"Really? But I can't even protect myself now, let alone save Monster Race?"

"As for the so-called White Night Organization, does it really exist? If it does, why Hasn't it appeared? Even when I was in crisis of life and death, I never appeared..."

Ye Qianxing looked into the distance and couldn't help but doubt himself.

The silly eagle patted Ye Qianxing lightly with his huge golden wings.

"Even if you are a genius, you always need time to grow. Your improvement rate is already very fast. I believe it will not be long before you don't need our blessing, and you will be able to stand out from the crowd."


The idiot comforted Ye Qianxing very rarely.

"Okay, don't bother you, you can stay here during this time, dare not say anything else, as long as you are still in the territory of our Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family, absolutely I won't let you have an accident."

After speaking, the silly eagle spread his wings and left.

Ye Qianxing turned around, but his face suddenly changed.

"Fog grass, can people still live here?"

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but yell.

After a great battle, the whole mountain is full of barrenness, with potholes and broken stones everywhere.

Fortunately, the small house is still there and there is not much damage.

Ye Qianxing sighed, and could only make do with it.

"The contract space, open."

Ye Qianxing thoughts move, the contract Space Gate opens, and all Spirit Pets come out.

"Ah, I finally came out. I have been in the contract space for a month. I am almost suffocating. Ah, the free air is so delicious."

As soon as I came out, Erbaiwu couldn't help howling the wolf.

Vajra, Xiaotaixu, and Little Monk are not as exaggerated as Erbaiwu, but they are also very excited.

They have been trapped in the contract space for a month, and they just came out when they were in the ancestral hall, and they were quickly taken back by him.

Now they can smell the fresh air outside, and see the blue sky and white clouds sunshine that they haven't seen for a long time, which really makes them very refreshing.

Ye Qianxing also knew that it was really boring to keep them in the contract space, so he released them immediately.

"This is the site of Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, Monster Race, so you don't have to go back to the contract space for the rest of this period. You can go around in the vicinity, but it's best not to go too far. Far away, I heard that there are many forbidden places in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, which is very dangerous."

Ye Qianxing said.

When Ye Qianxing said that it was not necessary to return to the contract space, Erbaiwu and the others jumped up excitedly.

The character of a creature like a husky is indeed a yearning for freedom and is more lively.

Being trapped in the contract space for so long, it bored him.

So Ye Qianxing didn't say much, just waved his hand and said.

"You all go and play, remember, don't be too far away, don't cause trouble, we..."

Ye Qianxing hasn't finished speaking yet, Erbaiwu and Xiao Taixu He took the lead and ran out of the house, making Ye Qianxing suddenly embarrassed.

Okay, I am a long-winded old mother.

"Others, I won't be too long-winded, you all go out and play."

Ye Qianxing said to Little Monk and Vajra who were still in place.

Soon, there are only Ye Qianxing and Lin Ruoxi left in the whole room.

"Sister Ruoxi, don't you go roam around?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

"Don't go, I'll stay with you."

Lin Ruoxi smiled and shook her head. She is a girl who likes to be quiet, and, compared to going out in chaos Walking around, being with Ye Qianxing makes her happy.

Seeing the worry in Lin Ruoxi's eyes, Ye Qianxing knew that she was scared.

Fear of losing yourself.

Earlier, Ye Qianxing almost died at the hands of Emperor Yao, which brought a psychological shadow to Lin Ruoxi. Although she did not appear, she knew everything that happened.

This kind of powerlessness, which can only look at but cannot help, is the most uncomfortable.

That's why Lin Ruoxi cherishes every second she spends with Ye Qianxing, because she is afraid that that kind of thing will happen again.

"Okay, then stay."

Ye Qianxing nodded.

It's getting late, Erbaiwu and the others still haven't come back.

But Ye Qianxing is not worried. He has a soul connection with the Spirit Pets. Although it is impossible to know their exact situation, the general situation is still clear.

He can feel that Erbaiwu and their emotions are excited and agitated at this time, it seems they should still be crazy outside, nothing happened.

Feel free to take out some spiritual medicine soup from the portable space for dinner.

No way, I searched the Immortal Medicine field in the small Thunder Sound Temple ruins, but now there are not many other things in his portable space, just spiritual medicine.

And it's not a low-end product, the last one is Grade 5 spiritual medicine.

If someone saw him using Grade 5 spiritual medicine to cook soup for dinner, he would probably be so angry that he would bleed on the spot and end in hatred.

"Qianxing, do you have any plans next?"

Lin Ruoxi asked, lying on the bed, leaning on Ye Qianxing's shoulder.

"Well, you still have to improve your strength first, otherwise you will not even be able to save your own life. If you want to quickly improve your strength, you still have to rely on you. However, although I have a lot of spiritual medicine, I don't have it. How much suits you, this is a question."

Ye Qianxing brows slightly wrinkle.

I can only watch, but I can’t use it, which is a bit uncomfortable

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