The group of Ancient Ominous Beasts said their losses one after another and moved towards Peng King to ask their guilt.

Listening to their words, Peng King's face became more and more gloomy, and even Ye Qianxing's face became worse and worse.

Fiercely glared at Erbaiwu, what the hell did this guy do!

Only Silly Diao looked at Erbaiwu with admiration.

"You are bolder than this Uncle, I admire it."


"tsk tsk tsk, lion king, it looks like this The excitement is not small. The Heaven and Earth Treasures they mentioned are not vulgar products. It is estimated that even if Divine Peng Mountain is emptied, it will not be lost."

The look of pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Just now Peng King made him lose his face in front of a crowd of Monster Races. He still hates him now. Although he is not Peng King's opponent, he can watch Peng King have an accident. Cool.

"Hey, it is true. It seems that we don’t need to worry about it. The Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family probably cannot escape this tribulation."

The Golden Lion King also sneered. .

The Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family has the highest status in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. The territories that can be occupied by war will allocate more resources. As long as the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle falls, they can replace it.

When the time comes with more resources allocated, the strength of the two clans will also be stronger.

"Ai, it seems that the matter is really serious."

Peng King sighed, a touch of worry appeared in his eyes.

These ominous beasts are different from other Monster Races. Other Monster Races may also attach importance to the identity of Ye Qianxing's successor to the White Nights organization, but these ominous beasts have nothing to do with the White Nights organization.

It won't give face at all.

Ye Qianxing said hurriedly.

"Peng Senior Wang, this is caused by my Spirit Pet, I will find a way to solve it."

After that, Ye Qianxing did not wait for Peng King to persuade , Looked towards a step forward, moved towards the group of ominous beasts exuding hostility in front of them, cup one fist in the other hand and said.

"Seniors, this time the incident is indeed the fault of the juniors. If they have not been properly disciplined, the juniors will also compensate all the seniors for their losses."

Ye Qianxing One When he stood up, all eyes immediately shifted to him again, and the group of ominous beast remnants even glanced at each other, with some doubts.


"As far as I know, don’t the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains not allow humans to set foot?"

These ominous beasts are very It was doubtful, but in the end the Nine-Headed Bird ghost car spoke.

It has nine heads and eighteen eyes staring at Ye Qianxing at the same time, which brings a strong sense of depression to Ye Qianxing.

This is what it is putting pressure on Ye Qianxing.

Although the ominous beast was strong, Ye Qianxing still forcibly supported it.

Straighten your back and stare at each other recklessly.

"Interestingly, you, a trivial ant trivial human being, can even withstand a trace of the deity's coercion. Listen to what you just said, those mice that stole things are yours?"

said the ghost car.

If Ye Qianxing can't bear even the slightest pressure from him, then he is not qualified to communicate with him. Now that he is able to hold it, he will speak.

"It's not a subordinate, but a partner, the ghost car senior. In any case, it is their fault in the first place. The junior is willing to double the compensation, and I ask the seniors to calm their anger."

Although Ye Qianxing's words are respectful, his tone and attitude are neither humble nor overbearing.

He is not black and white. Since it was Erbaiwu and they made a mistake first, then he was willing to apologize and compensate for them.

But this does not mean that he will be afraid.


Upon hearing Ye Qianxing's words, the ghost car narrowed its eighteen eyes at the same time, revealing its brilliance, but immediately turned into disdain.

"Hehe, even if the entire Divine Peng mountain is emptied, it may not be able to give us double compensation. You, a little human, would have this ability?"

"Human Boy, in front of the deity, it's best not to talk casually. If you can't do it, the deity will be angry!" Teng Snake also said in a cold and hoarse voice.

Obviously, they don't believe that Ye Qianxing can double the compensation.

Ye Qianxing didn't talk nonsense. With a move of his mind, he directly took out all the Immortal Medicines in the portable space.

In an instant, there was a small hill beside him, a hill formed by the accumulation of Immortal Medicine!

The strong medicinal fragrance spreads instantly and spreads throughout the mountain range.

The monster beasts present suddenly had their eyes bright, and they stared greedily at the Immortal Medicine hill next to Ye Qianxing.

Even the Golden Retriever Lion King and the Giant Elephant King are no exception.

Sure enough, the wealth should not be exposed. Ye Qianxing is certain that if there are no many powerhouses of Peng King and Golden Wings Great Peng eagles by his side at this time, these Monster Races will definitely flock to him and compete for his Immortal Medicine. .

No way, mainly because these Immortal Medicines are really too attractive.

The worst is Grade 7 Immortal Medicine, and the highest is the high-end quality of Grade 8. Even if the resources in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains are abundant, there is no shortage of Immortal Medicine.

But it is indeed tempting for such a large amount of Immortal Medicine to be placed here.

Even Peng King and Shao Diao were stunned.

"Fogweed, kid, why do you have so many Immortal Medicines?"

"Even the Immortal Medicines in my Old Master vault, they are not like you here. That's so much."

The silly eagle couldn't help but smack his lips.

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