A godless ape?

Chaos system?

Is this the situation?

Ye Qianxing didn't expect. After obtaining the inheritance of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey, Vajra could have such a big transformation.

Listening to the name alone is awesome plus.

"But this Red Bottomed Horse Monkey is also good enough for chicken thieves. It only leaves half of the bloodline inheritance. This is because I am worried that the successor will take advantage of the benefits and not work, so I will save a hand. Vajra wants If you want to become a real horrible ape, the other half of the bloodline inheritance of the Red Bottomed Horse Monkey must be obtained."

"It seems that I have to find some time to visit the turtle mountain, but... …"

Ye Qianxing was suddenly forced.

This guy Vajra has a brain. At that time, he was only thinking about inheritance. He simply didn't know where Kameyama was.

There are only two ways. One is to make Vajra remember it, and to see if they are lucky if they can find it.

"Don't think about it, let's talk about it now, and Vajra needs the bloodline inheritance of Intelligent Stone Monkey and Six Eared Macaque in addition to the other half of the bloodline inheritance of Red Bottomed Horse Monkey. This matter is urgent. No."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart.

Now he is still in Monster Palace, and it is not the time to think about this.

So the consciousness hurriedly returned to itself, and at the same time the renewed Vajra was released.

These times, speaking of which is a long time, in fact, it is less than one minute.

The previous Monster Emperor inheritances all found their own successors.

Among them, several Monster Emperor inheritances have selected the Golden Retriever Lion and Giant Elephants, which makes the lion and elephants very excited.

On the contrary, it was the Golden Wings Great Peng carving family, and none of them were selected.

"Haha, this time I have gained a lot. The Monster Palace has only been opened for less than two hours. My giant elephant clan has already obtained three Monster Emperor inheritance. You are all very good. After I go back, I will let The Royal Father cultivates you vigorously."

Said the little elephant laughed heartily, moved towards the few elephant tribes who got the Monster Emperor inheritance.

Lion Shaoze looked towards Sha Diao and Ye Qianxing provocatively.

"It's someone, I'm afraid I will be disappointed in this trip to Monster Palace. It has been so long, and there is no Monster Emperor inheritance selected. Only one is not your Golden Wings Great Peng. Carved irony and scorching satire"

said Lion Shao frigid irony and scorching satire.

Indeed, the only silly eagle who gets the Monster Emperor inheritance is Vajra, not from their Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan.

But this silly eagle is not angry.

"Trifling a few Monster Emperor inheritance that ranks five thousand away is excited for you. It's really a group of country bumpkins who have never seen the world before."

Said the fool with disdain. .

It wasn't that Monster Emperor inheritance chose him just now, but he didn't look down on him at all.

"Hmph, no matter how bad it is, it is better than none of you."

Shi Shao said in dissatisfaction.

The silly eagle did not speak any more, but kept looking up at the Monster Emperor stone tablets on the wall.

He believes that there will definitely be a powerful Monster Emperor who will love him.

Soon, the stone tablet somewhere in Monster Palace began to vibrate.

The silly eagle looked towards that place, his face was suddenly happy.

He glanced at Shao Shi and Shao Xiang provocatively, and said confidently.

"This Uncle will let you see what is the real Monster Emperor inheritance. Compared with the garbage inheritance you get, this Uncle will definitely open your eyes."

"Che, what are you pretending to be, then inheritance has not selected you yet."

Like Shao coldly snorted.

"Then you guys are optimistic."

The silly eagle seemed confident.

Soon, a light and shadow flashed from the stone tablet.

Turn into a colorful Divine Bird illusory shadow.

"Is this... a peacock?"

Ye Qianxing looked at the colorful Divine Bird and couldn't help but exclaim.

The peacocks he mentioned are not ordinary peacocks used for viewing on the earth and stars, but the legendary daughter of Phoenix, the Divine Bird peacock.

It is rumored that the dragon has nine sons and Phoenix also has nine young sons.

Divine Bird Peacock is one of them, Dapeng is also one of them, and he is also the younger brother of Peacock.

As the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle family, the silly eagle has a pure Dapeng bloodline.

Putting it that way, it is not unreasonable that the idiot has just been so confident that he can obtain the powerful Monster Emperor inheritance.

The silly eagle stared at the illusory shadow of the Divine Bird peacock, and murmured in his mouth.

"Yes, it is the Divine Bird Monster Emperor Ranked 12th, Great Bright King Peacock in the history of Monster Palace."

Ranked 12th!

Even Ye Qianxing couldn't help being surprised for a moment.

It is definitely a well-known figure in the Monster Emperor roster of Monster Palace.

The Red Bottomed Horse Monkey is so strong that by the strength of oneself, it can hardly fight against the upper Dragon Clan Rain Dragon among Dragon Clan and severely injured it, but it is only ranked 18th.

Great Bright King Peacock can be ranked twelve, only stronger.

"My grandfather acquired the bloodline inheritance of the Dapeng at the beginning. Only when our golden wings great eagle clan can evolve into the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle, it has risen since then. The Great Bright King Peacock is the elder sister of the Dapeng. , It will definitely not conflict with my bloodline inheritance."

Said the silly eagle, his bright eyes staring fiercely at the Great Bright King Peacock illusory shadow flying in the air.


A loud phoenix sound rang from the mouth of Great Bright King Peacock. She seemed to have spotted the silly eagle, and moved towards the silly eagle and rushed forward.

All of a sudden, he got into the body of the silly eagle.

The fool moved towards clansman beside him and Ye Qianxing said to help him protect the law, then closed his eyes and immersed himself in the inheritance of Great Bright King Peacock.

Not to mention all the inheritance of Great Bright King Peacock, as long as one can get even one-two-tenth of the benefits from it, it is a great help to the silly eagle.

Of course, if you can understand more, of course it will be better.

"Damn it, how lucky this guy is so lucky, he actually won the favor of Great Bright King Peacock, what should we do, do we take advantage of his refining inheritance..."

Elephant Shao walked up to Lion Shao and asked softly.

If the silly eagle succeeds in obtaining the inheritance of the Great Bright King Peacock, then they really have no chance.

When the time comes, the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan will only become stronger and stronger under the leadership of the silly eagle, and their two clan is even more insurmountable.

A killing intent flashed in Shi Shao’s eyes, but immediately he saw Ye Qianxing guarding the fool.

Ye Qianxing seemed to have noticed them too, of course he knew their careful thinking, but he didn't worry at all.

Instead, corner of the mouth raise, sneer at them.

If they dare to come over and make trouble, he doesn't mind letting them go.

Shao Shi was startled by Ye Qianxing's sneer, and remembered what had happened outside the Monster Palace before, and couldn't help swallowed saliva and said, said with a bitter smile.

"What can we do, that human being is still there, we are not his opponents, let alone his giant ape's subordinates just reaped the benefits and their strength has skyrocketed. Even if we make a move, we will only be It's just giving his life for nothing."

Shao Shi sees it through at this moment, and is not stupid enough to do it again.

"I just hope that we can get a stronger inheritance of the Monster Emperor."

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