As soon as Ye Qianxing's mind moved, Lei Qijian instantly turned into a huge awl.

The giant elephant's feet fell and stepped directly on the awl, just like an ordinary person stepped on a nail.

Even if the skin of the giant elephant is very hard, the Leiqi sword is now an Immortal Artifact of the 9th rank, and even the defense of the strong emperor can break through.

even more how the giant elephant.

He didn't show any mercy on this foot, and the harder he stepped on the sole of his foot, the heavier the injury he suffered.

pu chi sounded.

Leiqi's sword-shaped awl directly penetrated the sole of the giant elephant's feet, and the latter screamed, hurriedly lifted his feet, and blood spewed out without money.

"A Tooth For A Tooth, an ankle for a foot, I will fight...!"

Ye Qianxing learned from the sound of Li small dragon's fight when he made a strange cry and jumped He kicked directly at the giant elephant.

Pia heavily on the face of the giant elephant for hundreds of yards with his 41-yard foot.

Regardless of the big difference in body shape between the two sides, the strength is absolutely not bad.

Ye Qianxing has gained the power of a group of Spirit Pets, plus the 30-fold power increase of the reverse scale 3rd-layer. Although the level is only Sovereign level, the power alone is even an emperor. He can also compare to the strong in the realm.

When he was fighting against Yaodi, apart from the advantages of Leiqijian, he mainly relied on the spirit of not afraid of death and the powerful force comparable to the emperor realm.

Among them, Ye Qianxing's power is very important, otherwise, even if Lei Qijian is sharper, it will not necessarily break the defense of Emperor Yao.

Therefore, after Ye Qianxing stepped down like this, the giant elephant, which was already unstable on the foot due to an injury to the sole of the foot, fell directly to the ground.

The huge body fell to the ground, and the earth trembled violently.

Although the giant elephant fell to the ground, its eyes were red, and with a roar, the elephant's trunk moved towards Ye Qianxing and flew away in anger.

"Come back?"

Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes and burst into chill.

I thought that the other party would admit counsel, didn't expect still intending to continue to die.

Then fulfill him.

Ye Qianxing did not evade, waited until the trunk was in front of him, he slammed out his hands and hugged it.

I have to say that the power of the giant elephant is really great.

Ye Qianxing almost missed it.

However, the thirty-fold increase in power brought by reverse scale 3rd-layer is not a blow. Ye Qianxing added another force and quickly grasped it.

"Get up!"

Ye Qianxing yelled and lifted his hands vigorously.

The body of the giant elephant was nearly 100 tons, but Ye Qianxing shook it up directly.

Then moved towards a clearing is hit hard.


There was a loud noise, like a big earthquake, and a big hole was directly sunken in the open space.

This was not over yet, and Ye Qianxing tried harder again, grabbed the giant elephant’s nose and picked it up again, and then smashed it down.

Then pull it up, then drop it down.

Swipe up and drop down.

Swipe up and drop down.

Smash, smash......


Under this series of vibrations, the entire mountain almost collapsed.

The monster beasts who came to join in the fun with the golden lion and the ancient giant elephant were all stunned. They stood there and watched, watching how the giant elephant was thrown to the ground by Ye Qianxing.

Don't talk about them, even the silly vultures who think they already know Ye Qianxing can't help being stared wide-eyed at this time.

He knows that Ye Qianxing is very strong. After all, he saw Ye Qianxing seriously injured an emperor realm powerhouse with his own eyes, but he really did not expect that he would be so strong.

Ye Qianxing relied on Spirit Pet, the spirit of exhausting his cards and desperate spirit.

But at this time, facing the ancient giant elephant, he was completely unilaterally tortured.

Don't talk about the hole cards, I am afraid that even half of the full strength has not been played out.

Moreover, he still uses the most confident power of the giant elephant family to deal with him.

This is a typical pa pa pa face slap.

The abuse lasted for more than ten minutes. The ancient giant elephant has no idea how many times it has been lifted and dropped by Ye Qianxing. Anyway, the entire mountain has become pits and pits, and the sky is full of gazes.

Although the ancient giant elephant didn't suffer much damage because of its strong physique, Ye Qianxing's behavior is completely not harmful and insulting.

The ancient giant elephant may not be able to accept this fact, just like the golden lion, it passed out directly.

"You guys, who else wants to make trouble, let's just go together and save time."

Ye Qianxing points to those monster beasts who are still in shock Hello guys, they scared witless and fled without the slightest hesitation.

Just kidding, they are just here to build momentum, if the situation is beneficial to them, then they naturally don't mind showing off.

But the situation is obviously wrong now. The two leaders of them were abused and hovered between life and death. They still don't run away. Isn't that a brain problem?

Ye Qianxing carried the giant elephant in one hand, and the golden lion in the other hand, moved towards the group of monster beasts and threw it in the direction of escape.

"Don't take the garbage away when you leave, do you know how to be polite?"

Tone barely fell, there was a loud noise not far away, accompanied by The screams of a few monster beasts.

It is estimated that he was hit by bad luck.

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