"Old night, big brother, I'll take one step ahead, hahaha."

Seeing the fool laughed heartily climb up and surpass himself, Ye Qianxing's face went gloomy.

This guy must have thought of this a long time ago, so he dared to bet with himself. Wisely confused for a while, didn't expect was put on by this stupid sculpture.

"hmph, want me to call you big brother? Dreaming!"

Ye Qianxing snorted, at this time the surrounding Monster Qi gathered again, condensed into entities, baring fangs and brandishing claws moved towards Ye Qianxing

The strength of these Monster Qi transformed monsters is comparable to a normal Monster King or a powerful Monster King, and it is not easy to solve them.

In addition to having to bear the higher pressure, the strength of Ye Qianxing has been greatly restricted.

Although the entities that these Monster Qi turned into pose no threat to him, the obstacles are not small.

"Nine Heavens Imperial True Thunder Art!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, even points.

In an instant, one after another thunder pours out, knocking out the rare beasts directly and dispersing them.

But this was only temporary, and soon the surrounding Monster Qi began to gather again, forming more and more rare beasts.

Simply fighting can't be done, because they are all formed by Monster Qi. Even if they are broken up, they will become Monster Qi again, and they will be able to gather again after a long time.

So, if you want to defeat them, you can only...

"Erbaiwu, can you swallow these Monster Qi?"

Ye Qianxing will Erbaiwu summon came out and asked.

He remembers that Erbaiwu also has a devouring ability, which can swallow everything, even the enemy's attack.

Monster Qi should be no problem.

Sure enough, Erbaiwu said very confidently after looking at the solid Monster Qi all around.

"Boss, as long as you give me time to digest, I can swallow it all."

"What we lack now is time, and you don't need to swallow it all, open for me Just one way out."

"Oh, that's easy."

After Erbaiwu finished speaking, he turned into a prototype, and the nine heads came out, opened his mouth, took a deep breath.

"Swallow it for me!"


Erbaiwu has nine heads and nine big mouths, swallowed by the 9th layer.

The strong Monster Qi around suddenly moved towards Erbaiwu and was swallowed by him.

Monster Qi kept moving towards Erbaiwu and rushing towards Erbaiwu, which stopped the cohesion. Ye Qianxing took this opportunity to speed up and shuttle space from time to time, moving towards Heavenspan Ladder and rushing forward.

"Here, it's almost here, hehe, old night, it seems that you have to call my big brother."

The silly eagle looked at the few steps left in front, his face I couldn't help showing a lowly laughed, especially when I thought of Ye Qianxing calling his big brother.

By the way, he turned his head and looked behind him. There was still no shadow of Ye Qianxing. It seemed that he was still trapped in the demon cloud.

"Well, with Lao Ye's strength, he should be able to rush out soon, there will be no danger."

The silly eagle thought in his heart.

The bet is a bet, he still has a sense of measure.

Yao Yun will be able to stop Ye Qianxing for a moment, and it will be impossible to him.

After fluttering his wings a few more times, the silly eagle finally stepped over the last step and reached the top of the Heavenspan Ladder.

"Hahaha, I won, old night, ready to call me the big brother."

The silly eagle couldn't help cheering.

"Oh, congratulations."

At this moment, a faint voice sounded in front.

The silly eagle hadn't reacted yet, and said still laughed heartily.

"Tongxi, Tongxi, brother, you are quite fast, you are one step faster than me... Wait, who is it!" Reacted.

Isn't he the first to reach the top? Why are there other voices here?

This shocked him so he hurriedly looked around.

But I didn't see anything.

At this moment, the voice sounded again.

"You can't just look down, don't you?"

The silly eagle hearing this looked down, and a person appeared in front of him.

Who else but Ye Qianxing?

Ye Qianxing is also very helpless. Compared to these Monster Races, their Human Race is really too small.

It is not easy to be seen.

"My second Olympics! Old night, when did you come up!"

Credded out in surprise, obviously didn't expect this.

Ye Qianxing chuckled.

"It's just over a minute earlier than you. Also, you can't call me old night, you have to change your name, come, call big brother, listen."

The silly eagle died immediately.

He often calls himself this Uncle to the outside world, when did he call someone else’s big brother?

This is too shameful.

"Why do you want to shame?"

Ye Qianxing stared and asked when he saw the silly eagle's squeaky look.

The silly eagle smiled awkwardly, but still spoke.

"How is it possible, this Uncle is a golden word, I will never be shameless, is it just calling your big brother, and there will be no less meat."

"Then you are calling it." "

"I, Great...... Great...... big brother."

The silly eagle yelled very softly, but Ye Qianxing would not forget it.

"What are you talking about, my ears are not so good, I can’t hear you clearly."

"Big brother!"

All the faces are blushing. , I still yelled in my throat.

Ye Qianxing is satisfied now, a jumper touched the silly head, and said like a Big Brother.

"Yes, brother, my big brother will cover you in the future."

Ye Qianxing, it's fine if you don't talk about it. Whenever you say it, the silly face will become even more red. Drill into the seam.

But this was not over yet. After shouting, the silly eagle suddenly heard a voice behind him.

When I turned around, I was stared wide-eyed.

The other demon emperors sent by the Golden Wings Great Peng have also reached the top.

I was watching this scene with a dramatic expression on his face.

"You... didn't hear anything, right?"

The silly eagle asked with a bad face.

"Uh, Young Master, I didn't hear anything, I just arrived."

"Yes, yes, I didn't hear anything, I didn't see anything ."

They even shook their heads because of their stupid temperament, no matter where they dared to offend.

The face of the silly eagle has improved a lot.

This is just an episode, after Ye Qianxing smiled, it passed.

He still focused on the top of the Heavenspan Ladder, or in other words, this is the entrance to the Monster Palace.

A silver gate stands in front of you, and there are two Stone Beasts at the gate.

Although it is Stone Beast, Ye Qianxing can faintly feel that there is a terrifying aura in them.

It is by no means as simple as the ordinary Stone Beast.

"Monster Palace should take some time to open, wait a minute."

Said the silly eagle.

Ye Qianxing nodded, and then look around.

But he didn't dare to get too close. After all, he was a human being. In case Monster Palace is repellent to humanity, it would be troublesome.

Time has passed, and more and more Monster Races have reached the top.

Including golden lion clan and giant elephant clan.

They are considered to be the second wave to the top. After seeing the silly eagle and the others follow a step faster, Lion Shao directly coldly snorted.

"What's the use of reaching the summit so quickly? Don't you have to wait for us?"

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