The voice of the silly eagle is not small, and it does not converge in the slightest.

Many Monster Races present have heard it, and their faces are all bad.

The blunt words of the silly eagle included all the younger generations of his age. If it weren’t for the strength and identity of the silly eagle, these unruly Monster Race Heaven's Chosen had already taken action to teach him. Up.

The status of the silly eagle in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains is equivalent to the status of the Crown Prince of the Tianyao Emperor on the Heavenly Jade continent, and even worse.

After all, the Golden Wings Great Peng family is the most powerful force in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, the absolute Imperial Family.

Although the Tianyao Empire is the only Empire on Heavenly Jade Continent, superpowers such as Sword Pavilion and Burning Heaven Sect are comparable to them.

"hmph, this guy is so arrogant, I really want to beat him fiercely!"

The Young Master of the giant elephant tribe has little teeth and rattles. Can secretly be ruthless, afraid to speak out.

The giant elephant clan and the golden lion clan have been suppressed by fiercely, and some resources have been lost. They already hate the Ye Qianxing and the Golden Wings Great Peng clan.

But it can only be hate.

They are not the opponents of the Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle Clan, let alone Ye Qianxing and those Ancient Ominous Beasts as backers.

They just dared not speak.

"Little elephants, we have to keep our spirits, and now we are not as good as humans, we can only bear it silently. After entering the Monster Palace this time, you and the little lion must perform well and strive to obtain those powerful Monster Emperor inheritance. This way , We may have the opportunity to overwhelm the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family."

The Golden Lion King said softly.

Monster Palace is definitely an excellent place of opportunity, if you can get those powerful Monster Emperor inheritance from it, then you will make a lot of money.

Maybe it can rise by this way.

After all, that is Monster Emperor inheritance. One or two may not be enough, but what if you get dozens of Monster Emperor inheritance?

Monster Palace does not limit the number of entrants, but only limits the cultivation base of entrants.

Anyone below the emperor level can enter.

Therefore, almost every Monster Race force will send all the clansman of Monster Sovereign level in the clan to enter.

The more the number, the greater the chance of getting Monster Emperor inheritance.

If it weren't for the Monster Race below the Sovereign level, even the Heavenspan Ladder would not be able to climb, and they even planned to let all clansman enter.

"Royal Father, do you want us to give the little carving in Monster Palace..."

Shao Shi suddenly looked hard.

Although the word killing was not spoken, the meaning was obvious.

"Anyway, anything can happen in Monster Palace, as long as they do the top secret, they have no evidence, and they can't blame us for coming up..."

"And, Golden Although the Peak battle strength of the Wings Great Peng Clan is strong, the Sovereign level battle strength is actually not much stronger than ours. Our two clans are united. It is not difficult to kill them in the Monster Palace."

In the words of Young Lion, both the Giant Elephant King and Young Elephant Show their eyes, and they obviously approve of his ideas.

The Monster Emperor is not allowed to enter the Monster Palace, and the Sovereign level of the Golden Wings Great Peng clan is not prominent.

If the two races are united, the success rate is still very large.

The golden lion king is frowned.

"We still don't have the capital to cause trouble, so don't do that. Of course, if you have full confidence, top secret will get rid of him, that would be great."

Said the Golden Retriever Lion King.

The giant elephant king, the elephant young man and the lion young man have also nodded their approval.

"Time is almost up, everyone, prepare to land on Heavenspan Ladder."

Peng King's voice suddenly sounded in the valley, and all Monster Race closed their mouths at the same time.

I have to say that Peng King's prestige in Monster Race is still quite high.

A group of demon emperors walked out of all races one after another, toward the Heavenspan Ladder.

The Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle Clan also owns more than fifty demon kings, but there are less than ten demon kings among the younger generation.

The old Demon Emperor innate talents are almost exhausted, even if they get the Monster Emperor inheritance, they will not necessarily improve much.

Therefore, Peng King finally decided to send those few Sovereign level young Heaven's Chosen in the clan, plus more than a dozen elder Demon Kings, to protect them.

The rest remains in the clan. After all, the Demon Emperor is also the upper-level power of the clan and is indispensable.

Other tribes are also distributed in this way, and they will not send out all the strong people in the tribe.

Of course, except for some extremely small Monster Race.

There are only a few Demon Kings in their clan, and they can only send out all of them.

Soon, hundreds of demon emperors gathered in front of the Heavenspan Ladder.

Looking at these hundreds of monster emperors, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but sigh again. The comprehensive strength of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Monster Race is definitely stronger than any Human Race force.

Hundreds of Sovereign level, I am afraid it can destroy a dynasty in an instant.

"Eh, old night, do you want to try it together?"

Just as the silly eagle was about to go to Heavenspan Ladder, he suddenly turned his head and moved towards Ye Qianxing and asked.

"Me? Can I do it? I'm a human being. I shouldn't be able to enter the Monster Palace, right?"

Ye Qianxing has some self-doubt.

The silly eagle is actually not sure, but he still said.

"It should be no problem. Although you are not Monster Race, your Spirit Pets are considered to be. Haven't you said before that all your strength comes from the backfeeding of Spirit Pets, maybe you are There is a breath of Monster Race."

Ye Qianxing also feels very reasonable when he said that.

And he really wants to enter the Monster Palace to see, maybe what chance he can get.

If it doesn't work, at worst, he just quits.

"Okay, then I will accompany you in and have a look."

Ye Qianxing nodded.

"If you go, then I will go too." Sister Huang also said suddenly.

Ye Qianxing and the idiot looked towards her at the same time, and the idiot scratched his head and said in embarrassment.

"Sister Huang, it’s not that you are not allowed to go, but Monster Palace has a ban, Monster Emperor is not allowed to enter, your cultivation base..."

"It’s okay, I can Hidden cultivation base."

Before the idiot finished speaking, Sister Huang's breath suddenly converged.

From the eyes of outsiders, it really fell to Sovereign level Peak.

Even Peng King can't see anything abnormal.

Ye Qianxing can only feel the Sovereign level Peak breath in her body.

But after opening the eyes of the system, she can still see her true cultivation base, the fifth stage of the emperor level.

"This...can it work?"

The silly eagle is still a little uncertain, but Peng King said.

"Since Xiao Huang wants to go, let her try it. The Monster Palace prohibition does no harm. Even if you can't get in, it won't happen."

Peng King said so, so naturally the idiot wouldn't persuade him much.

As a result, the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan added Xiao Huang and Ye Qianxing, plus his many Spirit Pets.

When Ye Qianxing got to the front of Heavenspan Ladder, those Monster Races obviously showed a look of shock. Obviously, a human being didn't expect Ye Qianxing to come to join in the fun.

"No, he is a human being to join in the fun?"

"This is a bit too much, let him stay in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains is an exception, but Monster Palace Holy Land of our Monster Race, how can he set foot on him as a human?"

"Yes, this is a bit unbearable..."

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