"No, it's too strong. If this continues, even if my Life Power is abundant, it won't last long."

As Life Power circulates in his body, Ye Qianxing grows in his heart. The sense of despair that came out has dissipated a lot.

But the Ling Shao released by that [Pao] was too strong, and the ghostly Nether Flame could not drive it out. These four demons and monsters bit Ye Qianxing's limbs and broke free. not open.

Ye Qianxing's Life Power is fading rapidly.

If this continues, he will definitely be sucked dry.

"Hi, what a rich Life Essence, it is much richer than the Monster Emperor hundreds of years ago, but you still can't escape death."

[Pan] With a weird laugh, the five slender fingers that are as long as skeletons danced lightly, and the four demons and monsters seemed to have received orders, and they were even harder.

Ye Qianxing's Life Power lost even faster.

"No, you can't sit and wait for death!"

Ye Qianxing roared wildly, but still couldn't get rid of the four demons and monsters. They were like crazy dogs and bit Ye Qianxing. , How not let go.

"jié jié jié, don't do unnecessary struggles. You can't escape. Be my food with peace of mind. I haven't eaten fresh grievances for a long time."

【Pao】Weird sneer.

For them, negative energies such as resentment, Evil Thought, despair, and death are their food, and they are also ways to enhance their strength.

However, since this area was set as a forbidden area, almost no creatures have set foot, they can only swallow each other.

But how can long-lasting food compare with fresh food?

It has decided that it will not kill Ye Qianxing easily, but will ravage him, abuse him, and let him release enough negative energy so that he can have a full meal.


After struggling for a long time, I couldn't get rid of it. Ye Qianxing's mentality couldn't help but collapsed, and a black air that seemed to be true and imaginary floated from the top of Ye Qianxing's head. , Seeing that [Pao] swallowed.

"Fragrant, really scented......"

[Pang] Sniffed hard, showing an expression of enjoyment.

This is still not enough, a flash, and instantly appeared beside Ye Qianxing, absorbing the negative energy emanating from Ye Qianxing's body at close range.

"The more life force you have, the longer you can live, and the more negative energy you will release..."

【Pan】Laughing wildly while absorbing the negative energy .

This expression looks very begging.

"clang clang clang ......"

Suddenly, a long and melodious piano sounded.

As if appear out of thin air, the method comes from the void, and the source cannot be heard. It swept from all directions and seemed to cover the entire forbidden area.

As soon as the sound of this piano sounded, the despair that Ye Qianxing had produced disappeared instantly, as if a gentle hand was touching his heart, making Ye Qianxing feel extra warm and comfortable.

"It sounds good, it's wonderful..."

Ye Qianxing murmured, this was what he said in his heart, and he spoke it subconsciously uncontrollably.

However, what is completely different from Ye Qianxing is that [Pao], who was swallowing negative energy with the color of enjoyment, suddenly changed his face.

Its expression became hideous in an instant, making the already ugly face even more terrifying.

This sound of the piano that sounds like a natural sound in Ye Qianxing, enters [Pao]'s ears but is like a natural disaster, making it extremely painful, covering his head with his hands, making a tragic scream.


"pēng pēng pēng!"

At the same time, four explosions sounded one after another.

The four demons and monsters that had been biting Ye Qianxing on and on exploded directly, turning into black energy and dissipating in Heaven and Earth.

Ye Qianxing also felt that the dead energy remaining in his body had taken the initiative to escape.

Are these... all the effects of that piano sound?

But Ye Qianxing didn't have the mind to think about it at this time. He just wanted to listen to the piano sound quietly without distracting thoughts. This is a great enjoyment.

"Ah! Ahhh! Stop playing, I told you to stop playing!"

【Put】It seems that the pain has reached its limit, but it can't hold it anymore, look up moved towards Shouted the sky.

I don’t know who I’m talking to.

The sound of the piano is still the same, [Pao] finally couldn't help it, turning into a black mist and flying away, hiding in the darkness.

It wasn't until [Pao] completely escaped that the melodious piano sound became much lighter.

Ye Qianxing opened his eyes now, still feeling unfinished.

Suddenly, he moved towards looking in one direction.

I don't know what's going on, he inexplicably feels that the source of the piano sound is in that direction, and he has an urge to chase after it.

"It is in the same direction as Xiao Taixu, is there any connection between the two parties?"

Ye Qianxing was puzzled, but didn't think much.

The feeling of following the sound of the piano is getting stronger and stronger, making it even difficult for him to control his body.

And since Xiao Taixu is also in that direction, Ye Qianxing will naturally not have any hesitation, and move towards that direction directly.

Ye Qianxing is extremely fast, and never met [Zero] again during that time. It is estimated that they will all be afraid of the sound of the piano.

At full speed, Ye Qianxing felt that the distance between himself and Xiao Taixu was getting closer and closer, and at the same time the melodious piano sound began to become clear.

"It's coming soon."

Ye Qianxing was delighted, but he slowed down with the principle of caution, and took out a lot of restorative energy from the portable space. Immortal Pill, restored his state to Peak.

Only then dared to move on.

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