Red Bottomed Horse Monkey, one of the four great apes, also known as Wu Zhiqi, is a very famous ape in Ancient Times. It has a great reputation and super strength.

Even in the period of Monster Palace Peak, his strength was able to rank in the top 20.

It is rumored that his cultivation base reached the terrifying Half God Realm during his lifetime.

Even give him some more time to break through the emperor realm and reach the real god realm is not a problem.

"Red Bottomed Horse Monkey Monster Emperor is absolutely Legendary in the history of our Monster Race. It is rumored that he had a fierce battle with Rain Dragon during the Ancient Times. Although Red Bottomed Horse Monkey Monster Emperor was defeated and was forcibly suppressed by Rain Dragon, that Rain Dragon was also seriously injured."

"It was exactly that battle that completely established the reputation of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey. After all, the Spirit World of Dragon Clan was definitely the strongest. Even if Rain Dragon is placed in Dragon Clan, it is also the most noble existence."

I couldn't help sighing.

"I heard that Red Bottomed Horse Monkey Monster Emperor has a very high vision. This time he took the initiative to show up. Is there a fancy Inheritor? Hehe, isn't it this Uncle?"


The silly eagle fluctuated in his heart and began to look forward to it.

In Monster Race, he thinks he should be the highest innate talent.

So Red Bottomed Horse Monkey Monster Emperor has to choose, he must be chosen too.

Although they are not of the same type, one is flying in the sky and the other is walking on the ground, but they are against the prestige of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey. If he is really selected, he will not be a fool. Would mind.

Thinking of this, the idiot hehe giggled.

Ye Qianxing moved in his heart and looked towards Vajra.

Although there is no evidence, he feels that the ghost soul of the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey Monster Emperor came out at this time, it is very likely that it is for Vajra.

After all, Vajra has a bloodline.

The Ape of the Arms, like the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey, belongs to the four great apes of the mixed world. Maybe there is a connection between the two.

But looking at the confident look of the fool, Ye Qianxing still did not have the heart to break his hopes.

Let reality hit him personally, Ye Qianxing said with a smile in his heart.

It's not just the silly eagle who noticed the ghost of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey, all the Monster Races in the room put their attention there.

Obviously, they all know what Red Bottomed Horse Monkey stands for.

"Red Bottomed Horse Monkey senior will definitely choose me. It is said that Red Bottomed Horse Monkey senior is extremely powerful and his inheritance is most suitable for my giant elephant family."

Shao has the same self-confidence as silly eagle.

"Then I say that Red Bottomed Horse Monkey senior is good at water control, and his inheritance is also suitable for my dragon crocodile family."

A crocodile monster beast said in dissatisfaction.

The dragon crocodile clan belongs to the big clan among the Monster Races in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains. It is not much worse than the giant elephant clan, so it is not in the slightest.

Many strong Great Demon tribes who have not spoken out before have begun to argue.

Obviously, the inheritance of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey Monster Emperor attracted them.

Just as these Monster Races were arguing, the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey demon soul glanced at the Monster Races below, and finally dived straight down.

This move shocked all Monster Races, they all held their breath at this moment, nervously and expectantly watching the demon soul of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey pass by them.

Finally, he flew straight to Vajra.

He turned around the Diamond Body, and finally showed a satisfied expression, which turned into a burst of energy and poured directly into Vajra's eyebrows.

"Wh...what, why is it him!"

"Ah! Why not me, this guy is simply not from my Monster Race, so why is he!"

"I'm not convinced!"

Those Monster Race Young Masters who were originally full of confidence are crazy at this time and can't believe their eyes.

There was an uproar in dissatisfaction.

Even the silly eagle didn't expect this, and looked towards Vajra with shock.

"Is it because he is both apes, so he was chosen? No, there is no monster beast without apes."

The silly eagle is very curious. Asked.

Ye Qianxing didn't hide it either, and said directly.

"Vajra contains the bloodline of the gibbous ape, and they are the same four great apes, Red Bottomed Horse Monkey should have chosen Vajra for this reason."

Ye Qianxing said that, the silly eagle understood in an instant.

But he still looked at Vajra in shock.

To tell the truth, among the Spirit Pets of Ye Qianxing, he is most impressed by Little Monk, Xiao Taixu and Erbaiwu. Vajra is the one with the lowest sense of existence.

Because he has the lowest cultivation base, and his personality is relatively honest and introverted, he doesn't express himself very much, so the idiot didn't pay much attention to him.

Really didn't expect, this guy who he has never cared about, hides so deeply.

The Ape of Arms, the existence of the same name as the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey, although it has not joined the Monster Palace, its reputation is definitely not low.

Vajra has the bloodline of the sacred ape, which he couldn't think of.

Ye Qianxing no matter what these Monster Race thoughts, he hurriedly looked towards Vajra.

As soon as the demon soul of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey entered Vajra's body, Vajra sat cross-legged and began to accept the inheritance of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey Monster Emperor.

Feeling the slight increase in Vajra's breath, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

There are few spiritual medicines suitable for Vajra, so his cultivation base has always been difficult to improve, and it has been lagging behind other Spirit Pets.

Although Vajra doesn't say anything, Ye Qianxing knows that he must also feel uncomfortable in his heart.

This is the disadvantage of too many Spirit Pets. It is always impossible to hold a bowl of water level and cannot be fair.

If they hadn't had the highest loyalty to Ye Qianxing, I am afraid they would have been dissatisfied.

This time I won the inheritance of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey Monster Emperor, Vajra should be able to improve a lot.

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