"Cough cough, yeah, this... little friend, let’s also count as out of blows friendship grows. Let’s make friends. Just like the Old Guy in the ghost car just now, give it to us. We all practice a medicine pill to help us break through the bottleneck, and all the previous things have been wiped out."

Xi also hurriedly agreed with him, even directly calling Ye Qianxing a little friend.

This is the beginning of friendship.

When the other Ancient Ominous Beasts saw this, they dared to fall behind and scrambled to make friends with Ye Qianxing.

"My little friend, as long as you can help me through the bottleneck, not only is the previous thing written off, I can also owe you a favor. In the future, wherever I can be useful, Zhu Fan will definitely not back down! "

"Me too!"

"And the deity..."

Looking at these are still full of anger, I wish I could peel myself and eat it. The Ancient Ominous Beast of meat turned so fast at this time.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help being a little dazed.

Peng King on the side gave Ye Qianxing a weird look, faintly said.

"You brat, you are such a powerful Immortal Medicine teacher, you hide it very deeply. If you tell me earlier, I won't be so worried about where there are such things."

"And you brat, I don't even tell Lao Tzu if I know this!"

Peng King patted the fool's head again with his wings.

Looking at this strength, Ye Qianxing has some doubts that this guy's brain is not working well, might it be because he was beaten like this by his old fogey since he was a child...

"Um... I don't. Didn't expect these? And I don't know that this kid has such a high level of medicine refining, old fogey, you have earned it. With this kid, will we still lack medicine pills in the future? You should thank me. "

The silly eagle said aggrievedly.

He really doesn't know the level of Ye Qianxing's refining medicine.

Peng King seems to be complaining, but in fact, he has long been happy in his heart.

He did make a lot of money, and he made a lot of money. Ye Qianxing is actually a 9th-level Immortal Medicine teacher.

Moreover, he can refine the 9th-Rank Immortal Pill so easily, and his refining level can reach at least 9th-Rank High-level. Immortal Medicine division of this level, Heavenly Jade Continent is not one. , Even if you look at the entire Spirit World, it is estimated that you can't find a few.

The most important thing is that Ye Qianxing is still so young...It will only get better in the future.

"This smelly brat usually causes trouble for Lao Tzu, but this time it was a big help. Well, I have to find some time for Ye Qianxing this kid to give me more medicine pill. God knows when he will leave. Now..."

Peng King thought in his heart, his gaze looking towards Ye Qianxing was full of enthusiasm.

Before, he was only grateful for Ye Qianxing, plus some guilt for his ancestors, but now, he completely regards Ye Qianxing as a noble person.

With Ye Qianxing here, why worry that the Golden Wings Great Peng carving clan will not be stronger?

In fact, whether it is Human Race or Monster Race, Medicine Refining Master is obviously very popular, especially Monster Race, which lacks Medicine Refining Master.

They can't concoct medicine by themselves, and they don't want to believe in human beings.

Therefore, even if the resources are abundant, they can only use the most dumb and primordial method to swallow them directly. This is not only a waste, but also easy to breed impurities and even toxins in the body.

So Monster Race is more eager to befriend the Medicine Refining Master.

Not to mention, Ye Qianxing is the top Immortal Medicine division who can refine even the 9th-Rank Immortal Pill.

"Lion King, what...what should I do?"

The mood of the giant elephant king and the golden lion king at this time is completely opposite to that of Peng King. This time it was defeated.

"Grandma, God knows this guy is still a 9th-Rank Immortal Medicine Master, what else can you do? Look at the eyes of those guys, you will definitely not want to expel that human kid, our abacus, It's empty..."

A deep loneliness flashed in the eyes of the Golden Retriever Lion King.

After this time, with the help of Ye Qianxing, the Golden Wings Great Peng family will definitely become stronger, and they will have no chance.

It may even be rejected.

"While that human kid hasn't paid attention to us yet, hurry up, or you will lose your face later."

The Golden Retriever Lion King said, cautiously Want to leave.

But Ye Qianxing has already noticed his every move.

sneered, said moved towards the ominous beasts.

"Dear seniors, in fact, the juniors also want to help you through the bottleneck quickly and make up for your losses, but I am afraid there is still some trouble."

Listening to Ye Qianxing's words, those few Ancient Ominous Beast was so nervous that his heart jumped to his throat.

They are now afraid of something wrong. This is related to their breakthrough bottleneck major event, and they must never make mistakes.

"Trouble? What's the trouble? Little friend, just say, if you have the deity, any trouble is not a trouble."

"Yes, brother, what's the trouble, Old Brother I'll bear it for you!"

"You just say it is..."

The ominous beasts such as 狰, Zhu Wei, 狻猊, Teng Snake, etc. scrambled to say, arguing. To help Ye Qianxing solve the trouble, just to leave a good impression in his heart.

Ye Qianxing shrugged, said.

"This trouble, seniors may not be able to solve it."

"hmph, is there any problem that we can't solve, my friend, just say it." "

Teng Snake's voice is hoarse but full of confidence.

"Well, in fact, the juniors also want to help you senior breakthrough bottleneck quickly, but unfortunately, they don't allow the juniors to stay in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, and want to expel the juniors, otherwise, seniors will follow The younger generation moved away from the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains?"

Ye Qianxing pretended to say helplessly.

The silly eagle on the side almost couldn't help laughing.

I didn't see it, this guy is playing bad, sluggish.

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