"It's so dark here. The light seems to be restricted here and cannot spread. Our vision has been greatly affected."

Walking into the forbidden area, Ye Qianxing discovered The surroundings are extremely dark.

Even with his super vision, he can barely see clearly within a range of less than ten meters.

He mobilized the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, and the strong azure fire shined out, but he could only illuminate the nearby twenty meters away, which seemed to be restricted.

"After all, it is a forbidden place. Everything that happens here is possible. Be careful. We have limited vision here and we need to be more vigilant."


Ye Qianxing thought, and brought out Little Monk and Xiao Lei summon.

Erbaiwu, Lin Ruoxi, and Vajra Ye Qianxing did not come out with summon. Their strength is still low. In such a place where danger is unknown, Ye Qianxing still does not want them to encounter danger.

Both Little Monk and Xiao Lei have reached the Sovereign level, which is helpful to him.

"Amitabha, Big Brother, the breath here is too evil, the little monk doesn't like it."

As soon as Little Monk appeared, he folded his hands together and frowned.

Little Monk is the incarnation of justice and is most disliked by this kind of evil aura.

"You must quickly find Xiao Taixu, I can feel his general direction, and go there!"

Ye Qianxing felt it a bit and moved towards one direction.

Silly Eagle, Little Monk and Xiao Lei also hurriedly followed along.

The entire group was very vigilant. After walking for more than ten minutes, nothing happened.

This can't help but make Ye Qianxing and the idiot, especially the idiot, confused.

Since he was a child, he has accepted the idea of ​​how terrifying the forbidden land is, so he has a natural rejection and fear of the forbidden land.

But now that it has been in the forbidden area for more than ten minutes, nothing has happened.

This can't help making the silly eagle a little self-doubt.

"Something's wrong, why is it so quiet?"

The silly diao muttered to himself.

"Normal, this is a forbidden area. The powerful Monster Race knows the horror here and dare not approach it. As for the birds and insects, it is estimated that they will die immediately if they get close here, so there must be no living things here. ”

Ye Qianxing was talking while paying attention to the situation of all around.

At this time, the silly eagle had begun to relax a little.

He murmured with a sigh.

"It's boring, I thought I could meet something interesting, it's so quiet, it's too boring."

Just when the voice of the idiot fell, Ye Qianxing's prediction The judgment skill is triggered suddenly.

A scene of vines attacking me appeared in my mind.

"Be careful, there is a sneak attack!"

Ye Qianxing yelled and hurried away.

Almost as soon as he stepped away, a vine full of thorns protruded from the tree on the left, passing through the position just now by Ye Qianxing.

"Call...not good!"

Ye Qianxing just took a breath, and the predictive skill was triggered again.

The vines emerged from the ground again.

Ye Qianxing directly activated the space teleportation skill this time and escaped that blow.

But this time he didn't even have time to catch his breath. Ye Qianxing's eyes were black. He was pulled into a dark place by a huge force, and the place was not big.


"Old night!"

"Big Brother!"

Little Monk, Xiao Lei and Silly Eagle At the same time cried out in surprise, Ye Qianxing was in front of them and was swallowed by a piranha.

The Piranha originally looked like an ordinary flower. When Ye Qianxing flashed to him, who knew that this guy suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed Ye Qianxing in one bite.

And the teeth are so sharp.

"Grandma's, spit out Lao Tzu Brother, otherwise Lao Tzu will chop you off!"

The silly eagle roared, but the piranha did not show any signs at all.

After swallowing Ye Qianxing, He directly closed his mouth.

Just like the normal flowers before.

"MMP, I chopped you off!"

The foolish eyes were red with anger. If it weren’t for the fear of hurting Ye Qianxing, he would have divided this cannibal flower a long time ago. Dead.

Just when the silly eagle was considering whether to risk cutting him open, the piranha suddenly exploded and the azure flame exploded.

Ye Qianxing appeared on the spot intact, bathed in azure flame.

"Old night, you are very good, I am still thinking how to save you, didn't expect you to come out by yourself."

Said the silly eagle excitedly.

Ye Qianxing gave him a blank glance.

"Waiting for you to save me, I guess it will be digested into stool long ago, and, can you please stop talking, a crow's mouth."

This guy just complained. After this is too boring, it is immediately dangerous.

Ye Qianxing knows deeply whether this guy was born of Peng King and a crow and inherited a crow's beak.

"It's none of my business, it's just a coincidence."

Said the silly grievance.

Ye Qianxing gave him a blank look and looked towards the trees all around.

Looks like ordinary trees, but at most they are bigger.

There is no problem, the only problem is... Ye Qianxing can't feel the vitality in them.

In theory, plants should have more vitality.

But the trees here are lifeless, without the slightest anger, and they can even launch attacks.

"The eye of system, open!"

When Ye Qianxing's thought moves, the eye of system opens.

The information of the surrounding trees appeared immediately.

Name: Ghost Tree (Dead Object)

Attribute: Ghost System

Evaluation: Four and a half stars

Level: SSS1- -SSS9

Ability: thorns and vines

Weakness: Holy Spirit line

Introduction: Originally an ordinary tree, it was disturbed by death, and it mutated into a ghost tree. Normally it’s a dormant state, and you will wake up when you feel the vitality.

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