Outside of the Ancestral Hall, Ye Qianxing is still a little absent-minded, always thinking about the things Peng King told him.

It's been almost a year since I came to Spirit World. This is the first time he has heard about father. He believes that he will be able to find them soon.


Just when Ye Qianxing was thinking about these things, the voice of the silly eagle suddenly rang.

Ye Qianxing came back to his senses and found that they had come to the top of a mountain.

There is a normal-sized house, which should be his residence.

"This is the house I built for you when you were in a coma. How about it? Not bad. I built it in your human style."

Said proudly.

Ye Qianxing took a look, nodded, quite satisfied.

It feels a bit pastoral.

Even the interior decoration of the house is very good, it seems that the silly sculpture has taken a lot of thought.

"Silly Eagle, thank you."

Ye Qianxing sincerely thanked him.

"Thank you, just call me big brother."

The silly chuckled said, Ye Qianxing gave him a blank look.

"Okay, there is nothing else to do, you can go back if there is nothing wrong."

Ye Qianxing immediately placed the Expulsion Order.

"Didn't expect you to drive me away in such a hurry, it makes me sad."

The silly eagle made a heartbroken expression.

Ye Qianxing ignored him and turned around to enter the house.

Upon seeing this, the silly eagle hurriedly stopped him.

"Eh, don't worry, I have something to ask you."

"Hurry up."

"Um, we are nearby Golden Wings The site of the Great Peng carving family is not a problem. You can walk around, but if you are out here, you should pay attention to other places. Hundred Thousand Great Mountains has many taboos. Some old monsters are not easy to offend even my Old Master. "

"Especially there..."

As the silly eagle said, suddenly pointing to a place, his face became rare and serious.

"There is a forbidden area, the largest forbidden area in the entire Hundred Thousand Great Mountains."

"There is a super horrible taboo in the entire Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. There is no Monster in the entire Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. Race, dare to approach, and you must never approach."

Forbidden area? Taboos exist?

Ye Qianxing moved towards looking in the direction pointed by the silly sculpture, there is the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, covered by a towering old tree, and nothing can be seen.

The sky in that area is shrouded in dark clouds, even if you look at it from a distance, there is a feeling of depression.

"What exactly is it?"

Ye Qianxing asked curiously.

"I don't know this either, don't bother you, listen to me anyway, don't come close."

The silly eagle seems to be silent about that taboo, and he doesn't want it. Say more.

Although Ye Qianxing was curious, he didn't ask any more.

Curiosity killed the cat, there are some things, just think about it, but you can’t hold it accountable.

"By the way, besides this, there is one more thing. Some Monster Races in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains still have some opinions on you. They may make trouble. If this happens, you will send a signal, I I live very close to you, and I will be here soon."

The silly eagle said again.

Ye Qianxing nodded.

"Okay, that's all you need to tell, you can take a good rest, I'll leave first."

After saying that, the silly eagle will leave.

But before he left, a discordant voice came not far away.

"Oh, it turns out that this is the human being who can be called brother to Shao Xiao, I thought there was Three Heads Six Arms, and that was the case."

tone barely fell, a few beast shadows appeared not far away.

Walking in the front is a giant elephant and a golden lion, behind them are a group of monster beasts of other races.

When the silly eagle saw the group of monster beasts, his face changed slightly.

sighed, said softly.

"As soon as I talked about them, they came, but it's okay, just solve the trouble at once."

With that, the silly eagle looked towards the group monster beast.

Ye Qianxing also looked towards them with interest, wanting to see what they want to do.

"Young elephants, young lions, I brought so many men to my site without saying hello, why do you want to make trouble?"

The silly eagle faces dozens of monsters. beast, but not the least timid.

"What Shao Diao said, even a human is allowed to come in here. We are the Monster Race. Turn up without being invited shouldn’t matter?"

Then The golden lion said.

"This is the site of this Uncle. Let anyone come in and not let anyone come in. That's my freedom and it's up to you."

The silly eagle said unceremoniously. .

"The site of the little carving is of course not our business, but it belongs to the territory of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. There are few carvings. Don’t forget that the Monster Race of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains has long been established. Exceeding the rules, humans are not allowed to set foot, otherwise they must kill without mercy. Before, it was because of the face of you Xiao Xiao and Sister Huang, let him stay in the holy spring for a month of recuperation."

"Now he is now It has been recovered completely, should we get out of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains?"

The golden lions were snered and finally said their real purpose.

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