Leaving Hundred Thousand Great Mountains?

A group of ominous beasts such as Teng Snake and Fei looked at each other and shook the head one after another.

How could this be possible, with their ferocious aura, once they left the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, they would definitely be discovered by those strong Human Race.

Although they are arrogant, they are still very afraid of the strong human race.

"hmph, rest assured, little friend, there is the deity, no Monster Race yet dare to expel you!"

"Do you want to expel my brother? You can try it! "

"Little friends, don't worry about them, there are deities, I see who dares to say a word!"

A crowd of Ancient Ominous Beasts all pointed their fingers at those I have just been clamoring to expel Ye Qianxing Monster Race.

Scared them to courage entirely to break, they dare not say a word at all.

They dared to persecute the Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle Clan, because they knew in their hearts that Peng King was the most concerned about the overall situation and would not do anything to them at all.

But these Ancient Ominous Beasts are different. They have a cruel personality and can do everything. They don't care about other things at all. They do things with their heart and do what they want.

It really provokes them, even if it is a slaughter clan, it is not impossible.

"Uh...what, this little friend, we were too radical just now. Actually, if you think about it carefully, you have a very good relationship with Peng King, and you have become a brother with Xiao Xiao. I am a member of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Monster Race, so I have the right to stay."

In the end, it was the ten thousand-year-old tortoise who spoke.

He is really scared.

Other Monster Race will respect him because of his seniority.

These Ancient Ominous Beasts don't care about it.

It's like in a village, people are full of respect for the oldest old man, but those little gangsters don't care about it.

These Ancient Ominous Beasts will be equivalent to the vagrant punks in those villages.

"Old Turtle, I remember that you didn't say that before."

Said stupidly mystifying.

The tortoise's wrinkled face couldn't help showing embarrassment.

Peng King gave a silly look. Isn't this intentionally embarrassing the old man?

Although he is very happy to see Mr. Turtle like this, he is also an elder after all, and basic respect is still necessary.

Peng King cares about these, Ye Qianxing does not care.

He looked at the Old Tortoise and said.

"No, old turtle, I remember you said before that Hundred Thousand Great Mountains does not allow humans to set foot, saying this is the rule, I can't break your rule."

Ye Qianxing said with a cold laugh.

Old Turtle didn't know that Ye Qianxing was teasing himself, but now Ye Qianxing is covered by those Ancient Ominous Beasts, he dare not say anything at all.

"There are two seniors, the elephant king and the lion king. You seem to have said that if humans set foot in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, they must kill without mercy. Alas, a few seniors, the younger generation is about to die, it seems I can't pill concocting for you anymore."

Ye Qianxing said with a sad face.

The elephant king and the lion king who were just about to escape secretly stopped immediately, and all their eyes were concentrated on them.

It also includes the hostile gazes of Ancient Ominous Beast.

Both of his bodies froze immediately.

Although their strength is not weaker than that of the Ancient Ominous Beast, they are also panicked by so many eyes.

How those Ancient Ominous Beasts didn't understand that Ye Qianxing actually wanted to use their imposing manner to deal with these Monster Races, but they didn't care, they used each other.

Ye Qianxing is useful to them, but they are very happy.

"Want to kill the brother of the deity? Huh, then you have to pass the level of the deity first."

"Who dares to attack, the deity will destroy his clan with a single hair! "

"Long nose, golden retriever, do you want to move my brother?"

The ancient Ominous Beast, such as Teng Snake, Fei, Zhu Wei, glared at the Elephant King and Lion King, all over their bodies. The qi erupted, and even the ghost car released its coercion, directly attacking the elephant king and the lion king.

The ghost car just broke through the bottleneck and was promoted to the sixth tier of the emperor. The Ghost Qi on his body directly condensed a layer of frost on the elephant king and the lion king.

"Hehe, my little friend, in fact, we were all joking with you just now. We are all very kind. You have such a good relationship with the Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle Clan. That is the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Monster. Friends of Race, how could we expel you."

The Golden Lion King gritted his teeth, but still said vaguely.

After speaking, he couldn't wait to dig a crack in the ground and escape.

But Ye Qianxing won't be so easy. He is sneaked.

"Are you kidding? Sorry, my heart is a bit bad, and it's not a joke at all. You guys really scared me just now. It's estimated that I won't be able to recover in half a month in ten days." "

As he said, Ye Qianxing also covered his left chest with a lingering fear.

Those Ancient Ominous Beasts are also very sophisticated, and they don't understand the meaning of Ye Qianxing.

Teng Snake coldly said directly.

"hmph, long nose, golden retriever, if you two don't give an explanation, don't care about the deity. The deity is just boring recently, but you can go to your giant elephant and lion hump. "

Threat, naked threat!

The faces of the Golden Retriever Lion King and the Giant Elephant King have changed.

If this guy goes there, then their giant elephant peak and lion hump are estimated to have blood flowing into a river, and most of them will die.

The giant elephant king couldn't help it anymore and directly asked Ye Qianxing solemnly asked.

"Then what exactly do you want to do?"

"Um, this...I really have to think about it."

Ye Qianxing showed his thoughts With his expression, he gestured to the silly eagle beside him with his eyes.

This guy and Ye Qianxing are getting in touch with each other, and they understand in an instant.

"Lion King, Elephant King, my brother was so scared by you, I have to give some of the mental damage fee, and it doesn't take too much. Each of you will put out one-tenth of the resources. Treat my brother."

The silly eagle said directly without thinking.

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