"The Monster Race at that time really couldn't be fought, so I had to choose a truce, and the destruction of the White Night Organization... We were also helpless."

Peng King sighed, looked towards Ye Qianxing Apologized in his eyes.

After all, what the White Nights organization did at the time was considered to be for Monster Race, but Monster Race finally chose a truce. Part of the reason for the destruction of the White Nights organization was also for Monster Race.

Peng King was also a participant in that unprecedented battle, and he has always felt guilty about this.

Ye Qianxing listened to Peng King's story about the White Night Organization, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Is Monster Race one of the culprits for the destruction of the White Nights organization? Ye Qianxing doesn't know how to comment, and doesn't want to comment.

The only thing he wants to know now is his own life experience.

Is there any relationship between him and the White Night Organization? His father, Ye Blade, is who in the end!

So he asked.

"Peng Senior Wang, do you know, what is the name of the founder of the White Night Organization?"

"Well... I heard that there are two founders of the White Night Organization, but they are I don’t know if there are too many of a couple. I only know that one of them is called...Yazan."


Ye Qianxing's whole body couldn't help but tremble as soon as the two words night blade came out.

It's really him, the father he has never met before, Ye Blade!

Ye Qianxing is finally one step closer to revealing the mystery of his life experience.

"Eh, your name is Ye Qianxing, and you have the same surname as Ye, don't you guys..."

Peng King suddenly thought of something, cred out in surprise.

Ye Qianxing didn't hide it, and said directly.

"Yes, he should be my father, but my memories of my childhood have been sealed, and I have never seen him, so I don’t know the specifics."

"Peng Senior Wang, I don't want to care about the White Night organization for the time being. I just want to know, where is my father now, is he still alive?"

Ye Qianxing stared directly at him. Looking at Peng King, I hope he can give an affirmative answer.

He traveled thousands of miles and left his hometown, and he did not hesitate to cross the Domain Portal to come to Spirit World. Isn't he just to find his own life experience and find his parents?

Peng King looked at the expectation in Ye Qianxing's eyes, but sighed.

"To be honest, I don’t know. At that time, Monster Race was badly energized, and my Golden Wings Great Peng clan was almost wiped out. So we hid and rehabilitated, and knew well about the outside world. Not much."

After finishing speaking, Peng King saw that Ye Qianxing's eyes clearly showed disappointment and worry, and he hurriedly continued.

"But I think he should be alive. After all, he is a legendary character. In just a few decades, he can create a force that can influence an era. How can this kind of person May die easily."

"Also, if you are really his descendant, then I firmly believe that he must be hiding in the dark, watching you, and protecting you."

Listening to Peng King's comforting words, the light of hope also rose in Ye Qianxing's eyes.

Yes, his father must be alive, and he must have been watching him behind the scenes.

Isn’t Ye Ting just an example?

Ye Ting must know his identity and the whereabouts of his father.

"Yes, as long as I find Ye Ting, I can definitely know the whereabouts of father, but with my current strength, I can't leave the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart. road.

Whether it is the Emperor Tianyao or Burning Heaven Sect, they must be waiting for him. With his current strength, once he leaves the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, it will be dangerous.

Therefore, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Peng King seemed to see Ye Qianxing's thoughts and said.

"Okay, it's not too early. I asked Xiao Diao to arrange a place for you. Recently, you can stay in my clan. If you have any needs, just talk about it, and I will do my best to satisfy you. Yours."

"Okay, then many thanks Peng King."

Ye Qianxing thanks.

Peng King waved his hand, and he followed the silly sculpture and left the great hall.

"patriarch, do you really want to keep him in the clan? I have investigated, this kid is a big hidden danger, he has offended several human superpowers, and if his identity Known by the Holy Soul Palace, the other party is bound to..." After Ye Qianxing and the silly eagle left, one of the five Monster Emperors, one of the five Monster Emperors, who was in his forties, brows tightly knit, suddenly said.

"Third Elder, patriarch have already said, let him stay, do you want patriarch to be unbelievable?"

The second uncle interrupted the Monster Emperor’s Later.

Peng King also spoke.

"Yu Gong, Ye Qianxing is likely to be the descendant of the White Night Organization. Our Monster Race owes too much to the White Night Organization and should protect his descendants."

"Yu Privately, Xiao Diao can return, and there is a credit for him. We, the Golden Wings Great Peng eagles, have always been rewarded for their kindness, so naturally we can’t just stand by and watch."

"As for the Temple of Souls, we don’t need too much Worry, now our Monster Race vitality has mostly recovered, the Holy Soul Palace wants to move us, we have to weigh a bit, even more how the main sphere of influence of the Holy Soul Palace is not on the side of Heavenly Jade continent, if we are so afraid, then it is not. Humiliating Monster Race?"

Peng King's words can also be regarded as representing his position.

"patriarch, not to mention the forces on the human side, there are also many Monster Races in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains that hate humans very much. If you leave him in the clan, maybe there will be Monster Races based on him. , Take the opportunity to make trouble."

"The Golden Wings Great Peng Clan has long been coveted by the Golden Wings Great Peng Clan in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. If they take the human beings as their example, It will have a big impact on us."

Another Monster Emperor said with some worry.

"hmph, if they want to challenge our Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family, then just come here. What are you afraid of? Okay, I'm determined, you don't need to say more."

Peng King waved his hand with a tough attitude.

The three Monster Emperor glanced at each other, but they could only accept reality.

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