The Thunder Fire on his body began to transform into an illusory shadow of a tiger, covering him.

"Thunder Fire Monster Tiger, roar!"

Under the possession of Thunder Fire Monster Tiger, Ning Elder is like a flaming giant tiger at this moment, moving towards Ye Qianxing and rushing went!

"Do you want to compare the cultivation base with me?"

Hearing Ning Elder's words, Ye Qianxing's face showed a strange color.

This fellow should be compared with him as a cultivation base?

"Then let you see what is real, let the cultivation base crush it!"

Ye Qianxing sneered, the Thunder Fire Monster Tiger incarnation of Elder in Ning is about to When he threw himself in front of him, he suddenly exploded the cultivation base of the half-step imperial realm.


As soon as Na Ning Elder was about to meet Ye Qianxing, he felt a terrifying coercion coming directly. He was still in midair, and he was crushed to the ground in an instant.

The needle was stuck but I couldn't stand up, and I couldn't even breathe.

"Very powerful coercion, this coercion I have only felt on Great Elder them, damn it, is this guy a powerful emperor!"

"So young How could it be possible for an emperor-level powerhouse... Wait, I remembered, you are Ye Qianxing!"

Under the strong pressure, this Ning Elder was even spurred to remember.

Ye Qianxing's portrait and fame have spread throughout Burning Heaven Sect. He has seen it too, but he just didn't care.

I think that this kind of genius-level character and myself are simply the same heaven and the other underground, and I don't even have a chance to see him.

But God just wanted to joke with him, and he really met him.

"hmph, it seems that you are not blind, yes, I am your biggest enemy of Burning Heaven Sect, Ye Qianxing, now, you can die and stare."

Ye Qianxing said lightly, and threw a ghostly Nether Flame directly.

The ghostly Nether Flame entered Ning Elder's eyebrows, and instantly burned his soul the soul flew away and scattered.

Ye Qianxing has a sense of measure. This time he left Ning Elder's demon soul.

Stripped the Lei Gang Heavenly Fire seed and swallowed it directly to Xiao Yan. The result was not beyond Ye Qianxing's expectation, and there was no effect at all.

It just makes Xiaoyan add some ordinary thunder attributes.

"Ning... Ning Elder, also died..."

Cassirer saw Ning Elder killed by Ye Qianxing, the anger in his heart finally disappeared, and the rest Only fear.

"Let's go, everything that should be solved is solved."

Ye Qianxing didn't even look at Kasirer, and left the mayor with Zhou Lang and Sister Huang. House.

Cassirer watched Ye Qianxing go out with his own eyes, and immediately sighed in relief.

"He didn't kill me, huh..."

Cassirer just let go, but at the next moment, he found a dazzling golden flame on the sky.

Before he could react, the golden flame fell down, instantly burning the entire mayor's mansion.

Dari Jinyan, even burning the world can do it, even more how a trifling mansion.


There was a tragic cry from the mayor's mansion.

But after a while, it disappeared.

"Brother Xing, where do you go next?"

Zhou Lang asked.

"Since the matter of Meteorite Town has been resolved, I will go to imperial city to see first. I hope Flame Emperor will be alive. Otherwise, I will destroy the entire Xiting Dynasty and Burning Heaven Sect. , To bury them!"

Speaking of the back, Ye Qianxing's tone was full of chill.

The Flame Emperor is very good to him. Ye Qianxing can feel this. He also truly regards the Flame Emperor as his friend.

Therefore, he decidedly impossible to accept that his friend was bullied.

Ye Qianxing blew a whistle, the sand sculpture heard it, and soon flew over Ye Qianxing and the others.

Ye Qianxing, Zhou Lang and Sister Huang jumped at the same time and jumped directly onto the back of the silly eagle.

"Let's go to imperial city."

Ye Qianxing said, the fool moved towards imperial city and flew away.

"Brother Xing, don't you plan to say goodbye to the Young Lady Bai before? I see her, it seems interesting to you."

"Ai, you can see that I How can I not see it, but now I am completely focused on Xiao Yu, and I really don’t have the time and energy to think about other women. Young Lady Bai is a good girl, and I can’t let her down."

Ye Qianxing sighed.

Moreover, he was just a friendship with Bai Bailing, and he didn't have any other thoughts from beginning to end.

To blame, you can only blame him for being so good.

On the way to imperial city, Ye Qianxing saw that the cities on the way were already occupied by the Xiting Dynasty, but he didn't have time to manage them.

As long as the Flame Emperor can be rescued and Burning Heaven Sect solved, these remnants of the Xiting Dynasty will not have much weather.

It didn't take long for the voice of a silly eagle to be heard.


Ye Qianxing opened his eyes and looked down. Sure enough, the imperial city has arrived.

However, after seeing the situation in the imperial city clearly, a cold glow flashed in Ye Qianxing's eyes.

"They are really bastards!"

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