Monster Race’s hatred of humans, or Monster Soul Master, has reached the point where it’s going to fight to death as soon as they meet.

Not to mention that Hundred Thousand Great Mountains is the headquarters of Monster Race, their Holy Land.

Humans are not allowed to step in half a step at all. Once they find traces of humans, they will kill them without saying a word.

Ye Qianxing is already the only human who can live in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains for a month without dying.

Naturally, the silly eagle knows that Ye Qianxing's identity will definitely arouse the unpleasantness of other Monster Races in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, but since he has said that Ye Qianxing will be covered, he will never break his promise.

"He is different from those humans, he is not a Monster Soul Master."

Said the silly eagle.

"hmph, whether he is a Monster Soul Master or not, he should be a human. As long as he is a human, he is the enemy of our Monster Race. We give you face and we just drive him away. Otherwise, he would have died long ago!"

It was the giant elephant who said this.

"Yeah, Master Diao, what if this child is a spy sent by humans? Humans are always mean and must be guarded. If this kid makes any small actions in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, Destroying the foundation of my Monster Race, there is no way to make up for it."

The Golden Retriever Lion also said.

"Yes, young Diao, don’t be afraid of 10,000, just in case, let him expel him."

"Young Diao, it’s not my race, his heart must be different."


The monster races behind the ancient giant elephant and the golden lion also echoed.

Obviously, they all want to drive Ye Qianxing out.

Ye Qianxing brows slightly wrinkle, glanced at the silly carving.

To tell the truth, he didn't want to cause trouble to the Golden Wings Great Peng family. If it was because he caused the Monster Race civil turmoil, it would be a sin.

So Ye Qianxing said.

"Stupid eagle, forget it, I..."

Before Ye Qianxing finished speaking, the idiot interrupted him.

"What bullshit, you are the brother of this Uncle, this Uncle has nothing else, it is the most honest, loyal, and if you have said that you want to cover you, you will definitely do what you say, even more how, this Uncle is the Young Master of Golden Wings Great Peng. It would be too shameful to abandon brother because of the fear of those deflated!"

"Now it’s not just yours anymore!" The problem is, at the beginning, these crickets were all eating dirt behind this Uncle's butt, but now they can still be bullied?"

Coldly snorted, although his tone is not good, Ye Qianxing's heart is in his heart. But it is very warm.

He was nodded so much and didn't say anything to leave.

Saying that again, it really hurts the fool's heart.

The silly eagle looked at the monster beasts in front of him coldly, and said in a very strong tone.

"This Uncle tells you, he is the brother of this Uncle, this Uncle guarantees his life, he will definitely not be disadvantageous to Monster Race."

"If something really happened This Uncle will take care of everything!"


The group of monster beasts were shocked as soon as the silly eagle said this.

They really didn't expect that this unparalleled and unparalleled Young Master of the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan, unexpectedly moved true feelings for a human being.

Even at the cost of guaranteeing it.

Some monster beasts have already begun to struggle, and the silly eagles have said so, obviously they will not give in. If they press on step by step, they will really offend him completely.

The Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family is in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains equivalent to Imperial Family status, then the silly eagle is the identity of the Crown Prince.

Except for the ancient giant elephant and the golden lion, they dare not fight against them.

Just when the group of monster beasts was about to retreat, the golden lion spoke again.

"Young Master Diao, if this human is really making a major event in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains that affects the foundation of my Monster Race, you Young Master Diao may not be responsible, maybe even you Golden The Wings Great Peng carving family can't afford it."

The golden lion sneeered, and it seems that he has made up his mind too, and must drive Ye Qianxing away.

The silly eagle clearly saw the other's intentions, and was no longer polite.

The sharp gaze stared at the golden lion, coldly said.

"Then, I have already said it. Unless my brother volunteers, no one should want him to leave. If you are unhappy, please come to this Uncle at any time!"

"Now , Please get out of here!"

As he said, a powerful imposing manner erupted from the silly eagle.

The pressure brought by the ancient God Peng bloodline directly suppressed the monster beasts present. This is the absolute suppression of the higher bloodline to the lower bloodline.

Only the golden lion and the ancient giant elephant were not affected much.

Obviously, they also have the bloodline of Ancient Divine Beast, and they are not inferior to the bloodline of Divine Peng.

"The Golden Retriever Lion, the descendant of Ancient Divine Beast Golden Retriever."

"The ancient giant elephant, the descendant of the Far Ancient Dragon elephant."

Ye Qianxing just glanced at it. Seeing the origin of these two guys, whether it is the Golden Retriever or the Far Ancient Dragon Elephant, they are terrifying existence that is no weaker than the Ancient God.

It seems that what the silly eagle said before, the transcendent status of the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains is still a bit pretending.

"Young Master Diao, we are now persuasively. If you still insist on keeping this human being, then don’t blame the brothers for your kindness."

"We are doing this for the whole Monster Race, for the sake of the overall situation, when the time comes, even if the matter is made big, we have reason. In case you accidentally hurt you, Peng King has no reason to blame us."

Since cast aside all considerations For face, the golden lion is no longer polite.

His words, equivalent to directly declared war.

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