"Little Monk, are you okay?"

Ye Qianxing asked worriedly.

Little Monk shook his head, converging his distressed expression.

The most important thing is to save Ye Qianxing's life. If the Buddha beads are broken, they can be repaired. If the person is gone, then it is really gone.

"Big brother, my strongest skill has failed, I am afraid I can't stop it."

Little Monk gave a wry smile, Ye Qianxing took a look at Zhou who was still reluctant to leave. Lang, sighed.

He knew that Zhou Lang would definitely not abandon himself.

But after all, this incident was caused by him. Jianichi had already paid the price of an arm for it. He owed enough, and he really didn't want to spread to others.

"Zhou Lang, be obedient, let's go, if we have all confessed here, then no one can really avenge me."

Ye Qianxing said in a heavy tone , Because he knew that this time, maybe it really was Death Tribulation.

After speaking, he didn't have time to manage Zhoulang's hearing or not.

Because Yaodi has already moved towards him again.

"Little Monk, help me."

"Even if I can't kill you, even if I give up this life, I will take a layer of your skin!"


Ye Qianxing face looks sinister.

This time, he really intends to kill him.


Ye Qianxing roared, without fear, moved towards Yaodi and charged.

Leiqie sword turned into a giant sword, jumped up, and slashed away at Yaodi.

"reverse scale 4th layer, turn it on!"

bang!! ! !

The reverse scale 4th layer can instantly increase the battle strength fifty times.

But the load is also extremely large, even with Ye Qianxing's current physical fitness, it can only last for 30 seconds at most.

Nine Heavens Divine Lightning is injected into the Leiqie sword regardless of consumption. The right hand holds the sword, and the left hand is covered with azure flame.


Ye Qianxing chose to slash in midair with a giant sword, exposing himself to the eyes of Yaodi, intending to kill him Desperately.

"hmph, striking a stone with an egg, overestimate one's capabilities."

Yaodi sneaked, Ye Qianxing turned on the reverse scale 4th layer, and the imposing manner on his body has indeed skyrocketed.

But it only reached the 9th dan of the Sovereign level.

In the final analysis, the difference between the strength levels of the two is too big, so big that no matter how bad Ye Qianxing goes, it can't make up.

"Then kill you first!"

Yaodi is coldly snorted, and stabs Ye Qianxing who moved towards in midair with a sword.

The Yaodi sword drawing speed is extremely fast. Before Ye Qianxing's Leiqie sword was cut down, his sword was already close and was about to pass through Ye Qianxing's body.

"Invincible Golden Body!"

At this moment, the Golden Lotus at the feet of Little Monk below burst out with brilliant golden light.

Golden light wrapped Ye Qianxing in an instant.


The emperor holy sword pierced the golden light, and something unexpected happened to Yaodi.

The emperor holy sword that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, has been blocked!

Can't penetrate that golden light unexpectedly!

Invincible Golden Body, it is another Little Monk's ability to guard against the sky.

It can ignore all damage, but it can only last for five seconds.

Five seconds, enough for the Lei Qi sword in Ye Qianxing's hand to cut down.

Ye Qianxing gave a grinning grin at the corner of his mouth.

With the strength in his hand a little stronger, the giant sword that Lei Qi sword transformed into slashed down angrily, and slashed directly on Yaodi's shoulder.

However, the imperial robe worn by Emperor Yao is also a defensive Immortal Artifact. Although it is not as high as the 9th rank, it is not easily broken.

At the same time, five seconds passed.

The golden light that enveloped Ye Qianxing dissipated, and the emperor's holy sword pierced Ye Qianxing's abdomen directly.

His Indestructible Vajra Body can't stop it at all.

"I said, even if you die, it won't make you feel better."


Ye Qianxing spit out a mouthful Blood, but still smiling.

He roared wildly, continuously stimulating his own potential and bursting out his final power.

With a strong hand, the Leiqi sword burst into an endless thunder, and finally broke through the defense of Yaodi's robe of God.

Cut off from Yaodi's shoulder, sinking nearly ten centimeters deep.

Almost cut to his heart, but Ye Qianxing's strength has been exhausted.

Yaodi was shot down by Ye Qianxing's tremendous force, and Ye Qianxing was also unable to fall down.

Little Monk hurriedly caught Ye Qianxing, but at this time Ye Qianxing was covered in blood, a large hole was punched in his abdomen, and the blood flow continued.

The side effects brought about by the reverse scale 4th layer also appeared, and Ye Qianxing lost all strength.

"Big brother, big brother, are you okay."

Little Monk shouted worriedly, and covered Ye Qianxing's abdomen with one hand.

Although he didn't know what life and death meant, but when he saw Ye Qianxing's appearance, his heart was very painful, and he didn't like this feeling.

"Brother Xing!"

Zhou Lang also ran over, and he shed tears when he saw Ye Qianxing's appearance.

"Go, go..."

Ye Qianxing's throat kept spilling blood, which made his speech unclear.

When the emperor holy sword penetrated his abdomen, a terrifying force swept into his body.

So, his internal organs and meridian all have been traumatized.

Even if Ye Qianxing has Immortal Body, life force is powerful.

This injury has also caused a lot of threat to his life.

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