The silly sculpture at this time has a stiff expression on his face, a lifeless look.

The most important thing is that on his forehead, there is an extra circle with dark golden rays of light.

"Damn it, it's still a step slower!"

Ye Qianxing yelled.

As soon as the silly eagle rushed past, Ye Qianxing had already seen the identity information of these monsters through the eyes of the system.

[Name: Zero (dead thing)]

[Attribute: Ghost system]

[Evaluation: Five-star half-level]

[Level: SSS1--SSS9]

[Ability: Possession]

[Weakness: Holy Spirit, Demon]

[Introduction: Death Condensed, it can be strengthened by absorbing the creature’s Evil Thought, zero Undying and Inextinguishable, immune to physical attacks, when fighting against zero, you can’t look at each other, otherwise you will be possessed and become a puppet of zero unless you will Be firm enough, otherwise it will be difficult to break free. Once you have been possessed for long enough, there will be no possibility of recovery.]

At this time, the situation of the silly sculpture is obviously the performance of being possessed by zero.

Helplessly, the Eye of System did not give a way to expel Zero, but said that the possessed person must be strong enough.

But who knows if the silly eagle has a firm will.

"Chi chi..."

The strange sound that can only be made by the silly eagle.

Suddenly, it moved towards Ye Qianxing and rushed away, the golden wings, like golden blades, slashed towards Ye Qianxing unceremoniously.

Ye Qianxing directly summoned Lei Qijian, but he hesitated for a moment, then took it back.

The formidable power of the Leiqijian sword is too big, I am afraid it will hurt the silly eagle.

At this moment of stupefaction, the stupid eagle's attack came in front of Ye Qianxing.

The golden wings are glowing with cold light, showing a tendency to break through the air, obviously without holding their hands.

Ye Qianxing stepped back half a step, and the golden wings slid directly across his chest, his clothes were cut apart, revealing Ye Qianxing's gilded skin.

It is the Indestructible Vajra Body!

Seeing an extra white mark on his chest, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but sigh.

didn't expect this silly sculpture is usually ventilated and has nothing to do with combat effectiveness. Now that he is possessed, he has displayed his true strength.

Can actually hurt myself.

Just when Ye Qianxing was stunned, the attack of the silly eagle came again, but this time Ye Qianxing reacted and punched out.

Before the stupid eagle attack came, his fist hit the guy's face.

He smashed it directly into the air.

This is Ye Qianxing's release of water, with only a few minutes of effort.

After all, his strength is something that even the ancient giant elephant has to admire.

Just when Ye Qianxing was dealing with the silly eagle, the surrounding [Zero] suddenly rushed over.

Ye Qianxing knew that he could not look at them, so he chose to close his eyes.

A black flame burst out all over the body, which is the ghostly Nether Flame.

These [zeros] are all dead objects, and ordinary attacks are definitely invalid, so Ye Qianxing chose the ghostly Nether Flame, which can attack the soul.


The Nether Flame moved towards all around erupted, and those [Zero] felt the breath of the Nether Flame, and they started to retreat as expected.

It seems that they are still afraid of the ghostly Nether Flame.

"It's just that I'm afraid, but I can't kill them. How to solve them? And what about the silly eagle?"

Ye Qianxing felt very annoying in his heart.

The longer the time delay, the more dangerous the silly eagle becomes, but he can't think of what to do.

"Big Brother, I may have a way, but you need to stop Brother Diao first."

Little Monk said suddenly.

Ye Qianxing was immediately excited. Little Monk will not aimlessly. Since he said there is a way, then there is a chance.

"Okay, I will stop him now."

Ye Qianxing responded and moved towards the silly eagle and rushed over.

He doesn't plan to keep his hands this time.

"Stupid eagle, I'm sorry, I am also trying to save you, don't blame me!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouts, rushing to the idiot.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

The silly eagle directly threw away more than a dozen golden feathers. Ye Qianxing showed the thunder sword in his hand, and saw those golden feathers hit and fly with a few bangs.

Then continue moved towards the silly eagle rushes.

The silly eagle cut out two golden wings and tried to stop Ye Qianxing, but Ye Qianxing had already decided to stop him, so he didn't plan to be merciful at all.

Lei Qi sword cut away.


With a crisp sound, Lei Qijian collided with the golden wings of the silly eagle, and the golden Feather of the latter was directly hit by a gap.

Ye Qianxing silhouette flashed, and space teleportation appeared beside the silly eagle, a left uppercut slammed his face into his face, and it flew out again.

But this is not over yet. Before the silly eagle could land, Ye Qianxing teleported to his side again, grabbed the silly eagle's claws, rotated three times in place, and then slammed heavily on the ground.


The silly eagle's huge body smashed into the ground, directly smashing a deep hole.


Ye Qianxing thought, Lei Qijian instantly began to grow, becoming an iron chain that bound the huge body of the silly eagle.


Ye Qianxing patted, said.

Xiao Lei looked at this scene and asked with some doubts.

"Boss, you can directly tie him up, why do you have to beat him up first?"

"I beat him a long time ago, take advantage of him I don’t know, I must vent a bit. Okay, let’s not talk about it, Little Monk, please help him get rid of the zero in his body."

Ye Qianxing said hurriedly with a hand. The silly eagle is about to walk towards Little Monk.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Brother Brother Xing!"

[The author has something to say]

Has anyone seen Xia Lan? When I was young, the author loved to watch Xia Lan the most.

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