"Less than the top 100 Monster Emperor inheritance, it is not rare to give this Uncle for free."

The silly eagle said proudly.

He also has this proud capital. You know, he belongs to the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan and has the pure bloodline of Ancient Divine Beast Divine Peng.

If Divine Peng were placed in the Monster Palace roster, it would at least be in the top 100.

Even the first fifty is not a problem.

While they were talking about the sky, a cloud of light and shadow gushed from the previous stone tablet and turned into a wolf shape. After wandering in midair for a week, it finally rushed straight into the lower one. In Monster Race.

"It is the Young Master of the Flying Silver Wolf Race. Monster Wolf emperor senior has selected the Young Master of the Flying Silver Wolf Race!"

I saw that wolf-shaped light and shadow broke into the crowd. After being in the Monster Race, he got directly into the body of a flying Silver Wolf.

The latter is body trembled, sits cross-legged directly, closes his eyes, and begins to accept the opportunity presented to him by Emperor Qixing Monster Wolf.

The silly eagle can't see the Emperor Monster Wolf, but Flying Silver Wolf belongs to the lower-middle class among the Monster Race tribes in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains.

And before entering the Monster Palace, the patriarch died and the loss was great.

It is estimated that it will directly fall to the bottom of the Monster Race tribe.

But at this time, their Young Master was lucky and won the favor of Emperor Monster Wolf, and the other flying Silver Wolf were suddenly excited.

If it can perfectly receive the inheritance of Monster Wolf Emperor, plus the resources of Flying Silver Wolf Race itself.

It will not take long for their Silver Wolf tribe to give birth to a Monster Emperor.

The other Monster Races around are full of envy. If their patriarch of the Silver Wolf tribe is not dead, and Young Master can be promoted to the emperor class, then the position of the Silver Wolf tribe in the Monster Race of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Definitely can improve a few grades.

More than ten minutes passed, the stone tablet on the wall did not show any movement, but the Flying Silver Wolf Young Master, who had just received the Star Monster Wolf Emperor inheritance, woke up.

His breath is obviously stronger than before.

This is not just cultivation progress, but the improvement of overall strength.

The inheritance of Ancient Times Monster Emperor, even if it is just an unfamiliar Monster Emperor, the benefits that can be obtained are by no means small.

"Young Master, how is it?"

An old Silver Wolf hurriedly asked.

Feitian Silver Wolf Young Master flashed sharply, and his face also showed a look of joy.

"The Remnant Soul of Senior Star Wolf is about to dissipate, so I chose me. He has passed all the inheritance to me. As long as he can understand it, promotion to the emperor will not be a problem."

Feitian Silver Wolf Young Master said.

It has caused a lot of envy and hatred of Monster Race.

The bloodline inheritance of Flying Silver Wolf Race itself is actually not enough to support their promotion to the emperor class.

Their patriarch also obtained the Monster Emperor inheritance thousands of years ago, so they were lucky enough to break through the emperor class.

If the Young Master of Flying Silver Wolf does not obtain the inheritance of the Star Monster Wolf Emperor, it will be impossible to advance to the Monster Emperor for a lifetime.

They really stepped on dogshit luck.

The Remnant Soul of the Star Monster Wolf emperor couldn't last for long, and couldn't bear the inheritance disappearing from then on, so I had no choice but to choose Flying Silver Wolf.

"The inheritance of Monster Emperor senior has reacted again!"

Suddenly, Monster Race exclaimed again.

Ye Qianxing also looked up, and sure enough, another stone tablet was moving.

Moreover, there is more than one piece, all around with dozens of faint rays of light shining. Obviously, the actions of Emperor Monster Wolf caused the other Monster Emperor Remnant Souls that were about to dissipate to be anxious.

shua~ shua~ shua~ ……

one after another rays of light Leaving the stone tablet, moved towards the monster races below, sprinting away, entering each Monster Race Of the body.

These Monster Emperor Remnant Soul selected the younger generation of each Monster Race.

Everyone selected Monster Race by Monster Emperor Remnant Soul is very excited.

The silly eagle still looks very indifferent.

He doesn't even look down on the Monster Emperor inheritance currently appearing.

But soon, a stronger Monster Emperor inheritance appeared.

"Leibao Monster Emperor, this is not bad, it can almost be ranked in the Monster Emperor roster more than a thousand."

"Snow Deer Monster Emperor, the ranking can have eight More than a hundred names."

The silly eagle explained to Ye Qianxing, but in fact, he still looked down upon him.

Several Monster Emperor Remnant Souls tried to get into the body of the silly eagle, but they were all avoided by him.

The silly eagle is a rather queer personality, these Monster Emperor inheritance that he doesn't like, don't give it to him for nothing.

Sure enough, strong enough bloodline is willful.

Other Monster Races are vying for the inheritance they want, but this guy simply doesn't like it.

"I don't know if Xiao Taixu can get Monster Emperor inheritance, but if it's a normal Monster Emperor inheritance, don't worry."

Ye Qianxing was also thinking in his heart.

His Spirit Pets are not ordinary monster beasts, and even the Monster Emperor inheritance, which even the silly sculptures can't look down on, is even less favored by him.


At this moment, a stone tablet suddenly burst into a powerful brilliance.

Compared with the brilliance of those stone tablets just now, it is several times stronger.

As soon as the rays of light leave the stone tablet, they transform into a giant ape.

Ye Qianxing subconsciously asked the fool.

"Which Monster Emperor's Remnant Soul is this?"

The silly eagle did not answer directly. Ye Qianxing looked at it. This guy was staring at the giant ape with fiery eyes. Remnant Soul.

Even the silly eagle showed this look. It seems that this Monster Emperor Remnant Soul should not be simple.

Sure enough, the silly eagle spoke soon.

"Red Bottomed Horse Monkey, in the Monster Palace's Monster Emperor history, at least can be ranked in the top twenty..."

The silly eagle faintly said, the tone could not help but reveal Out of yearning.

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