 9th Immortal Artifact, refined from the body of the True Dragon clan, with powerful formidable power.

Fuhu Arhat finally couldn't resist, and the illusory shadow of the tiger was cut.

Fuhu Arhat's entire body spilled out of golden light, which turned into a Buddhist bead again, and fell to the ground, losing its original luster.

Eighteen Arhat formations, if one is lost, Formation is broken.

The Emperor Yaodi holy sword swept for a week, and the remaining seventeen Arhats lost the support of Formation and were originally backlashed.

Received another heavy blow from Emperor Yao, the seventeen Arhat Spirit Physiques were destroyed and turned into prayer beads one after another and fell to the ground.


Little Monk's face changed suddenly, with a distressed look on his face.

Extend the hand Palm, eighteen Buddhist beads that were already dull have returned to his hand, but they have lost the Spiritual Qi.

If you want to recover, re-summon eighteenth Arhat. It is estimated that this will not be possible in a short time.

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