The surrounding Monster Race discuss spiritedly, although the voice is not loud, but there are too many talks.

All entered Ye Qianxing's ears, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

There is a feeling of being rejected by others.

"Stupid eagle, or I still..."

"Needless to say, I will solve it."

Stupid eagle waved his hand and moved towards The Monster Race with pointing fingers loudly shouted.

"Shut up by this Uncle!"

The silly eagle was angry, and suddenly no Monster Race dared to speak.

After all, the silly eagle has a bad reputation in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. It is a Little Demon King. It is not weak in strength and has a strong background.

When I was young, I used to mess around and beat them madly. The point is that they didn't dare to find a parent. Even if they did, it didn't work. The father is the most protective of the calf.

Although they understand something now and stop beating people, the shadow they leave behind is still there.

Suddenly, the scene fell silent.

"One by one, if you are upset, come and find this Uncle. This Uncle makes you feel good. Say, who else is upset!"

After shouting, Monster Race still didn't dare to speak.

He is satisfied now.

"Okay, let's all go up, my brother can enter Monster Palace, you said it doesn't count, if he can't enter, he will naturally leave, if even Monster Palace allows him to enter, you Let alone beep."

The silly eagle is coldly snorted, and first moved towards Heavenspan Ladder.

Ye Qianxing also followed along, and other demon emperors of the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan followed closely and climbed the Heavenspan Ladder.

The other Monster Race watched the silly eagles and they climbed several steps before they dared to climb up. They were really frightened by the silly eagles.

Ye Qianxing stepped up the ladder and found that this ladder should be specially prepared for Monster Race, each layer ladder is very big and tall.

For the silly eagle, they can set foot on it, and for Ye Qianxing, they have to jump on it.

Moreover, every time he steps up a ladder, he can feel a pressure.

Although it is better than nothing, it does exist.

"Old night, you can also feel it, Heavenspan Ladder is not easy to go on casually. The front is actually simple. When you set foot on the place covered by the demon cloud, the pressure will be even greater, Sovereign Below level, you don’t even have the qualifications to climb to the top of the Heavenspan Ladder and enter the Monster Palace."

"Even some demon emperors of average strength may not be successful, but you don’t have to worry, even the elephant is strong in strength. Not better than you, the pressure of Heavenspan Ladder should be pediatrics to you."

Silly Eagle followed Ye Qianxing and explained.

"How about we Bibi, who will be the first to reach the top? Whoever loses, who will call the other big brother, how about it?"


Ye Qianxing nodded.

With a sudden kick of both legs, he jumped directly over the 5-Layer ladder.

"Yo, get off the horse? Look at this Uncle!"

The fool laughed, also flapping his wings and straddling several steps.

One person, one carving, rushing up at a very fast speed.

"Young Master, wait for us!"

Behind, the other young Heaven's Chosen from the Golden Wings Great Peng clan also hurriedly followed along.

The difficulty of Heavenspan Ladder in the early stage is very low. Even Beast King Level and other Monster Races can be climbed. Soon, Ye Qianxing and the silly eagle climbed to the middle of Heavenspan Ladder.

At this time, they felt a lot of pressure.

"The pressure here is estimated to be held at the Sovereign level."

Ye Qianxing is speculated in his heart.

At this time, Ye Qianxing has slightly surpassed the fool.

The cultivation base of the silly sculpture itself is not as good as Ye Qianxing. When he forcibly escaped in the ruins of the small Thunder Sound Temple, he burned the blood essence and reduced the cultivation base, making it worse than Ye Qianxing.

Soon, they climbed to the seven thousandth floor.

At this time, the ladder has been covered by the demon cloud.

"What a rich Monster Qi."

When Ye Qianxing first entered the demon cloud, he almost fell back.

He could not have imagined that the Monster Qi here is so rich.

The pressure has doubled.

In the demon cloud, Ye Qianxing seemed to feel a hideous monster beast with his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl moved towards him.

Monster Qi is transformed!

This is the result of Monster Qi being too rich. It is not an entity or a demon soul, but it has a certain degree of offensive.

The strange thing is that after the silly eagle stepped in, the transformed Monster Qi didn't even attack him, but all went towards Ye Qianxing.

"Ciao, against me?"

Ye Qianxing complexion sank, you're welcome, just punched out.

The turbulent Qinglian Earth Core Fire swept out, breaking up all the transformed Monster Qi.

"hehe, old night, generally speaking, these transformed Monster Qi will attack this Uncle, but now you are with this Uncle, you have a human breath on your body, so they are subconsciously The land will attack you first."

"They will hand you over, this Uncle will take one step first."

The fool laughed, moved towards and ran away from the top.

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