"It turns out to be lifeless, no wonder it gives people a feeling of despair."

Ye Qianxing murmured, the lifelessness here is so strong that it makes all the old trees full of vitality. Mutated.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Just as Ye Qianxing sighed, all around split the air sound again.

Dozens of vines with thorns spurred from all directions moved towards them. The speed is extremely fast, as if it can pierce the air.

"Dare to come? Look at this Uncle and kill you!"

The silly sulking didn't get angry, so he used these vines as targets for venting.

The huge body began to spin at extreme speed, and a pair of golden wings instantly turned into two golden blades, like electric fans.

No, it should be exactly like the propeller of a helicopter, spinning at extreme speed.

As soon as the approaching vines touched the silly sculpture, they were instantly cut into several segments and fell to the ground.

As soon as the stumps of those vines fell to the ground, they decayed instantly, turning into black ash and being blown away by the wind.

But before long, dozens of vines came.

Although it is still impossible to get close to the silly eagle, but if this continues, the silly eagle will not last long.

"Qinglian Earth Core Fire, burn me!"

Ye Qianxing shouted violently

Since his body broke out, azure flame moved towards instantly All around spread, and as soon as it touches those trees, it burns instantly.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, and these trees are very dense, so they spread quickly and illuminate the dark surroundings instantly.

"Take advantage of this, hurry up to find Xiao Taixu, we have made such a big noise, some terrifying existence hidden in the forbidden area will definitely find it, it must be speed."

Ye Qianxing said, he took the lead and rushed towards the direction of sensing the position of the middle and small Taixu.

Silly Eagle, Little Monk and Xiao Lei also hurriedly followed.

The entire group, pets, and beasts all have a Sovereign level cultivation base, so the speed is naturally not slow.

But the forbidden area is indeed big enough. They drove for more than ten minutes, but in the induction of Ye Qianxing, it was still far away from Xiaotaixu.

shua~ shua~ shua~ ……

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing's keen perception discovered a clue.

His footsteps stopped immediately, and the silly eagle hurriedly stopped, but because of inertia he almost fell somersault.

He is too big, and the trees here are very dense.

So he was completely rampaged, Ye Qianxing stopped suddenly, and he didn't react at all.

"Old night, what are you doing!"

"Hush, there is a situation."

Ye Qianxing loudly shouts, Little Monk and Xiao Lei are also vigilant Watching all around.

The silly eagle also realized that something was wrong, and calmed down, carefully feeling the surrounding situation.

"Chi chi chi..."

"Chi chi chi..."

Suddenly there was a strange sound, it seemed someone He was groaning in a low voice, and it was like the sound of someone eating.

Listening to Ye Qianxing's ears anyway, he quickly became extra oozing and nauseous.

Give him an inexplicable discomfort.

"What demons and ghosts, don't dress up as God, playing the Devil, just get out of this Uncle if you have the ability, and make a life and death!"

The silly vulture obviously listened too When it came to this voice, maybe it was a little nervous, and even moved towards all around and shouted.

I don't know if it was his shouting that had the effect, or that those things were originally intended to come out. Anyway, when the silly eagle tone barely fell, all around the two-meter-high grass suddenly moved.

Then, each of them was completely dark, except for a weird creature with a bright circle on the head.

The strange sound came from them.

These strange creatures are only one meter tall and have hands, feet, heads and bodies, roughly resembling a human silhouette.

But the whole body is pitch black, like a solid body, and it looks like a black fog condensed. It is very strange. Up and down the whole body, only the face has a glowing circle that is not black.

"Chen Bu Mu Cao, what is this?"

The silly eagle couldn't help but explode with a swear word, let alone him, even Ye Qianxing suddenly stunned.

He has never seen such a creature.

In other words, this should not be a creature, but a dead thing, Ye Qianxing can't feel a trace of anger in them.

The aura on them is the same as the ghost trees before.

So, they are all dead.

"Grandma's, whatever they are, demons and ghosts, this Uncle can't be killed!"

Watching these monsters slowly walk towards them, the silly eagle was the first to bear it Living.

Directly threw away a few golden feathers, and instantly penetrated the bodies of the frontmost monsters.

However, the silly eagle's expression quickly turned into a look of shock.

Only because, after Golden Lingyu penetrated the monsters, the latter only stopped for a moment, and then continued to move towards them.

It turned out to be...not hurt at all!

"This Uncle don't believe in evil, kill!"

The silly eagle was stared wide-eyed in shock, very unwilling, and even took the initiative to move towards the group of monsters and rushed away.

"Silly Eagle, don't go over!"

Ye Qianxing found something wrong and hurriedly shouted.

But it's too late.

As soon as Ye Qianxing yelled out, the silly eagle rushed over.

The two golden wings resemble two golden broadswords glowing with cold light, slashing at the monster running at the front.


The golden wings crossed the monster's body directly, and the silly eagle firmly believed that this guy must be dead.

However, something strange happened again. The cut-off part of the monster healed instantly, and the luminous circle on its face suddenly bloomed with dazzling rays of light.

In an instant, the rays of light disappeared, and the circle on the monster's face instantly lost its luster. Then, its entire body exploded into a cloud of black energy, dissipating between Heaven and Earth.

"Silly eagle, are you okay?"

Seeing the silly eagle standing motionless in place, Ye Qianxing realized that it was not good.

hurriedly called.

Only then did the silly eagle slowly turn around.

When Ye Qianxing saw his face, his breath suddenly stopped...

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