When the demon master said these words, whether it was his tone or his eyes, he was full of extreme anger.

I am even more angry than knowing that Ye Qianxing killed the Divine Soul who was coveted.

Ye Qianxing listened to their conversation, and more or less guessed that the destruction of the Monster Palace may not be related to the Holy Soul Palace.

But this makes Ye Qianxing even more terrified.

Is the Holy Soul Palace actually so powerful? Can even such a terrifying force as Monster Palace be destroyed?

Also, listening to the words of the Demon Lord, he and the Holy Lord of the Holy Soul Palace also seem to have some relationship.

What age is the demon lord? Far Ancient Era.

Could it be that the Holy Lord of the Holy Soul Palace also existed since Far Ancient Era, and has lived to the present?

Could there be humans with such a long lifespan at that time?

Ye Qianxing is puzzled in every possible way. Although he is curious, he also knows that now is not the time to pursue these problems.

The most urgent task is to save one's own life first.

"Sir Monster Lord, it’s wrong for you to think so. Our Sir Holy Lord is magnanimous and kind. How could we be the kind of person you think? There must be some misunderstanding between you, otherwise, You still go back to the Holy Soul Hall with us to see Sir Holy Lord, maybe you can solve the misunderstanding?"

The black clothed middle-aged is still very patiently persuaded.

"Okay, don't waste your words, go back and tell you the Holy Lord, come here in person if you have the ability, don't find some guys to spread the news."

The demon lord still has his tone. Extremely bad.

I was scolded, the black clothed middle-aged complexion is obviously a bit ugly, and his face is not white, and it is cast a shadow.

As soon as he wanted to continue talking, the white clothed middle-aged man beside him couldn't bear it.

"hmph, old black, do you need to talk so much nonsense? Just take him back, the Holy Lord's order is to take him back to the Holy Soul Palace, if he dares to resist, life and death No matter."

The tone of the white clothed middle-aged man is colder than his expression, as if there is no emotional color at all.

After finishing a sentence, he moved towards the demon master and rushed over.

At the same time, a white illusory shadow enveloped the whole body.

"Demon soul possessed, Baiyu Immortal Crane!"


The white clothed middle-aged man showed his wings, like a white crane with wings, and rushed to the front of the demon lord in an instant. I don't know when a bright long sword appeared in his hand.

No nonsense, just stab the Divine Soul of the demon lord abruptly.

"Impudent, wait for the ants, and dare to do it with me!"

The demon master furiously shouted, and the fiery flames released from his body suddenly skyrocketed.

Pushed the white clothed middle-aged back a few steps.

At this time, the black clothed middle-aged also shot.

After the demon soul possessed his body, he also rushed to the front of the demon lord, and joined forces with the white clothed middle-aged man to deal with the demon lord.

"All Monster Palace belong to, kill these two!"

One against two, even the demon master felt great pressure.

Although the two Black and White Fiends are only the cultivation base of the emperor level, the demon master is only a Divine Soul after all.

If the strength is less than one ten thousandth of his life, he can only display the strength of the emperor class.

However, this is Monster Palace, his site.

To deceive more and less things like this, that should be done by him.

As soon as the demon master's voice fell, the Monster Emperor Remnant Soul who had besieged Ye Qianxing turned to the demon soul emperor who had killed the two holy soul halls.

Ye Qianxing's pressure suddenly disappeared.

"Don't be silly, run away in the chaos, otherwise no matter which side of them wins, it will not be good for us."

Ye Qianxing moved towards is watching the excitement Shouted the silly eagle.

At this time, this guy is still immersed in the excitement.

It really doesn't matter.

"Oh, okay."

The silly eagle still looks unfinished, and occasionally glances a few times.

Ye Qianxing is so angry that he really wants to kick him a few feet.

Just when Ye Qianxing wanted to quietly leave Monster Palace with the silly eagle and them, he was embarrassed to find that the gate of Monster Palace was blocked by those Monster Races.

If they leave, they will surely alarm the demon master and the two holy soul hall guys.

In case it provokes the siege of both of them, it will really be dead.

"Where are you going?"

The silly eagle asked. After Ye Qianxing's brain was running fast, he looked towards the place where the demon master appeared before, which is the separate wall.

"The door is blocked, we can only go there and see if we can find another way out."

Ye Qianxing said.

Silly Eagle also has no other methods, and can only nodded agree with Ye Qianxing's ideas.

As for Xiaotaixu and the others, they even unconditionally believe in Ye Qianxing. Ye Qianxing said what to do, then what to do.


Once the decision is made, Ye Qianxing does not hesitate.

Cautiously clinging to the wall, he walked around behind the demon master, and then he sneaked into the secret room behind the wall.

The demon master was fighting fiercely with the two Black and White Fiends in the Holy Soul Palace, and he did not feel the abnormal noise behind him.

In this way, Ye Qianxing, the silly sculpture and a kind of Spirit Pet all quickly entered the wall.

weng!! !

As soon as he stepped into the wall, Ye Qianxing felt a buzzing sound in his head, and his eyes went black.

He knows that this is the discomfort caused by traveling through space by a large margin.

Is there another space behind this wall?

Ye Qianxing just thought of this, the buzzing in his head faded.

Soon, a light appeared in front of his eyes.

His vision soon recovered.

When his vision was completely restored, he also saw the scene before him clearly, and couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

"Is this... the sun?"

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