One-tenth of the resources?

Hearing the words of the silly eagle, the eyes of the golden lion king and the giant elephant king almost stared out. This fuck is Lion's big mouth!

This king can't open such a big mouth!

The Golden Retriever Lion murmured in his heart.

Regardless of whether it is the golden lion clan or the giant elephant clan, they all have more than one hundred thousand years of heritage. Although they were affected in the epic battle three hundred years ago, they are by no means ordinary monsters. Race can be compared.

The combined resources of one-tenth of their two races are definitely more than some of the upper-middle Monster Race forces in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

Who can afford so much mental loss?

"Little Eagle, are you kidding us? You are the Young Master of the Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle Clan. It should be clear that the loss of one-tenth of the resources will be great to our two clan. Influence."

The Golden Retriever Lion King said solemnly.

They are not as good as the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan. If they lose another tenth of their resources, they will only lag further behind. When the time comes, they may even be overtaken by other Monster Race.

"One-tenth of the resources, this is a robbery!"

The grumpy elephant king couldn't help shouting angrily.

"Yes, it's robbery. You only have two choices. One is to compensate the brother of the deity as many as possible, and the other is, hehe..."

"Several brothers have not been hanging out for a long time After that, the past few days have time, you can go to the Giant Elephant Peak and Lion Hump to play."

The ghost car said with a smile, Ghost Qi filled the air again.

"hmph, you offend the brother of the deity, do you think you can easily forget it? If the brother is not satisfied, the deity will kill, let your corpses everywhere across the field, blood flowing into a river Gē gē gē, the deity hasn’t eaten lion meat and elephant meat for a long time, and I still miss it."

Teng Snake is also sneered, full of threats.

The complexions of the Golden Lion King and the Giant Elephant King suddenly changed, especially when they thought of what these Ancient Ominous Beasts had done before, they couldn't help being heart trembled.

They have no doubt about the authenticity of the words of these Ancient Ominous Beasts, they can absolutely do such a thing.

An Ancient Ominous Beast has already made them difficult to deal with, not to mention that there are seven or eight Ancient Ominous Beasts here, when the time comes to break into their territory together, it is definitely a game The catastrophe.

"...Well, one-tenth is one-tenth."

Finally, the Golden Retriever Lion King gritted his teeth and said.

Spoil your wealth and avoid disasters. Losing one-tenth of the resources is better than blood flowing into a river.

The golden lion kings all admit defeat, and the elephant king naturally has nothing to say.

The Ancient Ominous Beast agreed to let them go back. After all, it takes time to prepare to pay.

They are not worried about the Golden Retriever Lion King and the Giant Elephant King's shamelessness, because almost all Monster Race know their tempers and dare to deceive them, but the consequences are very serious.

"Hehe, Little Brother, are you satisfied with this result?"

As soon as the Golden Retriever Lion King and the Colossus King left, Teng Snake and the other Ancient Ominous Beast moved towards Ye Qianxing smiled flatteringly.

In contrast to the previous fierceness, I was dumbfounded by seeing Monster Race around me.

"Since the juniors can continue to stay in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, then naturally they can concocting for the senior pill."

Ye Qianxing is naturally very satisfied, and the two clans pay very much separately. One of the resources.

Although he is not quite clear about the background of the Golden Retriever Lion Race and the Giant Elephant Race, he can still guess some of them.

They have dozens or even millions of years of background. Although the ebbing of time has gradually declined, the resources they have are absolutely extremely rich.

One-tenth of the resources of the two races is definitely a big profit.

Therefore, Ye Qianxing is very happy, and naturally he will not be stingy.

At this time, Xiao Lei had already finished refining the intermediate Pill God Thunder in his body, and his strength level jumped directly to the Sovereign level.

This is another surprise.

The materials for pill concocting are naturally prepared by these Ancient Ominous Beasts.

First, Teng Snake gave the Immortal Medicine needed for pill concocting to Ye Qianxing, which is also a ninth-grade Immortal Medicine, but it is still one difference compared to the Nine Nether magic flower in the ghost car. Small grade.

Ye Qianxing put the nine-grade Immortal Medicine given by Tengshe into Shennong Cauldron, and then threw some ordinary spiritual medicine to neutralize and maintain medicinal power.

This time, Shennong Cauldron's refining medicine is significantly faster.

Before refining the Immortal Pill, it took several hours, but Shennong Cauldron also successfully recovered to the ninth rank.

So the efficiency of refining the 9th Immortal Pill is also higher.


This time it took only over an hour to succeed. A thundercloud gathered on the sky again, and I felt the violent energy in the thundercloud. It is estimated that it was another wave of Thunder Tribulation.

"Xiao Lei, how is this time?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

"hmph, light and easy."

Xiao Lei is coldly snorted, extremely confident.

Before the breakthrough, he could sustain it, and now it has directly broken through to the Sovereign level.

As long as there is no presence above the high level Divine Lightning, he can easily take it.

"That's good."

Ye Qianxing believes in this.

Thunder Tribulation comes down, one wave, two waves, three waves... The ninth wave of the Eighth Wave is another intermediate Pill God thunder.

However, this time Xiao Lei is no longer as painful as before.

After breakthrough, his appetite has become even bigger.

After swallowing the seventy-one Dao Pill thunder in front, he was only five or six points full.

The last mid-level Pill God thunder fell and was swallowed by Xiao Lei, without even a bit of Power of Thunder spilling out.


Ye Qianxing soon felt that Xiao Lei's level was loosening again.

Go directly from Sovereign level one to Sovereign level three.

At the same time, a powerful thunder energy also poured into Ye Qianxing's body. This is Xiao Lei's upgrade to him.

"Is it up two more levels?"

Ye Qianxing was a little dissatisfied, but this was also expected.

The first time to swallow the Intermediate Pill God Thunder is definitely different from the second time.

Just like some people taking sleeping pills for the first time are very effective, the more the times, the body will develop resistance, and the effect will get worse and worse.

Although this analogy is not entirely correct, it is also similar. The intermediate Pill God mine has no effect on Xiao Lei as much as before. The more you go to the back, the worse the effect.

As for the primary level Pill God thunder and even the worse heavenly thunder, the effect is even more minimal. The mines under the heavenly thunder and the ordinary thunder, it is simply not enough to plug the gap between the teeth.

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