Seeing that Ye Qianxing was so badly injured, Zhou Lang was even more impossible to abandon him and leave.

Ye Ting also hurried over, not knowing where he took out a crystal clear and near-transparent medicine pill.

Before Ye Qianxing could see what medicine pill it was, he was fed into the mouth by Ye Ting.

Medicine pill melts in the mouth, Ye Qianxing immediately felt a burst of warmth in his body.

The pain on the body has been relieved a lot, and the healing speed of the internal organs and Life Source has been accelerated a lot.

Compared to his injuries, it is still far from enough.


There was a sudden explosion on the ground not far away.

Yaodi was also covered in blood, and walked out very embarrassed.

There is a big hole on his shoulder, which penetrates directly to the left chest, drenched with blood, which is absolutely terrifying.

How can there be an emperor's appearance.

But Yaodi is an emperor realm powerhouse after all. Although it looks like he was not injured lightly, he actually did not lose his combat effectiveness at all.

It's just the holy light shining from his body, which seems to be bloodied at this time, full of hostility.

The golden Sacred Dragon soul shrouded in him roared towards the sky, seeming to resist, but also in fear.

"Very good, you are fine!"

"I haven't left blood for a long time, boy, you are the first one in nearly ten years. Even if you die, it is enough I am proud of it."

Yaodi walked towards Ye Qianxing step by step, and the emperor holy sword dragged on the ground, bursting out fire stars.

With every word uttered, the hostility in Yaodi will be stronger.

Obviously, he was really murderous towards Ye Qianxing.

The blow that Ye Qianxing hit him just a few centimeters away would kill him, which made Yaodi feel terrified.

It's been a long time since he had felt the fear of passing by Death God.

So, he must kill this man who almost put himself to death.

With a severed sword arm, Ye Qianxing was seriously injured and dying, Yang Lao was dragged by Fen Kong again.

Now no one has the ability to stop Yaodi.

Just as Emperor Yao was getting closer and closer, Ye Ting suddenly stood up.

"Yaotian, Ye Qianxing, you can't kill."

Ye Ting has directly called Yaodi by his name.

"In this world, there is no one I can't kill, Ye Ting, if you want to die, I don't mind fulfilling you."

Yaodi's voice is cold, his steps are still not stop.

Ye Qianxing He is determined to kill, whoever dares to stop, he will kill anyone.

"Yaotian, I tell you, Ye Qianxing is someone you can't afford to offend. If he dies because of you, then the entire Tianyao Emperor's Imperial Family, including you, will be buried with you!"

Ye Ting scolded angrily.

But Yaodi's killing intent has been decided, and Ye Ting is ignored at all.

This made Ye Ting's expression more and more anxious, and his face was tangled.

When Yaodi walked less than two meters away from them, Ye Ting finally couldn't help shouting.

"He is..."


As Ye Ting's words were about to be spoken, the ground suddenly shook violently.

The barriers of Yaodi's future arrangement tremble again, and a big hole is directly above it.

It's the third time... Yaodi's already hideous expression is even more ugly.

Repeatedly and repeatedly, but this is the third time someone has forcibly broken through his field barriers.

No matter how good the temper is, there is a bottom line, not to mention that Yaodi is already full of hostility at this time.

Such behavior aroused his anger even more.

Yaodi stared with anger, looked up towards Midair, just about to curse, but when he saw the situation in midair clearly, the anger on his face disappeared instantly.

Turn into intense tension and fear.

I saw dozens of hundreds of Flying Monster Beasts flying in this mid-air.

Each monster beast is extremely large, flying in the air as if it spreads the entire sky.

"tsk tsk tsk, it’s quite lively, second uncle, didn’t expect the ruins of the small Thunder Sound Temple. We didn’t catch up, but we saw such a scene where a dog bites a dog. It’s worth it. Okay."

A ridiculous voice sounded from the air, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone discovered that there were two huge golden eagles among the group of Flying Monster Beasts.

"The first of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Monster Race, the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle!"

People with a wide range of knowledge directly recognized the two golden eagles, Yao The emperor is naturally one of them.

Most of his hostility dissipated directly, looking towards the group of Flying Monster Beasts in the air, especially the Golden Wings Great Peng sculpture that just spoke, with jealous eyes in his eyes.

Hundred Thousand Great Mountains is a mountain range that runs through the entire Heavenly Jade continent. It can be said that the entire Heavenly Jade continent has one third area and belongs to the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

Seven to eighty percent of the monster beasts on the Heavenly Jade continent are gathered in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, which is equivalent to the headquarters of the Heavenly Jade continent Monster Race and the place where they originated.

The Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan is the leader of the Monster Races in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains and the most powerful clan.

In fact, even the superpowers of the Tianyao Emperor Dynasty, Burning Heaven Sect, Sword Pavilion and the others camps are inferior to the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan.

Not to mention, the Monster Race of Hundred Thousand Great Mountains is very united and unanimous.

Provoked the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family, then equivalent to provoked the entire Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Monster Race.

No human force on the Heavenly Jade continent can compete with it.

Yaodi is frowned, with a bad premonition in his heart.

The Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle came at this time and forcibly broke the barriers in his field. It seems that the comer is not good.

It was Ye Qianxing and Zhou Lang who saw the familiar silhouette of in midair, and their faces showed joy.

After all, they have experienced Life and Death Tribulation together. They can naturally recognize that among the two Golden Wings Great Peng eagles, the smaller one is in the remains of the small Thunder Sound Temple. The fool I got acquainted with.

"Brother Xing, the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle should be here to help us?"

Zhou Lang asked excitedly.

Ye Qianxing nodded, although they have not been in contact with Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle for a long time, they are also Life and Death Friends.

The silly vultures appeared at this time, and 80% came to rescue them.

"But this silly statue actually said that we were fighting with Yaotian as a dog biting a dog. When the Young Master recovers, must let him know why the flowers are so red."

Ye Qianxing ruthlessly Said the voice.

It's just that he is too weak, so he can't show his discomfort at all.

But Ye Qianxing is finally sighed in relief, and Golden Wings Great Peng can come. It seems that they should not die this time.

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