The Golden Retriever Lion does not intend to keep his hands, so Ye Qianxing will naturally not be polite.

Directly turned on reverse scale 3rd-layer.

Since the reverse scale 4th layer was forcibly turned on last time, his body has almost collapsed under a huge load.

But later, under the healing of the holy spring, all of them have been completely recovered.

This also brings a benefit, that is, his fleshy body strength is a bit stronger than before.

At the same time, immunity to the side effects of reverse scale is also stronger.

Although it is still difficult to withstand the terror load brought by the reverse scale 4th layer, the reverse scale 3rd-layer has no pressure.

reverse scale 3rd-layer, 30 times increase in battle strength.

That's not just for fun.

It directly raised Ye Qianxing's battle strength to the five-stage Peak level of the Sovereign level.

"Inch Jin!"

"Titan Fist!"

Two explosive battle skills are used at the same time. Under the superimposition of explosive power, there are counts. Fold increase.

Ye Qianxing fist moved towards the golden lion that leaped fiercely.

"hmph, you really dare to meet force with force with our Monster Race? Doesn't he know that the fleshy body strength Innate of our Monster Race is stronger than humans?"

The ancient giant elephant who is watching the battle has great confidence in the golden lion.

The golden lion grinned, cruel in his smile.

"Look at the deity slap your head to pieces!"

The golden lion seems to have foreseen the scene where Ye Qianxing's head was smashed by him like a watermelon.

bang!! !

Soon, the sharp claw of the golden lion collided with Ye Qianxing's fist.

A powerful wind moved towards all around erupted, and the eyes of all monster beasts in the scene gathered at one point.

After the air was silent for a few breaths, the smile on the golden lion's face suddenly froze.


With a scream, the golden lion's huge body flew out directly.

The ancient giant elephant responded in a timely manner and hurriedly threw the elephant's trunk away to catch the golden lion, but under that tremendous force, it still couldn't help but stagger.

"A lot of strength."

The ancient giant elephant heart startled.

In terms of power, his ancient giant elephant family is definitely worthy of any Monster Race.

Even if it is better than Dragon Clan, he has the confidence to be tough.

But Ye Qianxing's power really exceeded his expectations.

He has never seen that human being can have such a powerful power, even those strong in the emperor realm among the human Monster Soul Masters, I am afraid that power alone cannot reach such a level.

"Young lion, are you okay?"

The ancient giant elephant put down the golden retriever lion, but the golden retriever lion's right paw was still trembling violently, and he dared not put it on the ground.

It is probably broken.

"Underestimate him, this human has a problem, his power is too great, I am afraid it can fight you."

The golden lion's face is gloomy.

Obviously, it was too embarrassing to be beaten out by a human in front of so many Monster Race. He must find his place.

"It was an accident just now. The deity is not good at strength, but...Lion's Roar Art!"

"áo hǒu!"

The golden lion suddenly With a roar, the powerful sonic power shook Ye Qianxing's mind.

Taking this opportunity, the Golden Retriever Lion moved towards Ye Qianxing again and sprinted away.

The two sharp claws glow with cold light, and they are mixed with a bit of Power of Slaughter.



The two sharp claws drew towards Ye Qianxing. Before they touched Ye Qianxing, even the space was forcibly torn apart.

When Ye Qianxing came back to his senses, sharp claw was already in front of him.

Ye Qianxing has a kind of intuition, if it is scored.

Even your Indestructible Vajra Body is difficult to resist.

"Lei Chee sword transforms into shape!"

With a turn of Ye Qianxing's wrist, Lei Chee sword appeared instantly, transforming into a round shield.

Ye Qianxing held a round shield in front of him, and at this time the sharp claw of the golden lion had also torn out.


A piercing, sharp scratch sounded.

It's like the sound of scratching a blackboard with your nails, which makes people very uncomfortable.

There were several deep scratches directly on Ye Qianxing's golden shield, but it quickly recovered.

This is one of the functions of phaseless gold, which can not only transform the shape, but also instantly recover if damaged.

"What, it can't be broken!"

The golden lion's boss is staring, and his strongest move doesn't work, it's blocked!


Ye Qianxing yelled, and the golden shield instantly transformed its form into a huge hammer several times larger than the golden lion.

Ye Qianxing is also welcome to pick up the hammer.

moved towards The Golden Retriever Lion is fiercely.

bang! bang! Boom...

There was a loud noise.

Two loud noises.

Three loud noises.


In front of the Monster Race, Ye Qianxing picked up the giant hammer and smashed it on the golden lion.

The earth trembles every time Ye Qianxing hits the giant hammer.

The ancient giant elephant and the monster beasts behind them were all stunned by this scene.

How can they imagine that it was a sneak attack by a golden lion before, how in a blink of an eye, they were hammered by that human.

After dozens of consecutive beatings, Ye Qianxing put the giant hammer away.

Wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The sledgehammer is too heavy, and after so many strokes, his arms are a little sore.

Looking at the golden lion again, half of his body sank into the ground, foaming at the mouth, his eyes rolled white, and he had apparently passed out.

"Young Lion!"

The giant elephant cried out in surprise, and moved towards Ye Qianxing also ran over.

The size of the giant elephant is really big, and it ran to Ye Qianxing's side in a few steps, and the giant elephant palm moved towards Ye Qianxing and stepped heavily on it.

This palm, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, also has a strong...feet smell!

"Wori, you have athlete's foot!"

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