"When you say this, it seems that I was the right thing to kill Allen that beast."

After hearing Bai Tengfei's words, Ye Qianxing's impression of that Allen became even worse. .

Kill well, this is killing harm for the people!

"Since I'm here, let's settle the matter of Meteorite Town by the way."

Ye Qianxing said.

Although he still needs to see what happened to the Flame Emperor, it is not troublesome to solve the problem of Meteorite Town, and it will not take much time.

"Ye Young Hero, forget it, the strong man around Cassirer I said before is difficult to deal with, and I heard that the red robed old man just said that it was his Senior Brother, he If you know that you killed Junior Brother, you will definitely not let you go, Ye Young Hero, you should leave as soon as possible."

Bai Tengfei heard Ye Qianxing's words and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Ye Young Hero, I just ask you to take away Bai Ling. I am old and will not live long. I want to coexist and die with Bai Family, but she is still young."

"Grandfather, I won't go, I want to face danger with you and Bai Family."

Bai Bailing said quickly, hearing this.

Seeing the grandfather and grandson being parting, Ye Qianxing couldn't help corner of mouth twitching and interrupted them embarrassingly.

"There is no need to be so sad, I said that I will solve the matter of Meteorite Town, I will definitely be able to do it, as for the strong one you said, hehe, even the sect master of Burning Heaven Sect is in front of me , I dare not say the word strong."

Ye Qianxing's eyes were full of confidence.

"Let's go, wait for my message."

After all, Ye Qianxing did not give Bai Tengfei a chance to dissuade him.

I walked directly out of the Bai Family mansion.

"Eh...oh, it's too impulsive."

Bai Tengfei sighed, Bai Bailing said.

"Young Master Ye is well-measured. Since he is so confident, there should be nothing wrong."

Bai Tengfei glanced at his granddaughter and asked suddenly.

"Bailing, do you really have feelings for him?"

Bai Tengfei's face turned red instantly and he shook his head again and again.

"What are you talking about grandfather, me, I'm just grateful to him."

Bai Bailing's voice became smaller as he went to the back, Bai Tengfei sighed.

"Grandfather is a person here, how can I not understand your thoughts, in fact, I knew you had a good impression on him as early as half a year ago, but didn't expect, after so long, you still love Look at him."

"I have found you a lot of genius children in Meteorite Town before, but you don’t like any of them, and you always think about him?"

Listen In the words of grandfather, Baibai spiritual eyes sparkle with a complex look.

She whispered.

"Compared with him, those genius children seem too mediocre."

How can a woman who has been guarded by a lion be seen by a wild dog?

Having seen the strength of Ye Qianxing, the other young Heaven's Chosen in Meteor Town looked mediocre in her eyes.

Bai Tengfei glanced at Bai Bailing, he obviously also knew what his granddaughter thought.

But he was also very helpless. He had known for a long time that Ye Qianxing was definitely not a thing in the pool, and the appearance of Ye Qianxing now confirmed his guess.

How can my granddaughter be worthy of such a peerless Heaven's Chosen?

Perhaps Bai Bailing will not be able to erase Ye Qianxing’s memory in this lifetime, and it will be difficult to find another beloved one...

In the mayor’s mansion, Cassir is Zheng Anxious look on his face.

"The giant monster beast that suddenly appeared has been entrenched outside the town?"

"Yes, Cassirer Baron, the giant bird entered the town at first Inside, after causing a commotion, he left, but I heard that several people had come with the giant bird and have entered the town."

An officer in silver armor said respectfully.

"People? Who will be with the monster beast?"

Cassirer was even more puzzled.

"You must keep watching that giant bird, report any actions in time, and those people you just mentioned, you must also find their whereabouts. They must be unkind. They must Be careful."

Cassirer quickly made a decision.


The officer agreed and went out.

"By the way, Alan, how come he hasn't come back, go and call him, the town is not peaceful recently, let him not go out and wander around."

" Lord Baron, Alan Young Master has been out for a while."

One of the servants hurriedly said.

Cassirer's brows suddenly frowned, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart for some reason.

"Get him back quickly, hurry up!"

Cassirer scolded loudly.

Just as the subordinate was about to run out, a soldier covered in blood ran in in a panic.

"Master Baron, it's not good, some people, some people want to kill Alan Young Master!"


As soon as the soldier's voice fell, Cassirer stood up from the stool abruptly.

"What do you mean, to be specific, what happened to Ellen!"

"Male... Baron Lord, Ellen Young Master. He went to the White House and wanted to catch Miss Bai Family, three people suddenly broke in. Those few people were too strong, we couldn't stand it at all. The younger ones also risked their deaths to escape."

Strong? Three people?

Hearing the description of the soldiers, Cassirer subconsciously thought of the three humans who followed the giant bird monster beast into Meteorite Town as the officer just said.

How could it be so coincidental?

"Why are you still stunned? Take someone to rescue Young Master. If Alan has something to do, I will make you all unable to eat!"

Cassirer Suddenly, he was furious, and everyone present was trembled.

Only one old man wearing a red robe still has a calm complexion, and his voice calmly moved towards Cassirer and said.

"Cassirer Baron, you don't have to be too anxious. My Junior Brother has been with Linglang and will definitely protect him."

That red robed old man is Full of confidence.

And when Cassirer faced this person, he didn't have the slightest anger before, but with a little respect.

"Ning Elder, I always feel that things are not that simple. If the three people are really related to the monster beast, then it must be not simple. I think it's better to go and take a look. "

"Well... what you said is not unreasonable. In that case, let the old man go and take a look. It just so happens that the old man wonders whether it is who can handle such a giant The monster beast."

Cassirer called the red robed old man nodded of Ning Deacon.

Cassirer's complexion was immediately happy, and if Ning Deacon followed, the matter would be stable.

"In that case, I will have to take a trip to Ning Deacon."

Cassirer hugged Ning Deacon cup one fist in the other hand and greeted the officer. Go to assemble the manpower.

However, before they walked out the gate, a silhouette flew in.

"Be careful!"

Ning deacon loudly shouted, threw a ball of flame over, and instantly burned the person who was flying over to ashes.

Sure enough, he and Junior Brother are both virtues.

"What's going on!"

Cassirer also reacted immediately and moved towards the outside with a roar.

No soldier answered, but an unfamiliar voice answered him.

"Aren't you looking for me?"

"Now, I am coming!"

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