"Brother Brother Xing!"

A familiar and petite voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Ye Qianxing's heart suddenly trembled.

What a familiar voice!

It's Xiaoyu!

Ye Qianxing almost turned his head without hesitation. However, what he saw was not a human face.

It is something with no facial features, pitch black all over, and only a glowing circle on the face.

is zero!

"Not good!"

Ye Qianxing suddenly expected it to be bad, but it was too late.

Ye Qianxing and Zero looked at each other, the glowing circle on the latter's head suddenly flashed a dark golden rays of light.

A stream of light shoots out directly, pouring into Ye Qianxing's eyebrows.

Ye Qianxing only felt that his Soul Sea was broken into by something, and his eyes suddenly became dark. Next moment, he found himself in his Soul Sea again.

This is the second time!

The first time, when I was on Earth.

The evil spirit of the sun country [Heavenly Dog] tried body possession, but fortunately it triggered the seal his father left in the depths of the Soul Sea, otherwise Ye Qianxing would really not escape.

After experiencing the same thing again this time, Ye Qianxing is no longer at a loss as before.

Even, he doesn't need to rely on his father at all this time.

"When you come to my Soul Sea, your life will be decided by me!"

Ye Qianxing looked at the [zero] in front of him, coldly snorted.

Before, he could not arbitrarily mobilize Hellfire, so facing Heavenly Dog's body possession, he had no choice.

And the Heavenly Dog at that time was much stronger than him. Even if he could mobilize Hellfire, it would be difficult to drive him out.

But today is different, this [Zero] only has the strength of a king.

Ye Qianxing is not afraid at all.

"Nether Flame, burn it for me!"

Now, Ye Qianxing can use the Nether Flame as he wishes, and even transfer it into his Soul In the Sea, without hurting my soul.


A black flame appears out of thin air in Ye Qianxing’s Soul Sea, under the control of Ye Qianxing, moved towards the [zero] in front of you Burned away.

"wu wu wu ……"

The ghostly Nether Flame instantly enveloped the [Zero], making it impossible to escape, no matter if this [Zero] is outside What was the state at the time, but it is now in Ye Qianxing’s Soul Sea.

Then, he is the soul body. As long as he is the soul body, he must be afraid of the Nether Flame.

'wu wu wu' is like resentful ghost crying from [Zero]'s body, which is very infiltrating, but Ye Qianxing did not have the slightest sympathy. Instead, he fully mobilized the ghostly Nether Flame to burn the place in front of him. Only [zero].

This guy has touched Ye Qianxing's reverse scale.

You said that your sneak attack is just a sneak attack. You dare to pretend to be Xia Xiaoyu's voice to seduce Ye Qianxing. Isn't this courting death?


Finally, under the burning of the ghostly Nether Flame, it didn't take long for this [Zero] to burst open with a bang , Directly disappeared.

At the same time, Ye Qianxing's consciousness also returned to the ontology.

In fact, during that period of speaking of which was a long time, in fact, only a few breaths passed. After all, what happened in Soul Sea was just an instant.

But at this moment, the remaining [Zero] all around moved towards Ye Qianxing, and they didn't even attack Little Monk and Xiao Lei.

"Nine Heavens Imperial True Thunder Art, Thunder Field!"

Ye Qianxing's face was gloomy and he no longer kept his hands.

The previous voice of [Zero] pretending to be Xia Xiaoyu again aroused the anger in Ye Qianxing's heart, coupled with the worry about Xiao Taixu, so he directly took these [Zeros] as venting Object.

As soon as the Nine Heavens Imperial True Thunder Art was activated, the surging Power of Thunder burst out from Ye Qianxing's body. With his body as the center, it suddenly turned into a piece within a radius of 100 meters. Thunder domain.

Power of Thunder is in the air.

"wu wu wu ......"

Under the influence of thunder, those [zero] who had rushed towards Ye Qianxing stopped and made the sound of wu wu wu, Struggling in place.

It seems that thunder still has some effect on these [zeros].

It's normal to think about it. Power of Thunder is effective against evil things, not to mention that Ye Qianxing releases Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

Ye Qianxing’s surprise that these [zeros] can support for so long without scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

But he couldn't control so much now, grabbing the silly eagle and rushing to Little Monk's side.

"Hurry up and help him expel Zero from Soul Sea."

Having just experienced the possession of [Zero] in his own life, Ye Qianxing knows more about how difficult this thing is. .

If there is no ghostly Nether Flame, which is specifically aimed at souls, he wants to kill the opponent, I am afraid it will take some work.

Although the silly eagle is very strong, his brain is not good, his soul strength is absolutely average, I am afraid it will not last long.

If his demon soul is killed or even swallowed by [Zero], then there is really no chance.

"Amitabha, Nanmu, Drinking Luodanna, Dora Yeye, Nanmu, Ahyoye, Polu Jiedi, Shuobo Laye, Bodhisattva Poye, Mahasattva Po Ye, Maha, Jia Lu Ni Jia Ye..."

Little Monk began to sing softly.

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