"You are really not afraid of death."

The red eyes of the demon master stared at Ye Qianxing.

His cultivation base should be very high during his lifetime, so even after death, Divine Soul is much stronger than the previous Feiyan.

Being stared at by him, even Ye Qianxing, can't help but feel shocked and stressed at this time.

But he must hold back, at least he can't lose in an imposing manner.

"Of course I am afraid of death. No one in this world is afraid of death, right? But even if you are afraid, you can let me go?"

Ye Qianxing said without arrogance.

The demon master hearing this, looked towards Ye Qianxing, unexpectedly there was a touch of admiration in his gaze.

But fleeting.

"You are also an interesting guy, but unfortunately, you shouldn't destroy the coveted Divine Soul. He is my right arm. If you destroy him, I will pay the price. Otherwise, how about I am worthy of the soldiers who have fought with me for a lifetime."

"Come on, strip out the human soul!"

The demon lord shouted, all around the many Monsters on the wall The Emperor stone tablet shook suddenly.


pēng pēng pēng pēng bang bang ……

With the sound of the first explosion, the Monster Emperor stone tablets all around seemed to have a chain reaction and burst open.

one after another Monster Emperor Remnant Soul rushed out, moved towards Ye Qianxing swept away.

Obviously, the demon lord takes care of his identity and disdains himself to shoot Ye Qianxing himself, so let the Monster Emperor Remnant Soul do it.

These Monster Emperor Remnant Souls were all Monster Emperors during their lifetimes, emperor-level powerhouses.

Even if he is dead, now it is just a Remnant Soul, it is not easy to deal with.

even more how, look at the Monster Emperor Remnant Soul that rushes all around, there are eight hundred without a thousand, how can this be dealt with?

"wu wu wu ……"

These Monster Emperor Remnant Souls did not allow Ye Qianxing to think too much, and soon rushed to Ye Qianxing's front, making the voice of wu wu wu , Trying to get close to him, forcibly ripping out his soul.

"Nether Flame, burn it for me!"

Ye Qianxing did not hesitate, and directly released the Nether Flame.

Heiyan swept out and enveloped the Monster Emperor Remnant Souls close to Ye Qianxing. Those Monster Emperor Remnant Souls that Heiyan touched all screamed and retreated.

The Nether Flame specializes in restraining the soul. Although it failed on Feiqian previously, this does not mean that the Nether Flame is not strong.

After all, it was Divine Soul that was coveted, and these Monster Emperor Remnant Souls were not.

Don't look at the two sides that seem to be similar, but the real gap is very large, even the Soul of Demi-God, it can't compare with Divine Soul.

The Divine Soul of Feiyan is immune to the damage of the Nether Flame, but the Remnant Soul of these Monster Emperors cannot.

Those Monster Races around saw Ye Qianxing fighting with a group of Monster Emperor Remnant Souls, and they were hiding far away for fear of being affected.

Only the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan headed by the silly eagle and Xiao Taixu are closely following Ye Qianxing.

"Young Master, what shall we do, that is the demon lord, if we fight against the demon lord with him, then I am afraid we will be the enemy of Monster Race."

The silly cousin said with some worry.

After all, the demon lord is the nominal leader of Monster Race. Although the Monster Palace is gone, the demon lord has only a ray of Remnant Soul left, but his reputation in Monster Race is still there.

"What can I do, I can't abandon the old night, right?"

The silly eagle is also very entangled.

This time is different from the past, not when he can be willful.

Before facing other Monster Race or whatever, the silly eagle doesn't have to worry, because behind him is the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan.

But now, he is facing the demon lord, the ancestor of Monster Race, the former ruler, if he now fights the demon lord together with Ye Qianxing, it would be a big rebellion.

This is not just his own problem, but will affect the reputation of the entire Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan in Monster Race.

Therefore, the silly eagle had to pay attention to it.

At this time, the surrounding Monster Race looked towards Silly Diao and their expressions all changed.

"tsk tsk tsk, this is a good opportunity. The Young Master of the Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan leads the clansman to help humans and deal with the demon lord. This is definitely a treason, and it will definitely cause Monster Race to go up and down. I am dissatisfied with each other. As long as today’s events are spread out, no matter how great the Peng King is, it will not help."

"The Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle Clan throughout the Monster Race, don't want to get mixed up. "

"It seems that the Golden Wings Great Peng Eagle Clan's thousands of years of inheritance will be defeated by this young Eagle."

Xiang Shao sneered repeatedly in his heart.

The silly eagle made a decision.

& The Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan has nothing to do with it as a whole."

In this way, the entire Golden Wings Great Peng eagle clan can be preserved.

Only in this way, I am afraid that the silly eagle will also be expelled from Monster Race, and can no longer step into the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains for half a step.

"Young Master, absolutely no, if patriarch knew, he would definitely not spare us."

Cousin Cousin silly said hurriedly.

"I have decided, so it is decided. If you still regard me as your Young Master, then you will be obedient and quickly quit!"

The silly voice is very firm.

He knew that facing the attacks of hundreds of Monster Emperor Remnant Souls, there was a cultivation base deep and unmeasurable demon master beside him. He and Ye Qianxing had no chance of surviving.

But he still does not intend to abandon Ye Qianxing.

Having been in contact with Ye Qianxing for so long, and after so many experiences, he has already regarded Ye Qianxing as a real brother.

Maybe it's because of his personality. He doesn't have many friends, and the only brother is Ye Qianxing.

For this unique brother love, Silly Eagle also attaches great importance to it.

For this reason, he even plans to live and die with Ye Qianxing.

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