The prisoner cow until now gives people the impression of calmness and laziness. Apart from the great emotional fluctuations when telling Ye Qianxing about Xiao Taixu’s life experience, he seemed very kind to everything. Calm down.

But this time, his face changed drastically.

The speed in his hand increased, and the ancient zither flicked a few times quickly.

There is an urgent emotion in the piano sound. One after another sound wave energy envelopes the black clothed middle-aged person, but still can't stop the black clothed middle-aged body from swelling suddenly.

There was obviously cold sweat on the prisoner cow's face, and the motion on his hands almost appeared afterimages. One after another sound waves continued to rush towards the black clothed middle-aged.

Ye Qianxing also reacted immediately, directly urging the space shuttle and moving to a few hundred meters away.

Xiao Taixu also retreated with Ye Qianxing.


They had just retreated within a few seconds, when an extremely loud explosion sounded in their ears.

At the same time, a strong wave swept in, still mixed with the stubborn flesh and blood.

Ye Qianxing and Xiao Taixu are in a mess.

But fortunately, perhaps the distance is far enough, and the prisoner cattle senior has taken sufficient defensive measures, so the formidable power of Jinlang is not large.

Ye Qianxing quickly slowed down, moving towards the explosion.

At this time, most of the altar was filled with blood and minced meat, and there was no slight silhouette of the black clothed middle-aged.

Not only did he die himself, he didn't even leave the demon soul.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help feeling a pity for a while.

"Damn it, I didn't realize that there was an extremely powerful restraint hidden in this guy's body. It should be that the question you asked that guy just touched the restraint, so it exploded."

Prison Niu said with a serious face.

Ye Qianxing is also frowned. He just asked about the location of the Holy Soul Palace headquarters. The black clothed exploded in the middle age. It is conceivable that someone did not want him to reveal the location of the Holy Soul Palace.

So I just stopped talking.

Just giving up a high-level Demon Soul Emperor so easily, this Holy Soul Palace is really luxurious.

It is absolutely impossible to switch to Heavenly Jade Continent superpowers such as Tianyao Emperor Dynasty, Sword Pavilion, Burning Heaven Sect and so on.

"It's just a pity, I still can't determine whether that Saintess is Xiaoyu..."

Ye Qianxing's expression is a bit lonely.

Xiao Taixu is very aware of the friendship between Ye Qianxing and Xia Xiaoyu, so he hastily comforted.

"Then Saintess should not be Sister Xiaoyu. If so, how can you not recognize the boss."

"Boss, don't be too sad. Actually, look at it from another angle. Speaking, the Saintess of the Holy Soul Palace should be better if it is not Sister Xiao Yu."

"After all, there is always a contradiction between us and the Holy Soul Palace. If Sister Xiao Yu is a member of the Holy Soul Palace, it would not It's easy to handle."

Xiao Taixu's words are not unreasonable, but Ye Qianxing is still unwilling.

"Boss, at worst, when we have the strength, we will go to the Temple of Souls to take a walk and personally confirm whether the Saintess is Sister Xiaoyu or not. If so, we will snatch her back. If not, if you are attracted to her, let's snatch her back!"

Xiao Taixu continued, which made Ye Qianxing laugh.

"You guy, you really learned badly from Erbaiwu. We are not bandits and want to rob Mrs. Zhai?"

Ye Qianxing said with a smile, feeling lonely in my heart. At the moment, it has also been reduced a lot.

Nowadays, thinking too much is really useless, only the strength is improved. At worst directly went to the Holy Soul Palace, lifted the veil of Saintess, and personally saw if she was Xia Xiaoyu!

"Prison cattle senior, there are friends waiting for me outside, we will leave first."

After solving the black clothed middle-aged, Ye Qianxing does not plan to stay long. Peng King and Sha Diao should still worry about themselves.

"Okay, I'll give you a ride."

The prisoner was nodded, and his fingertips flicked lightly on the ancient zither.

The sound of the piano was curled up, and Ye Qianxing soon became immersed in it. When he regained consciousness again, the sound of the piano had stopped.

As soon as the scene turns, it is the entrance to the forbidden area.

Xiao Taixu is right by Ye Qianxing's side, and he wakes up about the same time as Ye Qianxing.

After Ye Qianxing cup hand to hold fist in the forbidden area, he rushed to Divine Peng Mountain.

After returning to Divine Peng Mountain, and seeing Ye Qianxing return safely, Peng King and Shao Diao are naturally sighed in relief.

I also asked Ye Qianxing what method he used.

Ye Qianxing casually found a reason for prevarication, saying that he had introduced the black clothed middle-aged person into the forbidden area, and then entered the forbidden area by himself, and has several points of understanding of the structure of the forbidden area.

He threw the black clothed middle-aged away, and then came back. As for the black clothed middle-aged, it should be trapped by the terrifying existence hidden in the forbidden area or killed directly.

Ye Qianxing’s reasons are full of loopholes, but Peng King and Silly Eagle can only believe that as long as Ye Qianxing is safe and sound, it doesn’t matter.

In the next few days, nothing happened. Ye Qianxing stayed at his residence in Divine Peng Mountain, very plain and comfortable.

Of course, Ye Qianxing was not idle during this time.

In this trip to Monster Palace, although he has lived and died several times, the risk is proportional to the gain.

First, Erbaiwu, after devouring the inheritance of one of the ancient four evil spirits, he also activated his inheritance that has been hidden in the bloodline of the gluttonous.

When he was on Earth, Erbaiwu had a gluttonous bloodline.

But that gluttony should not be a pure gluttonous glutton. Perhaps it was like the Golden Wings Great Peng sculpture. It was a gluttonous bloodline inheritance by chance, so it advanced to become a gluttonous glutton.

After Erbaiwu fused its gluttonous bloodline, the inheritance was hidden. It wasn't until a few days ago that it swallowed the bloodline that it was finally fully activated.

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