"Old night, you really came to the Monster Palace this time, let alone the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey Monster Emperor inheritance, even if it is a big gain."

The silly face looked envious and jealous.

But this benefit is better for Ye Qianxing than for other Monster Races, so after being depressed for a while, the silly eagle accepted this reality with pleasure.

Although other Monster Races have been complaining and dissatisfied, they are limited to beeping.

After all, they have witnessed the strength of Ye Qianxing with their own eyes.

Even the golden lion clan and the giant elephant clan were almost wiped out when they united, and they are not much better. .

So, they can only focus on other Monster Emperor inheritance, Ye Qianxing looked at Vajra nervously.

After more than ten minutes, Vajra suddenly opened his eyes.

Before Ye Qianxing could ask, Vajra suddenly pointed at the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey stone tablet. Hearing only the peng sound, the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey stone tablet burst open.

Two rays of light gush out from it, flashing past, appearing on Vajra's left and right hands.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly took a look, only to see that it was a water blue bead and a black stick.

【Water Spirit Bead: The source of water, controllable water, nine-star material. 】

【Steel rod: Red Bottomed Horse Monkey exclusive weapon, eight-star material. 】

Ye Qianxing system recognized these two distinct things as soon as he opened his eyes.

They are all good things!

At this time Vajra finally spoke.

"Boss, the demon soul of the horse monkey just said that this is actually just a strand of his Remnant Soul. The real he is suppressed under the turtle mountain, and he is willing to give me all the inheritance , But there is a condition, that is, after making me stronger, I must save him."

"Where is Guishan?"

Ye Qianxing asked curiously.

Vajra has obtained the inheritance of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey. If possible, he should indeed repay Red Bottomed Horse Monkey and rescue him.

Of course, all premises are capable.

Who knows that Vajra scratched her head and said with embarrassment.

"I forgot."


Ye Qianxing almost didn't spray blood, can this be forgotten?

"What he said is too complicated, my brain is not enough, and I have been thinking about the inheritance he said, but I didn't remember it clearly, hey, no matter what, maybe I will remember it anytime. , He didn’t set a time anyway."

Vajra hehe silly said with a smile.

Ye Qianxing gave Vajra a weird look, who said he was stupid.

It is definitely a group of shrewd people who can benefit from it and don’t need to do anything. This is a free lunch.

"You can only do that. Tell me about the inheritance you got?"

Ye Qianxing still cares more about Vajra's gains.

"I have gained some combat experience and battle skills. The most important thing is these two treasures. Listening to the horse monkey, this Water Spirit Bead is the source of his ability to control water, as well as the iron rod. , Is his weapon, he fought countless times with him, and was stained with the blood of many powerful people."

Vajra said.

Indeed, the quality of these two babies is not low, and there are not many babies that can be rated as eight-star and nine-star by the system.

"Why is Vajra's Heaven Supporting Pillar so low grade?"

Heaven Supporting Pillar seems to have been rated as 4-Star level, but this iron rod is eight stars Level, the gap is too big.

Ye Qianxing thought that the Heaven Supporting Pillar was quite strong before, but as the strength and vision improve, the grade of the Heaven Supporting Pillar becomes less and less impressive.

But if you think about it carefully, it may be because the iron rod has been with the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey for a lifetime, during which a lot of other treasures have been added, so the quality has been improved.

Anyway, this is Vajra now anyway.

Of course, the higher the quality, the better.

"Follow me into the creation space."

Ye Qianxing said, as soon as his mind moved, Vajra was incorporated into the system's creation space.

At this time, the attention of those Monster Races around is on Monster Emperor inheritance, and it doesn't matter if they are seen, Ye Qianxing's strength is now different from the past.

In the past, Ye Qianxing was worried that the existence of system was discovered because he was too weak and feared that an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a criminal.

But now it is different, he has enough strength to protect himself.

Don’t worry about these at all.

In the creation of the space, Ye Qianxing integrated the Water Spirit Bead and the iron rod, as well as Vajra and Heaven Supporting Pillar.

"The hand of the system, the force of creation, the gear of fate..."


With a rays of light flashing by, Vajra He appeared in front of Ye Qianxing's eyes again, his body was much taller than before, and silver white hair grew on his head, just like flowing silver hair.

The eyes are red, and the fangs at the corners of the mouth seem to glow with cold light.

The overall look is much more fierce than before.

Even the Heaven Supporting Pillar in his hand has become different, becoming thinner in the middle and thicker on both sides, making it more harmful.

At this time, this is no longer the Heaven Supporting Pillar, but the semifinished product of the Hunyuan Club!

As long as you gather the other two magic sticks, the Gold-banded Ruyi Stick and the Xunxin Ironman, you will be able to take shape.

The Hunyuan stick of semifinished product is eight-star and half-grade, which is equivalent to Grade 8 top-level Immortal Artifact. If it is formed, how strong will it be?

Ye Qianxing can't imagine it anymore.

Looking at Vajra again, the information appears before my eyes.

Spirit Pet: Spirit Pet (Ape bloodline 100%, Red Bottomed Horse Monkey bloodline 50%, Intelligent Stone Monkey bloodline 0%, Six Eared Macaque bloodline 0%)

attribute: Chaos system (mutated Metal Element, God Water Element)

Evaluation: Nine-star (growth type)

Level: SR5/Sovereign level five stages

Abilities: 1. Indestructible Vajra 2. Titan fist 3. Strike for the head 4. Celestial Phenomenon ground 5. Avoid death and extend life (automatically recover after injury) 6. Water control decision (control all water, fight against water)

Evolutionary route: gather the four great apes bloodline ……

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