"Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle, our Human Race signed an agreement with your Monster Race more than three hundred years ago, the two sides develop peacefully, everyone minds their own business, today’s matter, Monster Race with you It doesn't matter, why are you intervening?"

Yaodi raised his head to look at the silly eagle, and asked loudly.

"che, the matter between you Human Race, of course, has nothing to do with me, this Uncle is too lazy to deal with, but you can't kill this kid."

The fool looked towards Ye Qianxing. Obviously, he was talking about Ye Qianxing.

Yaodi shook his heart, and sure enough, his instinct was correct.

This group of Monster Race is really bad.

It’s just that he can’t figure out what is the relationship between Ye Qianxing, a human being, and the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan?

Why can we get the support of the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family?


Yaodi asked.

"Which green onion are you? Why do you want to explain this Uncle? Get out of here if you know it."

The mouth owes.

But Ye Qianxing listened very well, especially when he saw Yaodi's face turned into iron azure, he couldn't help but feel good.

Yaodi clenched his fists, and the hostility that had just condensed began to escape again.

The Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle saw it, but remained unmoved.

It seems that he is not afraid of Yaodi, a powerful emperor.

"Don't say you don't give you a chance, hurry up, this Uncle is not in a good mood today. If you make this Uncle upset, this Uncle doesn't mind making this your land of burial."

The words of the silly eagle are no longer just to the Emperor Yao alone, including those of other forces present.

The silly eagle is a seventh rank fifth-rank beast king, coupled with the powerful aura brought to him by the Ancient God Peng bloodline, directly shocked everyone present.

Some people who are not strong are even more fleeing.

"As the elites of the Great Influence of Human Race, facing the provocations and threats of Monster Race, you are so indifferent and just waiting to die?"

"Not my race, Their hearts must be different. In front of Monster Race, we should work with a common purpose!"

Yaodi also discovered the intentions of those people and shouted directly.

This Yaodi really deserves to be an emperor. He is not weak in his mouth, and he is named grandiose in his words, which directly brings the national righteousness to him.

Those people think about running away, it's really impossible to justify.

"Yes, Ye Qianxing can get Golden Wings Great Peng support. He must have already taken refuge in Monster Race. This traitor must not be tolerated!"

The baldness of Burning Heaven Sect Eagle also echoed the road.

The minds of those from other forces around him suddenly fluctuated.

At this time, Ye Ting was sneaked.

"Hehe, don't elevate personal grievances to the level of race."

"And you, can't you see it, Yaotian and Burning Heaven Sect are nothing but people I feel weak and want to pull you down. In the final analysis, this matter simply has nothing to do with you, and you simply don’t need to intervene. In the end, it’s just a waste of your lives."

Ye Ting directly exposed Out of Yaodi's true intentions, these people were awakened.

They just remembered, after all, the essence of this incident is the contradiction between Ye Qianxing and Yaodi.

Where is Yaodi so serious, and it doesn't involve national justice.

Of course, the most important thing is the Monster Race that they are also afraid of in midair.

The monster beasts that the silly eagle brought this time are at least Beast King Level others, there are also more than a dozen beasts at the Sovereign level, and there is also an emperor-level Golden Wings Great Peng eagle.

How can they not be afraid?

"There is so much nonsense. I only give you three seconds. If you still don’t leave, then don’t leave for the rest of your life."

The one behind the silly eagle The Golden Wings Great Peng eagle, which is his second uncle, sends out coldly snorted.

A golden feather flap, a feather shining with golden light shoots out extremely fast.

The goal is Yaodi.

He is planning to kill the chicken to warn the monkey.


Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle's golden Lingyu formidable power is much larger than that of Silly Eagle.

Ye Qianxing didn't even have time to see its trajectory, and came to the front of Yaodi in the blink of an eye.

Yaodi couldn't react too, only having time to hold his sword to block.


A metal strike sounded, and a fire star burst out on Yaodi’s emperor holy sword. Although golden Lingyu was blocked by the emperor’s holy sword, it was huge The power of Yaodi was still transmitted to Emperor Yao.

Shake it back a few steps directly, touching the wound on the shoulder, the pain was so painful that Yaodi couldn't help grinning, and a blood stain overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Same as the Emperor Realm, a random blow from the Golden Wings Great Peng carved Yaodi injured.

Although Yaodi was injured before, it can be seen from this that the strength of the Golden Wings Great Peng is definitely much stronger than Yaodi.

killing the chicken to warn the monkey played a big role. Those around who were still hesitating finally got scared and fled the scene without looking back.

What national justice, what private grievances, they no longer want to care.

Life-saving is the most important thing.

"hmph, a group of ants."

Golden Wings Great Peng sneered, very disdainful.


At this moment, Old Yang who had been fighting with Fen Kong missed his hand and was repelled by Fen Kong.

Fen Kong did not pursue the victory, but the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle looked towards in midair.

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