Whether it is a golden lion or an ancient giant elephant, they have the pure Ancient Divine Beast bloodline. Their bloodline suppression does have a lot of effect on ordinary monster beasts.

Unfortunately, Ye Qianxing is not among them.

Ye Qianxing’s Spirit Pets, if you take out one, are not inferior to their bloodline. Among them, Erbaiwu and Xiaotaixu have Divine Beast bloodline and other ranks that are far more direct than them.

Erbaiwu, first possessed the bloodline of Hellhound, and later obtained the bloodline of the nine spirit essence saints.

Xiao Taixu, he is a pure Dragon Clan Bloodline, and he is also the top of Dragon Clan, Torch Dragon.

Ye Qianxing stayed with them all the year round, and has long been accustomed to the breath of them, so facing the bloodline coercion of the golden lion and the ancient giant elephant, there is no feeling at all.

"Crawl, kneel down and sing conquer, hahaha..."

The golden lion is still immersed in Ye Qianxing's illusion of being scared by his bloodline and begging for mercy. , Can't help laughing heartily.

But soon, the ancient giant beside him touched him with his long nose.

"Little lion, things don't seem right, this human...seems to be unaffected by the coercion of our bloodline."

The giant elephant's tone was full of shock.

"Hahaha, little elephant, is that human kid peeing his pants in fright by us, let me just say...what, it will not be affected?"

Golden Retriever stared wide -eyed, stopped laughing, moved towards Ye Qianxing and looked in that direction.

My eyes almost popped out.

Reality has nothing to do with his fantasy. The person in front of him said that he was kneeling and begging for mercy, and his expression did not change at all.

He even looked at him with a look of second-hand goods.

Yes, Ye Qianxing is looking at the Golden Retriever Lion with the look of Erhuo.

This guy has been laughing there, and said such second-degree lines. Anyone who sees it will use this look.

This guy is just second to Erbaiwu.

"How is it possible, how can you not be affected, you are just an inferior and humble human being, inferior to ants, how can you withstand the coercion of the ominous beast of the deity!"

The golden lion angrily roared in disbelief.

He owns the bloodline of Golden Retriever. Golden Retriever is Ancient Ominous Beast, terrifying existence on the same level as those of Ancient Divine Beast.

Even because of the ferocious Innate aura contained in ominous beast bloodline, its bloodline coercion is even stronger than Divine Beast bloodline.

How many humans or monster beasts whose strength levels are better than him will be affected more or less under the pressure of his bloodline.

But the human being in front of him, why is there nothing at all?

This is unreasonable!

It's not just the golden lion, the ancient giant elephants around him and the monster beasts behind him are very strange.

Although the bloodline coercion of the golden lion and the ancient colossus is mainly aimed at Ye Qianxing, when the monster beasts behind them approach, they can feel heart palpitations. This shows that the bloodline of the golden lion and the ancient colossus There is no problem with coercion.

The problem is the human in front of you.

Only the silly face was disdainful and sneered.

"A group of throwing coins, the high level bloodline that you rely on for confidence, in his eyes, is nothing at all, actually stupidly using the bloodline coercion to deal with my brother, it's really striking a stone with an egg."

The silly eagle said with a sneer in his heart, but he didn't say it.

Just watch this scene like this.

"I see, you must be stubbornly bracing, the elephant is small, and work harder, let's directly overwhelm him in the imposing manner!"

The golden lion roared unwillingly .

Then began to stimulate the bloodline of the murderer in the body, and a fierce air that was more terrifying than before was poured out, moved towards Ye Qianxing and pressed it away.

Ye Qianxing finally felt some influence, but only some, not enough.

"Surging fighting intent."

Ye Qianxing's eyes are bright, and his body emits a thick fighting intent.

Directly isolate those fierce spirits from the whole body.

"I am here for the first time, and I don't want to cause any trouble. I will give you a chance to leave safely. I can assume that nothing happened."

Ye Qianxing faces the golden lion and ancient times. The giant elephants and the monster beasts behind them did not show any fear.

In the surging fighting intent state, no external factors can affect him.

On the contrary, after feeling Ye Qianxing's surging fighting intent, the other party couldn't help showing timidity.

The golden lion hurriedly concealed that little cowardice, his eyes were blood red.

"What an arrogant human being, I wanted you to kneel and apologize and leave, but since you are courting death, the deity will fulfill you!"

"áo hǒu !"

The golden lion roared up to the sky, moving towards Ye Qianxing and rushed.

Leaping up, like a hungry tiger rushing for food, the head moved towards Ye Qianxing is fiercely patted.

Looking at his strength, it is obvious that he has no mercy.

"reverse scale 3rd-layer, come on!"


reverse scale 3rd-layer, 30 times the increase in battle strength.

Ye Qianxing's breath instantly skyrocketed several levels, and his strength level was directly raised from Sovereign level three to Sovereign level five Peak.

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