Erbaiwu blinked his eyes wide, looking pitiful.

This guy actually wanted to escape by pretending to be cute, but Ye Qianxing didn't buy it at all. If he caused such a big disaster, do you think you can just pretend to be cute?

The point is that you are not cute, nor are you Samoyed or Alaska.

He slapped Erbaiwu on the forehead unceremoniously.

"You are quite courageous. If you don't mess with the normal Monster Race, you can still mess with these Ancient Ominous Beasts who have lived in seclusion for many years. What am I saying!"

"The point is that you not only caused trouble by yourself, but also took Vajra and Little Monk with them. Both of them are honest and timid, you and your little wife The virtual belt is broken... Oh, right, where is Xiao Tai Xu?"

Ye Qianxing cursed and suddenly realized a problem.

Why is Xiao Taixu missing?

I just got angry and didn't notice, but now I realize that Xiao Taixu has disappeared!

"Little Mud Fish... he was separated from us. He said he would take away the chasing soldiers, so he stayed behind."

Erbaiwu's head is lower, and he finally Realizing that the trouble he was causing didn't seem to be small, even Xiao Taixu got in.

"Little Taixu Palace Empress?"

Ye Qianxing stared wide-eyed.

Although Xiao Taixu is powerful, he is only a trifling king.

What about Ancient Ominous Beast? But all belong to the Monster Emperor level!

Isn't this courting death if you stay?


Ye Qianxing was so angry that his veins were violent, but he knew that it was not the time to be angry, so he quickly felt it and finally sighed in relief.

In his induction, although Xiao Taixu's state is not very good at this time, there is no major event.

"You must quickly find Xiao Taixu, but now you have to solve the immediate trouble."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart, and then gave Erbaiwu an angry look.

"Wait until the matter is over, and then settle accounts with you!"

"Peng Senior Wang, sorry, I have caused trouble for you again, but let the juniors handle this matter by themselves. , The juniors still have some Immortal Medicines here, which should be able to make up for their losses."

Ye Qianxing moved towards Peng King said.

"Ai, I hope it can be resolved peacefully."

Peng King sighed, but there is a bad intuition in his heart.

At these times when they were talking, the ominous beasts arrived, and the fierce spirit enveloped the entire mountain.

"Peng King, hand over those mice, otherwise the deity will level your Divine Peng mountain!"

The nine overlapping voices from Nine-Headed The bird came out of the ghost car.

The extremely cold aura immediately turned the entire Divine Peng mountain into a Nether Hell, and the screams of ghosts seemed to be heard in the void.

Ominous beast: Ghost car/Nine-headed ghost bird

Attribute: Demon system

Evaluation: Eight-star half grade

Grade: SSR5/Emperor Level Five

Abilities: Monster Bird Locking Soul, Ghost Fire Flurry, Extinguishing Breath

The ghostly Ghost Qi of the ghost car diffuses, except for the Golden Wings Great Peng. The races with Ancient Divine Beast or Ancient Ominous Beast bloodline like the eagle tribe, golden lion tribe, and giant elephant tribe can still maintain their composure. Other Monster Races are directly scared to the ground.

"Hiss, it really deserves to be Ancient Ominous Beast, this aura is simply not what we can compare."

The elephant king can't help but suck in a cold breath.

The ghost car, Ancient Ominous Beast, which existed in the same era as Yuan Ancient Dragon Elephant and Golden Retriever, may not be much higher in level than them, but the aura of the whole body is definitely not comparable to them. .

The Lion King sneered in his eyes.

"Hehe, I watched it lively. The Golden Wings Great Peng eagles seem to have provoke those Ancient Ominous Beasts. Although ghost cars and snakes are gone, the foundation is still there. I really do whatever it takes to deal with the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan, even the Peng King, I’m afraid I can’t bear it."

The golden lion king looked at the lively expression on his face.

"So, we just need to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, and then sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits."

Her face was sneered.

In the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, only the Golden Wings Great Peng clan can overwhelm their two clan.

Once the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan has a problem, they can take possession of the magpie's nest and win the Imperial Family of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Monster Race.

Peng King looked towards the ghost car, and the look of dreading appeared in his eyes.

But as Head of a Clan, and the strength is stronger than the opponent, Peng King is not much afraid.

He said solemnly.

"Ghost cars, snakes, you are restless in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, come to my Divine Peng Mountain, what do you do, and you lie to level Divine Peng Mountain, you think you have this strength Is it?"

After all, Peng King also showed a strong aura.

Although Golden Wings Great Peng is not an orthodox Divine Peng, it is not as good as the Ancient Ominous Beast such as ghost cars and snakes, but his level of strength is stronger than the opponent.

It can make up for these.

No matter who is right or wrong, the ghost car arrogantly stepped on Divine Peng Mountain as soon as it appeared, which made Peng King very upset.

So, his reply is also unceremonious.

Feeling the powerful aura of Peng King, Ghost Car and Teng Snake glance at each other, and the imposing manner has somewhat converged.

No way, Peng King is the seventh tier of the Emperor, two tiers higher than them.

In the emperor class, even a small rank is insurmountable, unless the bloodline ranks of the two sides are very different.

But obviously, Peng King's Divine Peng bloodline is not much worse than them.

"Peng King, let’s not talk secretly. Just now those mice escaped to you. This is what we saw with our own eyes. They stole the Heaven and Earth Treasure in the realm of the deity. You must give an explanation."

Teng Snake said hoarsely.

"There is also the Nine Nether demon flower that the deity has worked so hard to cultivate for thousands of years."

The ghost car also coldly said.

Su: "The Immortal Medicines stored by the deity have also been emptied by them!"

Zhu Wei: "There are also the deity's..."

Su猊: "..."

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