"Silly Eagle, you..."

Seeing the silly Eagle staying, Ye Qianxing's heart rose with warmth.

This is a good brother.

"Let’s not say anything that is nasty, this Uncle is a brother like you, impossible to watch you die."

Laughed fool, with golden light on his body, countless times The golden feathers shot out, and those Monster Emperor Remnant Souls moved towards all around shot away.

Little Taixu, Vajra, Little Monk and other Spirit Pets also used their own methods to resist the Monster Emperor Remnant Soul that came from siege.

"en? Divine Fire? Not bad, but some means."

Watching Ye Qianxing swirling around the black flame, the Monster Emperor Remnant Soul didn't dare to approach at all, the demon Lord’s A surprise flashed in his eyes.

Naturally, he could see that the Heiyan controlled by Ye Qianxing was of the sacred fire level.

"Your physique seems a bit unusual, but it suits me."

The demon lord looked at Ye Qianxing with some fiery eyes.

Ye Qianxing owns Saint Physique of Jiuyang, and the main body of the demon is the Three-legged Golden Crow, the two are indeed very suitable.

Ye Qianxing's body should be more compatible with Divine Soul of the demon Lord.

"Do you want to body possession me too?"

Ye Qianxing sneered, really and Feixian are jackals of the same tribe.

Not willing to exist as a soul body, expecting a body possession by body.

It's just that Ye Qianxing can't figure it out. Their main body is Monster Race, and they are human beings. Why do they all think about body possession.

Is it because of his own Saint Physique?

Ye Qianxing is very puzzled, but has no answer.

Upon hearing Ye Qianxing’s question, the demon master shook the head.

"You don't need body possession. Anyway, your soul will be torn out by me. Your body will only be a shell in the end, I can use it by myself."

Good guy, this demon lord is more ruthless than Feixian.

Ye Qianxing no longer talks nonsense with the demon lord, because there are more and more Monster Emperor Remnant Souls around. They seem to have received the demon lord’s order, and they will not hesitate to be burned by the Nether Flame. , And also get close to Ye Qianxing.

"Damn it, Nine Heavens Imperial True Thunder Art!"

Ye Qianxing suddenly felt a sudden increase in pressure. While releasing the ghostly Nether Flame, he shot out a few Thunder Palms .

This reluctantly knocked the Monster Emperor Remnant Soul back.

With so many Monster Emperor Remnant Souls, the weak ones also have the strength comparable to that of the Demon Emperor. Some of them are powerful, and even have battle strength with Monster Emperor level.

Ye Qianxing They simply can't stand it.

"What to do, what to do!"

Ye Qianxing is anxious, racking his brains to break the enemy, but the difference in strength between the two sides is really big, this is no longer a matter of fact. It can be solved by thinking of a solution.

Unless, what can happen!

Just as Ye Qianxing was thinking about it, suddenly, a voice rang outside the gate of Monster Palace.

"Monster Palace is a heavy land, non-Monster Race is not allowed to enter, offenders..."

"bang! Bang!"

Those are the two palaces The voice of Stone Beast.

However, their voices did not stop, and two explosions sounded next.

This attracted the attention of the monster master, Ye Qianxing and all Monster Race present, and they turned their attention to the gate of Monster Palace at the same time.

Then, they saw two voices stepping into the Monster Palace.

Those are two middle-aged man-like humans. There is no Monster Qi on them, so they should not be transformed into Monster Emperor, but real human beings.

Even Ye Qianxing was a little surprised. In this Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, besides himself, when did two more humans appear?

These two middle-aged men, one wearing white clothed and the other wearing black clothed, have a sense of sight of Black and White Fiends.

Among them, the black clothed middle-aged man looked towards the most eye-catching demon lord at a glance.

"Hehe, it seems that Sir Holy Lord is really right. This time the Monster Palace is opened, the Divine Soul of the demon lord will be awakened, Old Bai, it seems that this time we are not in vain, we can complete it. Mission."

The black clothed middle-aged faintly smiled said.

The white clothed middle-aged person next to him seems to have a colder personality. He didn't reply, just a pair of eagle-like stern eyes, staring at the Demon Lord's Divine Soul.

"You, are his subordinates?"

When the demon master saw the two, his attention was no longer on Ye Qianxing, but instead he watched vigilantly. With those two Black and White Fiends.

"Monster Palace has been destroyed by him, why, I still refuse to let me go!"

"Sir Monster Lord is serious, our Holy Lord just misses you, let We have come to invite you to gather together in the Holy Soul Palace, Sir Monster Lord will not even give up this little face, right?"

It is still the black clothed middle-aged talking.

When the black clothed middle-aged man said the three characters for the Holy Soul Palace, Ye Qianxing's heart slammed, he was very familiar with the name.

At the beginning, he killed the left soul envoy of the Holy Soul Palace, worrying that the Holy Soul Palace would come to avenge him, but a few months passed, the Holy Soul Palace did not move at all.

I didn't expect to hear the name again this time.

However, it seems that they are not coming for themselves, but for the demon master.

This is not bad, if they fight, they can run away in the chaos.

So Ye Qianxing didn't do anything for the time being to prevent the people in the Holy Soul Hall from paying attention to him, just quietly watching the development of things.

"Miss me? I'm afraid I want to die soon."

"You also want to invite me to the Holy Soul Hall to gather together? Hehe, you don't need to think about finding reasons Is it true that I’m demented? I’m afraid that this so-called gathering is a won but never returned feast at hongmen, right?"

He politely exposed the black clothed middle-aged lie.

"My Divine Soul is immortal for a day, and your Holy Lord will be uneasy for a day, right? Go back and tell him that everything he did to Monster Race and Monster Palace will one day I have asked to come back several times."

"Let him wait for it!"

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