Watching Ye Qianxing moved towards the gate of Monster Palace, those Monster Races that had just rushed into the Monster Palace immediately began to retreat.

The gate of Monster Palace was suddenly empty.

Obviously, they believed that the two guardian Stone Beast would attack Ye Qianxing. They were afraid of being hit, so they didn't dare to come close.

Ye Qianxing ignored these guys. After taking a deep breath, he strode towards the gate of Monster Palace.

With every step, Ye Qianxing's heart trembled violently.

His spirit is also unprecedentedly concentrated at this moment.

Soon, he came to the middle of the two Stone Beasts.

"Kill him, kill him, kill him..."

Shao Shi state seems crazy cursing Ye Qianxing.

Because of this human being, he was beaten in the face several times.

It can be said that Shi Shao's resentment towards Ye Qianxing is not even worse than that of the stupid eagle.

It seemed to cater to the curse of the lion boy. When Ye Qianxing approached the gate of Monster Palace, the two stone beasts moved at the same time.

They moved towards left and right at the same time, facing Ye Qianxing.

Two pairs of stone eyes with no emotions stared at Ye Qianxing.

"Hahaha, you are dead, you are dead!"

Seeing this scene, Shao Shi couldn't help cheering directly.

Ye Qianxing was also breathing stagnant, and immediately prepared to escape.

But soon he was sighed in relief because the predictive skill was not triggered, which shows that the two Stone Beasts did not attack him.

Sure enough, the two Stone Beast guardians turned back at the same time after watching Ye Qianxing for half a minute.

Nothing happened.

Young Lion’s laughter came to an abrupt end, and a pair of lion eyes the size of a copper bell widened with an incredible expression.

"Why, why is this, why not attack him, he is a human being, humans are not allowed to enter the Monster Palace, are you rusty!"

The Lion Master couldn't believe his eyes, and under extremely angry, he moved towards the two guardian Stone Beast and roared.

The surviving lion demon of the Golden Retriever Clan hurriedly covered Lion Shao’s mouth.

That’s Stone Beast, even for the Monster Emperor. If it irritates them, then their trifling demon emperor cultivation base is not enough to look at.

Fortunately, Stone Beast doesn't seem to have spiritual wisdom, and he doesn't even bother Lion Shao's roar.

Ye Qianxing patted his chest with lingering fear, and walked quickly into the Monster Palace.

"Old night, it's okay, I was really nervous just now."

The fool saw Ye Qianxing come in safe and sound, and he was finally relaxed.

Ye Qianxing lifted his awakening state and separated from Xiao Taixu.

"It should be the Dragon Qi on Xiao Taixu who suppressed the Human Race breath on my body."

Ye Qianxing speculated, but he always feels that things are not that simple .

The two guardian Stone Beast turned around and looked at him a few times. It was obvious that they felt something, but in the end it was nothing.

Ye Qianxing didn't know what was going on.

I don't think much about it, just take one step at a time. So many difficulties and obstacles have passed.

He doesn't believe it, a trifling Monster Palace, what else can be dangerous.

"Is this the Monster Palace? It's quite magnificent."

Ye Qianxing looked around and took a look at the Monster Palace.

Can't help but sigh.

This Monster Palace is indeed magnificent, and when you look up, you can’t see how high it is.

On the walls of the ten thousand zhang all around, there are sacred monuments with characters unique to Monster Race carved on them.

On every stone tablet, there seems to be a strong Monster Qi lingering.

Every Monster Qi is several times stronger than the Monster Race present.

"Monster Palace inheritance has several millions of years, even in the chaotic Ancient Times, that is the Overlord level force standing on one side, the recorded Monster Emperor powerhouse totals 54,000, after they die Remnant Soul stays in the Monster Palace, waiting for those who are predestined to get their inheritance."

The silly eagle and Ye Qianxing explained things about the Monster Palace.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but trembled when he heard that there were more than 50,000 Monster Emperors in the Monster Palace in the Peak period.

Fifty thousand!

Now the total of the large and small emperor-level powerhouses in Spirit World will not exceed five thousand.

Ancient Times, really powerhouse like forests, horrible.

At the same time, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but wonder, why would a force such as Monster Palace be destroyed?

What powerful existence would it be if Monster Palace was destroyed?

"Then how to obtain the inheritance of these Monster Emperors?"

Ye Qianxing asked curiously.

He shouldn't get any inheritance, after all, he is not a Monster Race himself.

But his Spirit Pets are also Monster Races. If they can get some benefits, it will increase his battle strength.

"This is all luck. Wait."

The silly eagle shrugged and said helplessly.

good luck, there may be a Monster Emperor vying for you, bad luck, the worst demon Imperial Capital looks down on.

After all, Monster Emperor's vision is still very high.

Soon, other Monster Races also entered the Monster Palace one by one.

They were obviously shocked by the appearance of the Monster Palace. Except for the few older generations who visited the Monster Palace thousands of years ago, other Monster Races also came in for the first time.

Including silly eagles.

The silly eagle seems to know a lot, but in fact it is all I heard.

At this time, my eyes are also blackened here.

Inside the Monster Palace, it was surprisingly quiet. All Monster Races unanimously chose to shut up, waiting eagerly for the favor of a certain Monster Emperor.


Just after the Monster Race waited for more than half an hour, suddenly, a faint breath fluctuated.

Although it is very faint, the inside of Monster Palace is extremely silent at this time, even the sound of a needle falling on the ground can be heard.

Soon Monster Race pointed to a stone tablet on the wall and shouted excitedly.

"It moved, and the Remnant Soul of Monster Emperor senior has reacted!"

All Monster Races held their breath at this time, and all their eyes were focused on the flicker. On the stone tablet with faint rays of light.

The atmosphere didn't dare to take a breath, his face was full of tension and expectation.

"My ancestors, this Monster Emperor senior must choose me."

"Choose me, choose me..."

Most Monster Races speak softly Whispered.

But there are still some Monster Race faces after seeing the name on the stone tablet, and there is no slightest nervousness at all.

Silly Eagle is one of them.

"che, is the Star Monster Wolf Emperor, a not-so-famous Monster Emperor, but not as strong as my second uncle. In the Monster Emperor roster of Monster Palace, he can rank at most. More than 40,000."

Said the foolishly.

Before coming, he had already read the Monster Emperor roster left by Monster Palace.

Above are the names and rankings of the Monster Emperor recorded by Monster Palace.

Star Monster Wolf, when he was alive, he was no more than the second stage of Monster Emperor.

This kind of inheritance is rare in the low-bloodline Monster Race tribe, and I don’t even bother to take a look at it.

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