Would you like to try the system store?

The spiritual medicine in the system mall is rich in types, but they are all of high value. With the recovered value in his current account, he can't buy anything at all.

Unfortunately, the recovery value can only be reclaimed by the ghost soul, and cannot be exchanged for other things.

Otherwise, it would be perfect to exchange unnecessary spiritual medicine and treasure for the recovery value.

"The most indispensable thing in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains is the monster beast, maybe..."

Ye Qianxing suddenly had a bold idea, but he was quickly suppressed Up.

He is now under the fence. Those Monster Races are unhappy with him. If something happens to him, it may affect the Golden Wings Great Peng eagles.

This is not okay, that’s not okay, Ye Qianxing feels that his inadequate brain is about to explode.

"Okay, if you can't figure it out, I don't think about it. Anyway, we still have time."

Lin Ruoxi softly comforted while massaging Ye Qianxing's temples.

Ye Qianxing feels less uncomfortable now.

Lin Ruoxi's massage technique is very good, Ye Qianxing fell asleep unconsciously.

When he woke up again, the sun had already risen, Ye Qianxing got up and stretched his waist. This sleep was particularly comfortable.

It even gave him the urge to not want to get up.

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing smelled a scent.

He hurriedly looked, Lin Ruoxi was walking over with a bowl of soup.

"Get up, just right, breakfast is ready, come and eat."

Lin Ruoxi said with a smile.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly got up and came to the table. At this time, there were many dishes on the table. Although they were all vegetarian dishes, they smelled more fragrant than the delicacies of the mountains and the sea.

"They are all vegetarian dishes. Let's just eat them."

Lin Ruoxi said, filling Ye Qianxing with a bowl of soup.

Ye Qianxing stared at Lin Ruoxi in a daze. This feeling of getting up in the morning and her own woman prepared breakfast for herself, isn't it the life he has always dreamed of?

Ye Qianxing actually doesn't like fighting and killing. What he likes is the ordinary life, the kind of life where a family stays together and is happy.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing even had the urge to stay here and spend his whole life like this.

"Unfortunately, I have too many regrets. If these regrets are not resolved, I will not be happy even if I live my yearn for something even in dreams."

Ye Qianxing sighed, thinking in his heart.

He hasn't found his life experience yet, he hasn't found Xia Xiaoyu back, he hasn't fulfilled his responsibilities...He still needs to do too much.

"Hurry up and eat."

Lin Ruoxi said softly, but she still didn't have the softness before, instead she was disappointed.

In fact, she also wants Ye Qianxing to give up those and stay here.

With her, live a life peacefully and lightly.

However, she could see from the change in Ye Qianxing's expression, he still couldn't let go of those.

"I'm sorry, Sister Ruoxi, I swear, after I find Xiaoyu and my parents, I will give you the life you want."

Ye Qianxing grabbed Lin Ruoxi. Hand, said firmly.

Lin Ruoxi forced a generation of smiles, nodded.

Ye Qianxing didn't say much, so he planned to start eating.

However, when the first mouthful of rice had not yet been entered, there was a voice outside.

"Mr. Ye, are you awake, Mr. Ye?"

This voice Ye Qianxing is very strange. He walked out the door and saw that he saw a big vulture Is outside.

He called out the voice just now.

Being able to speak human's words means that he is at least a Beast King Level monster beast.

"Who are you?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

"Oh, Mr. Ye, I am Shao Xiao's subordinate, and he asked me to take you to the main peak."

said the condor.

The main peak is the mountain where Peng King is located.

Let him go there, is it Peng King looking for him?

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Qianxing nodded.

The vulture was about to squat down and let Ye Qianxing put on his back, but Ye Qianxing waved his hand and the flames of the beasts turned into a wyvern.

Ye Qianxing jumped up, jumped onto wyvern's back, and flew towards the main peak.

It's not that he thinks the flying speed of vultures is slow, but this guy's hair is bald, Ye Qianxing is indeed a bit disgusted.

Anyway, he also knows the direction of the main peak, so why bother others.

The Golden Wings Great Peng eagle has a very wide territory. Ye Qianxing lives close to the main peak, but it took more than ten minutes to arrive.

As soon as he approached, Ye Qianxing felt a powerful aura fluctuating there.

Looking into the distance, Ye Qianxing vaguely saw a giant elephant and a golden lion.

Compared with the two elephants and lions that I met last night, they are much larger, and their breath is even more terrifying.

Moreover, behind them, a group of monster beasts followed the ebony river. Looking at the imposing manner, it was obvious that the visitors were not kind.

Ye Qianxing can already guess their intentions.

The young ones are fighting, and the old ones are coming to take revenge.

"Lion King, Elephant King, you lead a group of monster beasts, so aggressive come to my Divine Peng Mountain, do you want to fight and fail?"

Peng King stared coldly at the opposite side The lion king and elephant king are all.

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