
"Now that I understand, put me down first! What does it mean to be imprisoned in midair?"

"You guy specified something wrong."

Ye Qianxing complained fiercely in his heart, but unfortunately, he was speechless.

I can only complain inside.

The prisoner cow should be able to hear Ye Qianxing's thoughts, but he pretended not to hear, and still played the piano in a leisurely manner.

In the melodious and pleasant piano sound, Ye Qianxing's remaining violent and impatient emotions gradually disappeared, and he fell into that kind of enjoyment again.

Quiet, leisurely, comfortable...

Before this, his heart could not be calmed down, there was almost no one minute of silence, first he was expelled by those Monster Races, and then again Face the threat of those Ancient Ominous Beasts.

Although these things were solved perfectly in the end, Ye Qianxing was indeed extremely tired in the process, and his brain was constantly running. Even if he took a wrong step, he might encounter big problems. pit.

Including curiosity about my own life experience, as well as worry about Xiao Yu... These are all huge rocks that are crushing Ye Qianxing's heart.

But at this moment, all distracting thoughts are forgotten.

In his heart, the only sound of the piano at this moment is lingering in Ye Qianxing's mind.

This is the ease he has never had before.

In this state, I don't know how long has passed.

It may be a few minutes, or a few centuries, and Ye Qianxing was finally able to wake up when the song of Prison Niu was finished.

At this moment, he felt that the world in front of him seemed much clearer, and his soul seemed to be sublimated.

Look at this world more clearly than before.

"You are under too much pressure, and there are too many distracting thoughts in your heart. If this continues, there will be Heart Demon breeding. I will play a song for you, which will dredge your soul and relieve stress. Now, Does it feel more comfortable?"

The prisoner cow said with a smile. Although it looks extremely rough on the outside, its voice is extremely gentle.

Just like the sound of a piano, it makes people feel comfortable.

"Indeed, there is a very peculiar feeling, this feeling... can't tell."

Ye Qianxing recalled the feeling before, still can't help but yearn for a little.

The sublimation of the soul is similar to the tempering of the body, but it is more complicated than the latter.

Tempering the body can get rid of toxins and impurities in the body, making the body healthier and stronger.

The sublimation of the soul is similar, it also removes impurities in the soul, making the soul more refined and powerful, and less susceptible to the influence of Heart Demon.

Ye Qianxing was once influenced by Heart Demon. At that time, he was slaughtered and became a demon, and he almost couldn't wake up. Fortunately, sister Ruoxi was there at that time.

Now he has experienced more, his strength is stronger, and his willpower is more determined. If Heart Demon breeds again, it would be really dangerous.

I am afraid that it is difficult for Sister Ruoxi to get rid of it.

Ye Qianxing is under too much pressure, and it is inevitable that Heart Demon will breed in the future.

So, Prisoner Niu is actually helping Ye Qianxing to get rid of a life and death disaster in the future.

Although Ye Qianxing could not speak, a grateful expression flashed in his eyes.


At this moment, Xiao Taixu in the corner suddenly burst into a strong and hot breath, raising the surrounding temperature by dozens in an instant. Spend.

Xiao Taixu's body began to undergo some changes.

My body size has more than doubled, and the dragon scales all over my body have also changed color, red, as if...

have been burned red.

"Don't worry, Young Master is okay. He is activating Torch Dragon bloodline. This is normal."

The prisoner cow saw the worry in Ye Qianxing's eyes and explained .

Ye Qianxing can still see a touch of excitement and expectation from his face.

"Activate Torch Dragon bloodline?"

Ye Qianxing was taken aback.

Xiao Taixu's full name is Taixu Torch Dragon, which shows that he is Torch Dragon lineage. Ye Qianxing knows this, but he has always had doubts.

Xiaotai Xu is obviously Torch Dragon, but no matter in appearance or ability, he is very different from Torch Dragon.

On the contrary, it looks like it is now, a bit more like the legendary Torch Dragon.

"Is it because Xiao Taixu's Torch Dragon bloodline is always hidden and not activated?"

Ye Qianxing finally understood.

Is he activating Torch Dragon bloodline now?

Ye Qianxing couldn't ask, and Prison Niu didn't mean to explain, just staring at Xiao Taixu who was changing.

More than half an hour has passed, the surrounding temperature has risen to one hundred degrees, and the air seems to be scorched.

Xiao Taixu finally opened his eyes, fierce.

"Ding, detected your Spirit Pet [Torch Dragon] activates the God Fire Attribute, and achieves a perfect fit with your Nine Sun Saint Physique, feeding back ten percent of the power and sharing all abilities."


With the system hint sound in his mind, Ye Qianxing immediately felt a powerful force appear out of thin air, pouring into his body.

He directly raised his strength level to Sovereign level six.

In the eyes of system, Xiao Taixu's information has also undergone some changes.

[Spirit Pet: Taixu Torch Dragon (Torch Dragon bloodline: 50%)]

[attribute: Dragon/Time/Ancient/God Fire Element]

[Evaluation: 9-star half-level (growth type)]

[Level: SR5]

[Ability: 1. Control time (fast forward to a certain extent, Slow down or even stop time)

2. Pre-judgment (can predict the opponent's next attack route)

3. Dragon Clan will (Dragon Clan is inviolable and can be against the enemy A powerful deterrent)

4.reverse scale (dragon has a reverse scale, if you touch it, you will die. If you use a reverse scale, you can explode at least ten times the battle strength in a short period of time, but the side effects are also great. Be cautious. Use)

5. Killing blade (from the skills of the white tiger bone claws, the white tiger bone claws contain the terrifying Power of Slaughter, which can tear the enemy instantly)

6.Innate Fire Essence (unopened)]

[Evolution route: Obtain complete Torch Dragon inheritance, activate 100% Torch Dragon bloodline, unlock Innate Fire Essence]

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