The voice fell, and the silhouette of the three Ye Qianxing appeared in the mayor’s mansion.

Ning Elder and Cassirer moved towards the yard, their brows suddenly frowned.

At this time, the entire yard was empty, with only three strange faces.

Where's the mansion soldier? Where did they go?

Even if you die, there should be corpses, right?

"Cassirer Baron, it's them, those three are the humans who appeared with the giant bird monster beast before!"

The officer pointed at Ye Qianxing and them, cry out in surprise.

He was at the city gate at that time, and he had personally seen the pressure brought by sand sculptures.

So when I saw Ye Qianxing and the others, I was very scared.

"Three such young people?"

"Wait, how do I feel that these two men are familiar?"

Ning Elder looked at Ye Qianxing and Zhou Lang, frowned.

I always feel that they are familiar, but for a while I want to do not raise.

"Cassirer Baron, it was the three of them who broke into the White House and killed us many Brother."

The soldier who had escaped to deliver the message before also pointed at Ye Qianxing and said with a trembling voice.

Cassirer’s face suddenly changed. Ye Qianxing and the others are now here intact. Doesn’t that mean...

"What happened to my son, what did you do to my son? That's it!"

Cassirer roared angrily.

Ye Qianxing looked at this Cassirer, not to mention, the appearance was seven points similar to that of Allen.

As long as it is not blind, you should be able to see the relationship between them.

"Are you talking about the idiot named Allen? He is dead."

Ye Qianxing said in a very casual tone.

Hearing that his son was dead, although he was mentally prepared when he saw Ye Qianxing, he still felt a pain in his heart.

That is his only son.

From a young age, he was reluctant to beat and scold him, but now he was killed by this guy in front of him.

Cassirer's eyes turned red in an instant.

"Ah! Dare to kill my son, I want you to pay for my life, I want you to pay for my life!"

He unloaded eight pieces, Ling Chi put to death!"

Cassirer moved towards the officer beside him roared.

A fright flashed in the officer's eyes, and he couldn't help being heart trembled when he thought of the pressure the giant monster bird had put on him.

Where would you dare to face Ye Qianxing them?

"Why, what I said is not good, if you don't kill him, I will kill you, and also destroy your whole family!"

Cassirer At that time, the whole person was filled with anger, and everything was done.

The officer was taken aback by Cassirer, and he was still more afraid of Cassirer under consideration.

Facing Ye Qianxing, he may just die on his own, but if he violated Cassirer Baron, then he would be implicated in the nine clans.


The officer gritted his teeth, or moved towards Ye Qianxing and rushed over.

"The demon soul possesses the body, the wolf..."

The officer just charged ahead just a few steps, and the demon soul on his body just revealed.

Before he could show his power, Ye Qianxing threw a ball of flames over.

Pu chi!

The flame quickly swallowed the officer, and the officer was burned to ashes without even a scream.

There is no demon soul left.

This kind of low-level demon soul is not worth the recovery value, and Ye Qianxing can't even look down on it now.

"Very powerful flame!"

Ning Elder saw the golden flame thrown by Ye Qianxing casually, and his face changed suddenly. As the outer Sect Elder of Burning Heaven Sect, The knowledge of flame is naturally more sensitive than others.

Judging from the fire that Ye Qianxing just shot, its rank is definitely not low, at least it is also the top Heavenly Fire, and it is very likely that it has even reached the level of Shenhuo!

Whether it is the top Heavenly Fire or the God Fire, it is much stronger than the Thunder Gang Heavenly Fire he has mastered.

But soon, Ning Elder's eyes showed greed.

If he can snatch it over, his strength will definitely increase by a large margin. By then, he may be eligible to compete for the position of Inner Sect's Elder.

As for the strength of Ye Qianxing, he didn't think too much about how strong a brat could be so young?

It's nothing more than good luck. By chance, it was favored by Shenhuo.

But if the strength is not enough, treasure will only be his death killer.

The death of the officer also restored Na Kasir's consciousness a bit, and he looked towards Ning Elder.

That officer was already the strongest Monster Soul Master under his hand, but he was killed by the opponent with a single blow, and even the corpse was not left behind.

So, I can only rely on this Ning Elder from Burning Heaven Sect.

Burning Heaven Sect As one of the Transcendent Influence of Heavenly Jade continent, Cassirer is still very confident in Ning Elder.

"Ning Elder, I hope you will take action. If you can catch this child, I will be grateful."

Cassirer said to Ning Elder cup one fist in the the other hand said.

Ning Elder's heart moved, he had already coveted Ye Qianxing's sacred fire, even if Cassirer didn't speak, he would take action.

But now that Cassirer has said it, so much better.

You can also get a favor from Cassirer by the way, which is simply kill two birds with one stone.

Cassirer, as the noble Baron of the Xiting Dynasty, has a good family property.

His favor is not small.

"Well, this person not only killed Linglang, but also my Junior Brother died in his hands. If that's the case, then I can't let him go."

Ning Elder said coldly to Ye Qianxing, and then he shook his body, and a purple flame of lightning appeared on his body.

"Lei Gang Heavenly Fire, intermediate Heavenly Fire, I can barely accept it."

Ye Qianxing glanced at Ning Elder's Lei Gang Heavenly Fire with no interest in his face Emoji.

For him today, the fire is still eye-catching.

Heavenly Fire, I can only say that I don't dislike it.

"Boy, you killed me Junior Brother?"

Ning Elder asked.

"If the old man wearing the same old man as you is your Junior Brother, then you are right, I did kill it."

Ye Qianxing nodded, it’s not. Don't hide.

"hmph, even the people of Burning Heaven Sect dare to kill, you are really brave, if so, then you go to die!"

Ning Elder loudly shouted, one Swinging his sleeves, a purple flame suddenly moved towards Ye Qianxing like a thunder lightning.

Ye Qianxing did not evade, not even the slightest defense.

Let the Thunder Fire hit the body, but it didn't cause any waves.

As if directly absorbed by Ye Qianxing.

"How is it possible!"

Ning Elder stared wide-eyed, with an incredible expression.

He is still very confident in his Thunder Gang Heavenly Fire, but he hit Ye Qianxing's body without even the slightest disturbance.

This is too...

"Damn it, he must have a higher fire rank than my Lei Gang Heavenly Fire. However, the strength of his strength is not just about fire. Rank, the most important thing is the gap in the cultivation base."

"Demon possessed!"

Ning Elder roared towards the sky, and there seemed to be a howling in his voice.

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