"puff puff puff ......"

All around [Ba Zero] did not choose to fight melee, but sprayed dark purple gas from a distance.

It is zero evil, or lifelessness.

After all, these guys are made of dead spirits.

"Be careful, it is lifelessness. Once contaminated, it will swallow the vitality in our body."

Ye Qianxing hurriedly reminded.

At the same time, with a move of mind, the Lei Che sword in his hand turned into a huge Golden Bell Cover, covering Little Monk, Xiao Lei and the silly eagle.

Chi chi...

Zero Sha blasted on the defensive cover, and instantly began to corrode.

But the corroded place quickly recovered.

"Although the defensive shield can stop them, it is not a way to go on like this. These [Ba Ling] are too strong. If we fight hard, we are not opponents."

Ye Qianxing frowned.

These [Ba Zero] all have the strength of the Sovereign level, and they are very difficult to kill and very difficult to deal with.

And what he lacks most now is time, and he can't delay it.

The longer the time is delayed, the more dangerous it is.

"Silly Eagle, Little Monk, Xiao Lei, you are waiting here next, as long as you don’t go out, these [Ba Ling] won’t be able to attack."

Ye Qianxing thought about it for a moment, then said suddenly.

The fool immediately guessed the meaning of Ye Qianxing.

"Old night, do you want to charge ahead by yourself? No, just go together if you want to leave. You can't let you face the danger alone!"

The silly eagle simply refused .

"Yes, boss, more power will give you more chance to charge ahead."

Xiao Lei also echoed.

Ye Qianxing shook his head.

"No need to say more, this is the best way, you listen to me, these [Baling] are difficult to deal with, but for you, I can face them alone and can easily There are many."

"I have an Immortal Body with ample life force and can withstand their death attacks, and I am not afraid of them being possessed. I can also travel through space. If I take you, It will only slow down."

Ye Qianxing explained that this is a decision he has made repeatedly.

Moreover, the silly sculpture is too big, and his movement in this jungle is blocked. If he acts alone, the speed can be faster.

"This... let's go."

The silly eagle is not a pedantic person. After listening to Ye Qianxing's explanation, although there is a sense of guilt for dragging his feet, he still accepts it.

Xiao Lei and Little Monk can only agree.

Now that it has been decided, Ye Qianxing no longer wastes time. The silhouette flashes directly through the space and exits the Golden Bell Cover.

These [Ba Ling] are extremely sensitive to angry perceptions. As soon as Ye Qianxing appeared, they rushed towards Ye Qianxing.

"Nine Heavens Imperial True Thunder Art, Thunder Spear!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, and the Divine Lightning burst in his hand, turning into a three-meter-long lightning lance, moved towards the front The group of [Ba Ling] who rushed over swept past.

"wu wu wu ……"

[Ba Ling] who was touched by Thunder Spear made a scream of wu wu wu, and the black energy on his body was obviously lightened.

But compared to the ordinary [Zero] before, these [Ba Zero] are significantly more immune to Thunder.

After just stagnating for a while, he moved towards Ye Qianxing again.

"Nether Flame!"

Ye Qianxing shot a black flame.

As soon as those [Ba Ling] felt the breath of the ghostly Nether Flame, they immediately dispersed.

Ye Qianxing took this opportunity to break through.

ran away in the direction of the induction middle and small Taixu.

[Ba Ling] We moved towards Ye Qianxing again to chase, but their speed is not as fast as Ye Qianxing.

Just when Ye Qianxing thought he could get rid of them, the predictive skills were triggered suddenly.

A dark purple energy ball lased towards him from the left.


The space fluctuates, and Ye Qianxing's silhouette disappears instantly.

The next moment appeared ten meters away.

bang!! !

That zero evil force strikes at Ye Qianxing's original location, a large pit appeared directly on the ground, and it was even being corroded continuously.

"Really strong."

A layer of cold sweat penetrated into Ye Qianxing's cheeks.

He can feel the power of that Zero Sha, which is definitely not what the previous [Ba Zero] can release.

If he was hit, even if he was hit, he would have to peel off his skin.

Sure enough, there is more terrifying existence than [Ba Ling].

"Oh, it's interesting. I was able to escape my attack, hehe, or, it's been a long time since I played, so let's play with you."

When Qianxing secretly frightened that powerful Zero Sha attack, suddenly, a sound came from a tree next to him.

This voice is very strange, I can't tell the gender, it's not male or female.

And some mystifying.

But it is human language, so Ye Qianxing understands it.

Ye Qianxing looked up at the moved towards the tree when he heard the sound. I don't know when, a silhouette was standing on the branch.

"Hey, I was found, it's so embarrassing."

The unmale and female voice sounded again, and then the silhouette jumped down directly and landed on Ye A few meters in front of Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly backed up a few steps to get away from him.

He still doesn't know the details of the other party, so he dare not care about it.

After Ye Qianxing stepped back a few steps, he looked towards the silhouette and couldn't help feeling a little shocked.

That turned out to be a person!

No, not all. On the whole, it looks like a person, but it is covered with a dark purple life, its mouth is unusually large, and its skin is also dark.

Long hair shawl, no men and women can be seen.

It's like... a clown.

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