
The sound of the piano became clearer and clearer in the ears, and it was even possible to hear its direction, which was in the front.

However, Ye Qianxing didn't go any further. Instead, after looking around, he climbed up a towering old tree beside him.

After a few jumps, Ye Qianxing came to the top of the tree, moved towards the front and looked far ahead.

Soon, he found that not far in front, there was an open space with a large area, and an altar was built on the open space.

There is nothing special about the altar, but Ye Qianxing's eyes are attracted by a silhouette in the center of the altar.

It was a monster with a bull's head dragon body, not big, but what made Ye Qianxing jaw-dropping the most was that there was an ancient zither in front of the bull's head dragon body monster.

That beautiful piano sound came from the ancient zither.

That monster is playing the piano!

Can you imagine a monster that looks like a bull and like a dragon, playing the piano like a human?

They all say play the lute for a cow. This product is not good enough, so I just play the piano by myself.

And the play is so good, the listeners all feel that they are wandering in the emptiness, the feeling of floating, can be understood, but not described.

I have never experienced it personally, and I can never know how enjoyable it is.

Although Ye Qianxing was shocked that this monster could actually play the piano, he still couldn't help being immersed in the sound of the piano again.

Ye Qianxing listened for as long as the piano sound was played.

Ye Qianxing finally woke up until the song was finished.

"Wait, that's Xiao Taixu!"

Suddenly, Ye Qianxing's Yu Guang glanced at the corner of the altar not far from the monster, huddled in a ball thing.

Ye Qianxing was immersed in the sound of the piano before, but Ye Qianxing didn't see it clearly. Now that he wakes up, Ye Qianxing noticed it immediately.

Isn’t that group of things the same as Xiao Taixu?

Xiao Taixu was shrinking in the corner at this time, motionless, life and death unknown, Ye Qianxing could not feel the slightest breath of it.

Ye Qianxing's eyes were red immediately, and he couldn't feel the breath. This doesn't mean that Xiao Taixu is already...

Ye Qianxing didn't dare to think about it. At this time, his heart It is already full of anger, where there is still a little bit of saneness, directly turn on the reverse scale 3rd-layer, the battle strength erupts, and moved towards the dragon body monster above the altar to kill.

"I killed you!"

Ye Qianxing roared, his left fist exploded with Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and his right fist exploded with Qinglian Earth Core Fire, smashing the dragon body monster with anger.

Facing the impact of Ye Qianxing, the bull head dragon body monster seemed to not feel it, squinting his eyes and still playing the piano leisurely.


Just when Ye Qianxing was about to rush to the front of the bull head dragon body monster, the latter finally moved.

Its fingertips lightly flicked on the ancient zither, and a sound wave passed directly through Ye Qianxing's body.

Suddenly, he was imprisoned in midair.

His whole body, from his eyes and his toes, are all disabled to move, as if the time and space all over him are imprisoned.

No matter how hard he struggles, he doesn't need half of his energy.

Even the power in his body is blocked...

But Ye Qianxing can clearly feel that space and time are not affected. He has obtained Xiaokun. He also shared Xiaotaixu’s Power of Time, so he is very familiar with both.

So he was even more certain that the monster could not control time and space, but Ye Qianxing did not know how it did it.

At this time, he could not move his body, but his consciousness was very clear.

Ye Qianxing looked at the bullhead dragon body monster in front of him, and finally felt its power. Just by flicking the strings, he could confine his body.

If it wants to kill itself, isn't it just turning over?

"The Eye of System."

Ye Qianxing thoughts move, the message of the minotaur monster suddenly appeared in front of him.

It seems that although this guy is very strong, he can confine his body and seal his strength, but he cannot affect the system.

[Name: Prisoner Cow]

[attribute: Dragon]

[Evaluation: Seven-star]

[Level: SSRPeak

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