The silly eagle's huge body soars in midair, moving towards the direction of Dragon's roar.

"Brother Ye, you must be very careful later. There is also a reason why it is called the largest forbidden place in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. Almost three-four hundred years ago, a Monster Emperor entered by mistake. Forbidden land, the result never came out again."

"Later, the Monster Race where the Monster Emperor was located sent many strong men to search. As a result, none of them came out alive. Finally, another member of the clan The Monster Emperor, their patriarch, has also entered the forbidden area."

The silly eagle's tone is very serious, and he no longer hangs on Erlang as before.

Obviously, he is extremely afraid of this forbidden area.

"Later, didn't you come out?"

Ye Qianxing was aroused by curiosity and couldn't help asking.

"No, he has come out. It can be said that he is the only one who came out alive among all the Monster Races that entered the forbidden area, but..."

"But what?"

Ye Qianxing brows frowned, at this time, are you still selling Guanzi with him?

But Ye Qianxing obviously misunderstood the stupid eagle, and he was not selling it, because his breath was obviously trembling.

After pondering for a while, the silly eagle finally continued.

"However, in fact, it is almost the same as death. The Monster Emperor was wounded all over his body, and his internal organs were completely destroyed. With the emperor's cultivation base, he could barely support it."

"His eyes are full of fear, that kind of fear, I don't know how to describe it, anyway, according to my old fogey, that kind of fear can spread, and even affect the surrounding Monster Race."

"The Monster Emperor died not long after he came out. From beginning to end, he only repeated one sentence... No, don't kill me! No, don't kill me!"

No, don't kill me?

Ye Qianxing listened to the words of the silly eagle, but also heart trembled.

It can make an emperor-level powerhouse so desperate, even mad with fear, even abandoning his dignity and asking for mercy.

What has he experienced?

What terrifying existence is there in this forbidden land?

"Although the forbidden area has existed a long time ago, in fact many Monster Races don’t believe it very much, but after that, the name of the forbidden area has been established, and no Monster Race dare Nearly half a step, and it was after that incident that Hundred Thousand Great Mountains began to be uneven, and Monster Race was always missing."

"Monster Race at the time suspected that this incident was related to the forbidden area. , But there is no way to solve it. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for Monster Race to disappear, and nothing else happened. So this matter gradually faded away, and all races chose to forget it, even I don’t dare to talk about the forbidden area anymore."

"Actually, you asked to go to the forbidden area. Those Monster Races will definitely block it, but maybe because you are afraid of your ominous beast brothers, so I didn’t say it. Come out."

The silly eagle explained.

Ye Qianxing has become more and more afraid of this so-called forbidden land, but this does not affect his motivation to move forward, even if it is climbing a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire, he will definitely support Xiao Tai Xu, even if he pays his life for it.

While speaking, they have traveled dozens of kilometers.

The Hundred Thousand Great Mountains are indeed very large, and the forbidden area is in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. The natural phenomenon before seems very close, but it is actually very far away.

Goes towards the mountain but runs to death the horse. That's what it means. The speed of the silly eagle is already very fast. After all, he has the Divine Peng bloodline, but after flying for more than ten minutes, he still doesn't stop.

"How far is it?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

"It will be here soon, don’t you feel that the temperature here is surrender yes or no?"

The silly carving said, Ye Qianxing only then discovered that, indeed, the temperature here is indeed low A lot.

A sense of faintly discernable fear struck me.

This has not yet reached the forbidden area, it can give people such a sense of coercion, if you enter, what will you face?


Just when Ye Qianxing was thinking about this, the voice of the silly eagle suddenly sounded.

At the same time the silly eagle began to land.

"There is a strong restriction over the forbidden ground, even the Monster Emperor can't resist, so we can only walk."

While landing, the silly eagle followed Ye Qianxing explained.

On the way to the landing, Ye Qianxing looked towards the jungle ahead, where it seemed to be enveloped by a vicious atmosphere, which made Ye Qianxing unable to see clearly what was going on inside.

Soon, the silly eagle fell.

A huge stone tablet is placed in front of them, with something that looks like a rune and is carved on it.

After the stone tablet, there is a jungle, with only a path leading into the darkness.

Looking from the outside to the inside, it was extremely dark, even with Ye Qianxing's eyesight, he couldn't see clearly.

"This is the unified text of our Monster Race, which means-the forbidden area is dangerous, please do not enter; if there is a problem, take responsibility for the consequences."

"There is The land is forbidden, are you sure you want to go in? Once you go in, you may not be able to look back."

The silly eagle looked serious and asked again.

Ye Qianxing did not speak, nodded.

"Okay, today this Uncle will accompany you crazy once, just so, this Uncle has always wanted to see what the forbidden area is like, let's go!"

Suddenly the silly eagle laughed, the previous fears and worries disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Bear the brunt and walk into the forbidden area.

Ye Qianxing also hurriedly followed along.

One person, one carving, hiding in the darkness.

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