
The black clothed middle-aged man stopped abruptly, looking at the grove where the energy came from moved towards purple, the cold glow flashed in his eyes, but he didn't see anything.

It's as if there is nothing like that.

Ye Qianxing didn't notice what was happening behind him, and rushed straight into the forbidden area.

Watching Ye Qianxing's silhouette drifting away, the black clothed middle-aged looked at the grove with fear, there was still no movement there.

"Don't you dare to show up? That shouldn't be a threat."

The black clothed middle-aged murmured, and continued to chase in the direction he moved towards Ye Qianxing, but most of his attention Still placed around.

This time no one sneak attacked him again, and the black clothed middle-aged sighed in relief, speeding up the chase.

"Where is the person? I just hesitated for a moment, he should not be far away."

After rushing into the forbidden area, the black clothed middle-aged could not see Ye Qianxing Silhouette of the person.

"hmph, the person I want to catch, even the ends of the earth, can't escape my palm."

black clothed middle-aged coldly snorted, eyes closed Shang Jingjing felt it.

The next moment moved towards one direction.

"You are infected with my poisonous baleful aura, you can't escape!"


After all, the black clothed middle-aged chased at full speed.

It didn't take long before he saw the silhouette of Ye Qianxing.

At this moment Ye Qianxing stood still, with his hands on his shoulders, looking at him calmly and with a smile.

"Knowing that I can't run away, so stop and wait for me? It should have been so long ago, and it can save a lot of effort."

The black clothed middle-aged sneaked, turned into a human body, moved towards Ye Qianxing

Ye Qianxing still stood still, but a smirk appeared on his face.

He didn't speak, but suddenly a stride moved towards the left and flashed.

At the moment Ye Qianxing flashed, he only heard a light sound, and a sound wave of the blade moved towards the black clothed middle-aged.

The sound wave blade came too suddenly, and the speed was extremely fast. The black clothed middle-aged man had no time to dodge, so he could only lean slightly to avoid the point.

The blade of Yinlang directly ran across his left shoulder.

pu chi!

The whole left arm of the black clothed middle-aged man was cut off, blood gushing like spring water.


The black clothed middle-aged groaned, but still immediately took out a therapeutic medicine pill from the storage bag and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The wound immediately began to heal.

It’s just that if you want to get your arm back or rebirth from a broken limb, you need a medicine pill with a good grade.

Although he has this kind of medicine pill, it is obviously not the time to use it now.

Although the attack just now was a sneak attack, he can still clearly feel its powerful formidable power.

Being able to play such a powerful move is by no means an ordinary person.

The black clothed middle-aged hurriedly moved towards Ye Qianxing and looked behind him, only to realize that Ye Qianxing was actually standing on an altar at this time.

A bull-shaped creature has been sitting behind Ye Qianxing, and in front of it, there is an ancient zither.

Who else can you be if you are not a prisoner?

"Half...Half-step God Realm!"

The black clothed middle-aged could see the cultivation base of the prisoner cow at a glance, and his eyes almost stared out.

Half-step God Realm!

Even if it is placed in the Holy Soul Hall, it is Elder level or something else.

Don't think he is a high-level Demon Soul Emperor, but compared with Demi-God, he is definitely a ravaged existence.

In this regard, even if the black clothed middle-aged person is self-defeating, at this time he has to admit that he is definitely not the opponent of the prisoner.

"Prison cattle senior, please, don't let him leave alive."

Ye Qianxing moved towards prison cattle cup hand to hold fist.

"Hahaha, don't worry, this area is my domain, he can't escape."

The prisoner said confidently.

The entire forbidden area belongs to his domain, so even if he can't leave the range of the altar, but only in the forbidden area, he can't escape his palm.


After a moment of shock, the black clothed middle-aged reacted instantly.

Flee, flee desperately!

Unfortunately, since Prison Niu said in front of Ye Qianxing that he would not let him leave, he decidedly impossible to leave alive.

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing.


I saw the prisoner bull's fingertips lightly flick on the ancient zither, the sound wave energy swept out, and instantly caught up with the black clothed middle-aged who was running wild.

The sound wave covered the whole body of the black clothed middle-aged. The latter suddenly became the same as Ye Qianxing's previous state. The body was imprisoned, suspended in the air, unable to move.

But what is different from being stopped for time is that his consciousness is very clear, and he watched Ye Qianxing slowly walk towards him.

"Leave it to you."

Prisoner Niu said casually, as if this black clothed middle-aged man is not a demon soul emperor, but just a dispensable ant.

"many thanks prisoner cattle senior."

Ye Qianxing cup one fist in the other hand thanked him, and walked a few steps to the black clothed middle-aged person, looking at him. The feeling of wanting to struggle but unable to move.

He couldn't be more familiar with this feeling, and this feeling of being manipulated by others is very hopeless.

But Ye Qianxing did not sympathize with this black clothed middle-aged person. From the moment he wanted to kill himself, his ending had already appeared.

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