Ye Qianxing took out the Leiqie sword and patted it on the face of the black clothed middle-aged man, looking like a villain with pride.

"What? Now it's in my hands. Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Ye Qianxing smiled evilly.

Black clothed middle-aged: "..."

"Don't speak? It's quite stiff, but I want to see if you have a hard bone or a hard mouth."

As he said, Ye Qianxing turned his hand, Lei Qijian danced a sword flower, and the newly healed wound on the broken arm of the black clothed middle-aged man suddenly exploded.

Blood gushes out without money.

The black clothed middle-aged person still can't move a bit, but he still feels it. This kind of painful feeling can't be struggling and can't scream, it's too uncomfortable.

"Don’t speak yet? It’s hard enough, but I don’t believe that in this world there will be people who are really hard."

Ye Qianxing looks serious, and he has Wave quickly.

With only a sound of pu chi, a sharp sword light slashed across the black clothed middle-aged's other arm.

With a sound of pu chi, the arm broke, just like the left arm, with blood spraying on both sides, like a fountain.

Black clothed middle-aged: "..."

"If you don't speak yet, there is a seed, then let you taste the pain of the soul."

Ye Qianxing said, with a black flame beating on his fingertips.

It is the ghostly Nether Flame.

The ghostly Nether Flame entered the black clothed middle-aged eyebrows under the control of Ye Qianxing. Next moment, Ye Qianxing could clearly see an extremely painful look in the black clothed middle-aged eyes. .

Even his facial expressions moved and became a bit hideous.

The black clothed middle-aged man was imprisoned in every part of his body, even his face was no exception, but the pain at this time made his breakthrough limit.

Forcibly broke free from the shackles of his face.

This kind of torture lasted for more than ten minutes before Ye Qianxing collected the spooky Nether Flame little flame.

The painful color in the black clothed middle-aged eyes disappeared a bit.

It's just that his eyes and face are obviously haggard, and there is despair and death in his eyes.

"I have to say that you are indeed the most kind of person I have ever seen. After so much torture, you can still stop."

Ye Qianxing faced black The clothed middle-aged gave a thumbs up, but the latter's mouth moved slightly, as if he wanted to speak, but he couldn't open his mouth.

I can't even hum the sound.

His eyes are full of anxiety, the kind of anxiety that can't be said.

"His whole person is imprisoned by me, and he can't speak at all."

The prisoner cow finally couldn't stand it anymore and took the initiative to say.

Ye Qianxing nodded.

Of course he knew that the black clothed middle-aged did not want to speak, but could not speak. After all, he had experienced it personally.

What he just did was actually revenge on the black clothed middle-aged. He didn't forget that he was strangled by this guy before and couldn't speak. This guy has been provoking himself.

The humiliation suffered is returned a hundred times, which has always been the purpose of Ye Qianxing.

But now that the vent is over, Ye Qianxing does not plan to play anymore.

"Well, prisoner cattle senior, let’s untie his mouth."

The prisoner cattle flicked the ancient zither, and the black clothed middle-aged mouth opened suddenly, almost at the same time. A word came out of his mouth.

"I said, I said everything!"

Seeing him like this, I was really scared.

The double destruction of body and soul is indeed not many people can withstand, even if he is a Demon Soul Emperor, it is no exception.

Ye Qianxing didn’t talk nonsense anymore. The reason why he didn’t directly kill the black clothed middle-aged, but to destroy him in every possible way, besides revenge and discouragement, there is another purpose, that is to ask him about The Saintess thing.

Ye Qianxing always cares about Saintess whether it is Xia Xiaoyu or not. Ye Qianxing is not reconciled if he doesn't ask clearly.

"Let me ask you, what is Saintess's name?"

Ye Qianxing asked directly.

The black clothed middle-aged man was taken aback first, obviously didn't expect Ye Qianxing to ask him about Saintess.

Seeing this guy startled, Ye Qianxing was not welcome, and a small black flame appeared on his fingertips again.

The black clothed middle-aged pupil suddenly shrinks from fright, which is obviously a psychological shadow on Ye Qianxing's ghostly Nether Flame.

"No, I said, I said, Your Highness the Saintess's name is Dongfang Yu phoenix."

"Dongfang Yu phoenix?"

Ye Qianxing The rays of light in hearing this are obviously dimmed.

Is it true that he admitted wrong?

But Ye Qianxing still did not give up, and continued to ask.

"Tell me about the origin and identity of your Saintess."

"Origin? I don't know the origin of Your Highness the Saintess. After all, I'm just a member of the Holy Soul Palace. nobody, I only know that Your Highness the Saintess is the only dísciple of the Sir Holy Lord. In the Holy Soul Palace, not just in name only, but also in reality under one person above ten thousand people. I really don’t know about the others. , I have no right to know."

said the middle-aged black clothed.

"a nobody? Hehe, you can't think of me as a fool? You are a dignified demon soul emperor, and you are also a high-level demon soul emperor. Could it be a nobody?"

Ye Qianxing sneered, obviously not believing it.

The small black flame that I saw moved, and the black clothed middle-aged man quickly explained.

"I really didn't lie to you. Don't think I am a high-level Demon Soul Emperor, but I don’t even count as an Elder in the Holy Soul Hall. In the Holy Soul Hall, there must be at least Half God Realm can enter the Elder layer. Otherwise, it would be a nobody, without the slightest right to speak, but at best a more powerful thug."

The black clothed middle-aged was really scared by Ye Qianxing, so He didn't conceal the slightest bit of it, and directly told the battle strength of the Holy Soul Palace.

Ye Qianxing's eyes did not look fake.

He didn't have the time and energy to come up with a lie without a weak spot, so Ye Qianxing believed his words.

But this just made Ye Qianxing's heart sink even more.

After all, he underestimated the Holy Soul Palace. Even the high-level demon soul Imperial Capital can only be a fighter, and only Demi-God can enter the Elder layer.

This holy soul temple is definitely countless times stronger than any force in Spirit World.

"Describe the face of Saintess."

Ye Qianxing said, the black clothed middle-aged man didn't even think about it, so he said directly.

"Your Highness the Saintess until now wears a veil to show people. In the entire Holy Soul Temple, I have seen the true face of Your Highness the Saintess. I am afraid that there are no more than five. I am not qualified at all."

Next, Ye Qianxing asked other questions about Saintess, but unfortunately, the black clothed middle-aged knew very little about Saintess, and Ye Qianxing couldn't get any information from just a few words.

His brows gradually frowned.

"Last question, where is the headquarters of the Holy Soul Palace?"

Since he doesn't know about Saintess, Ye Qianxing intends to ask him about the Holy Soul Palace.

He always has a faint feeling that there should be a certain connection between himself and the Holy Soul Palace.

It’s just that this kind of connection doesn’t seem very good, so he must know more about the Holy Soul Temple.

Know yourself and know your enemy to fight every battle without defeat.

"It's... uh!"

The black clothed middle-aged man was just about to answer, but before he could say the words, his face suddenly became hideous and flushed.

Or it should be said that his whole body is hot.

"Not good, quickly retreat! ”

Prison cattle complexion changed, moved towards Ye Qianxing shouted.

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