As every word chanted, one after another golden rune floated out of the Golden Lotus seated by Little Monk, and poured into the eyebrows of the silly eagle.

Ye Qianxing obviously found that the expressionless face of the silly eagle began to show a struggling look.

He is starting to resist!

The farther to the back, the faster Little Monk chanted the Buddhist scriptures, and even Ye Qianxing couldn't hear what he was chanting at the back.

Those golden runes pouring into the silly eagle's eyebrows have condensed into a golden beam of light, and the silly eagle's face even began to show the color of pain.

"Amitabha, Sea of ​​Bitterness is boundless, repent and be saved, wake up!"

Finally, Little Monk suddenly yelled.

With the formidable power of Buddhism Lion's Roar in the voice, it hits the soul directly.

A huge swastika golden rune spouted from his mouth and directly blasted on the fool's forehead, who suddenly opened his eyes.

The luminous circle on the forehead disappeared, and the thick lifelessness that enveloped the whole body is revitalized.


As soon as the silly eagle wakes up, he can't help but cred out in surprise.

My breathing is much faster.

He didn't sighed in relief until he saw Ye Qianxing.

"Old night, do you know that this Uncle almost died just now."

Said the silly distress with lingering fear.

"I seemed to have a dream just now, but it was so real. I appeared in a strange place. The monster also appeared and was chasing me. I am not an opponent, but I feel If it kills, I really die, so I keep running, and finally I can’t run, so I fight it hard..."

"I can’t beat it, just when I feel I want When it was swallowed, one after another strange golden rune suddenly appeared, poured into my body, filled me with power, and then wiped out the monster in one fell swoop."

I told him about what happened in his Soul Sea just now, and he thought he had a nightmare.

Ye Qianxing hearing this was also sighed in relief, but fortunately he was not late.

"You are not dreaming, but being possessed by [Zero]. If you just died, then you are really dead. Fortunately, Little Monk saved you. By the way, Little Monk, you What method is used?"

Ye Qianxing first gave a rough explanation to the idiot, and then asked when moved towards Little Monk.

"In fact, it’s not a way. The little monk chants a meditation mantra. After all, the donor of Diao Ge is actually affected by the resentment of [Zero]. The meditation mantra can increase the willpower of the donor and help him. Defeated Heart Demon."

Little Monk explained that he still sees more thoroughly.

According to Little Monk, [Zero] has no body and no soul.

Their possession actually stimulates the resentment of the possessed, allowing them to breed Heart Demon.

The meditation mantra chanted by Little Monk can increase the listener's willpower, thereby restraining the devil in the heart.

"wu wu wu ……"

While speaking, weeping and crying sounded around again.

Those [Zero] under the baptism of Thunder began to dissipate. It seems that Thunder has done a lot of harm to them.

"Xiao Lei, solved them."

Since Power of Thunder is effective, Ye Qianxing will naturally not give up this good opportunity. Xiao Lei’s thunder formidable power is better than Ye Qianxing Big, it is obviously better for him to attack.


Xiao Lei quickly agreed, and his whole body began to swell, instantly enveloping several hundred meters.

The Intermediate Divine Lightning is raging, and the [Zero] that was about to be broken up is even more unsupportable. The puff puff puff burst into a black air several times and spread out.

"che, a group of weak chickens, I can easily kill them ten times more."

Xiao Lei said disdainfully.

However, just when he tone barely fell, all around once again heard a quivering sound.

Immediately afterwards, they were all in pitch black, except for [zero] engraved with dark golden rays of light circles on their foreheads.

Xiao Lei was dumbfounded immediately.

"Hehe, it seems it's not just this Uncle crow's mouth."

With a silly grin, Ye Qianxing's mouth twitched directly.

What kind of evil did he do? No one is normal.

"Amitabha, Big Brother, something is wrong, these [zeros] seem to be a little different from the previous ones, and the resentment Evil Thought on them is more abundant."

Little Monk said suddenly, Ye Qianxing only then realized something was wrong.

These [Zero] bodies are obviously bigger than before, almost two meters tall, and they are stronger and more lifeless.

[Name: Ba Ling (Dead)]

[Attribute: Ghost System]

[Evaluation: Six and a half stars]

[Level: SR1--SR9]

[Ability: Possession, Zero Poison, Zero Sha, Zero World]

[Weakness: Holy Spirit, Demon]

[Introduction: Zero's advanced body is more powerful than ordinary zero, and has a powerful attack power]

"Chen Bu Mu Cao! Why is there an evolutionary body!"

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but explode with a foul language.

The ordinary [Zero] used to be difficult to deal with, but now there is an evolved version of [Ba Zero], and it has a fighting power comparable to the Sovereign level.

The most important thing is that there are still so many, how can this be played?

Ye Qianxing said these [Ba Ling] information again, and he was dumbfounded because of his stupid personality.

"There are at least twenty or so, equivalent to twenty or so Sovereign level powerhouses, and their ability to possess is disgusting, how can this be beaten?"

Said the silly eagle with a grimace.

"If you can't fight, you have to fight, and you must do it quickly. It is so dangerous here. Xiao Taixu will only be more dangerous than us. You must quickly support him."

Ye Qianxing The fighting intent broke out, and the whole body released endless thunder.

Shrouded those [Ba Ling].

Xiao Lei also spare no effort, even Little Monk started to recite Buddhist scriptures, and his Buddhist scripture chanting sounds have an effect on these [zero].

Only the silly eagle stands in place, not knowing what to do.

His attacks have no effect on these [Ba Ling]. If he goes to war, he will be at risk of being possessed. This will only be a waste of help.

He suddenly felt like he was very useless.

"Chi chi..."

"Chi chi..."

The number of [Ba Ling] is increasing, and soon There are more than thirty, and it is still increasing, gathered from all around moved towards here.

Ye Qianxing finally knows why even those demon Imperial Capital find it difficult to leave alive, these [zeroes] are too difficult to deal with.

Moreover, Ye Qianxing has a bad instinct.

These [Ba Zero] are not the most dangerous, otherwise the Monster Emperor impossible that came in before would not even be able to escape.

This only illustrates one problem.

In the forbidden area, there is something more dangerous than [Ba Ling].

"It's not the time to think so much, let's go through this level first."

Ye Qianxing shook his head, discarding other thoughts in his mind.

No matter how dangerous he is, he must go in and find Xiao Taixu, so no amount of worries, the top priority should be to find a way to solve the immediate trouble.

As for the trouble in the back, let's take a step by step.

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