"He actually broke through, the medicine pill is really useful!"

"The bottleneck, which hasn’t moved for thousands of years, has been in such a short period of minutes. Time for the breakthrough!"

The aura of the ghost car is obviously more than twice as powerful as before, and the Ancient Ominous Beasts such as Teng Snake and the ferocious are all dumbfounded.

Both of them are Ancient Ominous Beast, and they have stayed in the fifth tier of the Emperor for thousands of years. Naturally, it is clear how difficult it is for this bottleneck to break through.

Between the fifth stage of the imperial level and the sixth stage of the imperial level, there is a section of the sky. Many Monster Races with high levels of bloodline are stuck in this step.

Unless there is some opportunity, it is difficult to break through.

The opportunity for the ghost car is the Nine Nether magic flower. No, to be precise, it should be the Immortal Pill.

In fact, even if he even takes two Nether Magic Flowers, he may not necessarily be able to break through, and there is even a great risk.

Because Immortal Medicine has not been refined into Immortal Pill, the impurities contained in it are very likely to be fatal.

In the ghost car family, seniors tried to break through the bottleneck through this method, but most of them burst into death because they couldn't bear the violent energy.

The success rate is less than 30%.

In the past, ghost cars always held the mentality of death, thinking that if they didn't succeed, they would become benevolent.

As a result, just after a decision was made, Erbaiwu stole the Nether Magic Flower.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

Actually, Ye Qianxing is the chance for the ghost car.

"The deity really has a breakthrough, it really has a breakthrough, hahaha, what heavens have eyes!"

The ghost car couldn't help laughing directly because it was too excited and breathed. If you don't master it well, many monster beasts have suffered.

Regarding this, they can only dare not say anything.

The ghost car was excited for a while, and finally it eased a bit.

Suddenly, his nine pairs of scarlet eyes were aimed at Ye Qianxing again, but this time it was no longer the ice cold before, but with some heat instead.

Ye Qianxing is very awkward. Ye Qianxing has seen this look in the eyes of an old man who has been single for several decades.

Of course, in the end, Ye Qianxing directly used his 41 size shoes pia on the wretched old man's 45 size face.

"You have a breakthrough, so the previous bet should be counted as I won, right?"

Ye Qianxing said.

The ghost car looked at Ye Qianxing slyly, suddenly sneered.

"The deity has lived for thousands of years. No one has ever dared to bet with the deity. Moreover, he won the bet. The deity has not lost in this life."

The ghost car said quietly, Ye Qianxing's expression suddenly changed.

Should the other party agree to it?

Sure enough, it is Ancient Ominous Beast, I can’t believe it easily, my words don’t count!

"So, you plan not to admit it."

Ye Qianxing coldly said.

He had already made preparations for a desperate fight, but the ghost car suddenly laughed, and the cold air on his body also converged.

The scarlet in his eyes also began to dissipate, and there was no more fierceness.

"No, the deity has never lost in this life, but this time, the deity gave in and was convinced of the loss."


Ye Qianxing, the fighting intent that rose to the top, suddenly stagnated, with a dazed expression on his face.

What's the situation, changing your face so quickly?

Seeing the expression of Ye Qianxing, the ghost car laughed.

"Hahaha, are you scared? Don't worry. Although the deity is called Ancient Ominous Beast by you, it has a fickle temper, but the basic grievances can still be seen clearly. The deity needs your help, breakthrough Bottleneck, you are kind to the deity, and the previous things will be cancelled."

"Moreover, the deity can still befriend you."

Said the ghost car, Ye Qianxing finally sighed in relief.

Good friends?

Hearing the words behind the ghost car, Ye Qianxing understood his true intentions.

This guy, because he has taken a fancy to his level of refining medicine, so he wants to make friends with himself so that he can ask him in the future, so he can speak up.

Although I saw Xiao Jiujiu of the ghost car, Ye Qianxing did not refuse.

This is not bad for him.

The ghost car needs his alchemy level, and he doesn't need the blessing of the ghost car.

In any case, the current strength of the ghost car is completely enough to protect him, and multiple friends are better than multiple enemies.

As for whether the ghost car said that he wanted to meet him sincerely, Ye Qianxing didn't care, saying that it was an intercourse, rather it was a transaction, and the maintenance of the relationship between the two parties was only a matter of interest.

The ghost car is using him, and at the same time, he is also using the ghost car to use each other.

"Since the ghost car senior does not dislike it, the younger generation is naturally willing to meet with you. This is the honor of the younger generation."

Say good things, who wouldn't say it, anyway Ye Qianxing If it is, it is very comfortable to hear in the ears of ghost cars.

"hahaha! Well, didn't expect this deity has been alone for thousands of years, and can still make friends, boy, whoever dares to bully you in the future, just report the name of the deity. Don’t dare to say it when you’re too big. Looking at the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, the name of the deity is still very useful."

Ghost car said with a laugh.

"Hey, I said, stop chatting for now, our business hasn't been resolved yet." Tengshe said suddenly, interrupting Ye Qianxing and the ghost car. dialogue.

Ye Qianxing just remembered that the matter has not been resolved yet, Erbaiwu and the others have caused too much trouble. They have provoked more than one Ancient Ominous Beast!

So he hurriedly moved towards Tengshe asked.

"How do seniors want to make up for the younger generation?"

"Cough cough, it doesn't need to be much, just like the old guy in the ghost car, just help me break through the bottleneck."

Tengshe said, but his tone was not as strong as before.

Even... with a hint of begging.

Not only Teng Snake, Xi, Zhu Wei, Suan and other Ancient Ominous Beast looked towards Ye Qianxing, their gazes are no longer as cold as before.

No way, Ye Qianxing has already demonstrated a super high level of refining medicine, showing his value.

Where do they dare to look down upon, even in their opinion, Ye Qianxing is their breakthrough bottleneck opportunity.

Naturally, I don't dare to offend too much.

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