"What do you mean, this sect master has agreed to let Yan Zheng go, why are you hurting my son!"

Fen Xing roared angrily.

Ye Qianxing said with a calm complexion.

"I said, I will only give you ten seconds, and after ten seconds, he will cut a piece of meat. I, this person, do what I say."

It took him ten seconds, but was always stopped by him.

As a result, Ye Qianxing said that he would give him ten seconds, but he would give him ten seconds, not more than half a second. This is true integrity first.

"Do you not want to change it?"

Fen Xing said with a calm face.

"It depends on you. I will give you another ten seconds. If you don't let the Flame Emperor go, I will cut him a piece of meat, ten..."

Ye Qianxing again Start counting.

With the previous lesson, I didn't dare to hesitate this time, and hurriedly moved towards the Burning Heaven Sect dísciple and roared.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't you understand, let him go!"


The sect master has spoken. Naturally, those Burning Heaven Sect dísciples did not dare to resist.

The Flame Emperor can only be released, but at this time the Flame Emperor is already in a coma. Ye Qianxing has to ask the Burning Heaven Sect dísciple to send the Flame Emperor over.

"Do it."

Burning Star said solemnly.

The dísciples glanced at each other. Although they were afraid, they still helped the Flame Emperor over.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly supported the Flame Emperor and gave him a healing Immortal Pill.

Soon, the Flame Emperor woke up leisurely.

"Thousand...thousand stars?"

The Flame Emperor saw Ye Qianxing as soon as he opened his eyes, and was stunned.

He hasn't seen Ye Qianxing for a long time, and suddenly thought he was dreaming.

But soon he realized something and looked around, only then did he discover the current situation.

"This is...Burning Heaven Sect?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with me."

Ye Qianxing Said.

What else did the Flame Emperor want to say, but Burning Star loudly shouted.

"Ye Qianxing, I have released Yan Zheng, and then it is your turn to fulfill your promises!"

"Don't worry, I'm a person, what I say counts "

Ye Qianxing snapped his fingers, and the Thunder Fire double-edged back to Ye Qianxing's hands with a shriek.

"Kill him!"

The moment the Thunder Fire double-blade returned to Ye Qianxing's hand, Burning Xing shouted furiously and waved his hand.

Burning Heaven Sect dísciple, all around, immediately moved towards Ye Qianxing and Flame Emperor rushed over.

"The earth is burning to the sky, burn it for me!"

bang!! !

Ye Qianxing has a blazing azure flame on his body, just like an azure lotus blooming on Ye Qianxing's body.

But this azure lotus, but the murderous Qinglian!


The Qinglian Earth Core Fire erupted, and instantly swallowed those Burning Heaven Sect dísciple rushing towards Ye Qianxing, burning them to the point that there was no ashes left.

"Are you not going to make a move?"

The Burning Star moved towards the Elder shouted, and the short Elder Pan first moved towards Ye Qianxing and rushed over.


Ye Qianxing lightly shouted, when the short Elder Pan just rushed in front of him, the silhouette disappeared out of thin air.

Has appeared outside the dungeon.

"Not good, father, Ye Qianxing will space teleportation, hurry up!"

Fen Yi suddenly remembered that Ye Qianxing had Power of Space, and suddenly creded out in surprise.

Burning Star hearing this, bear the brunt of moving towards and rushing outside the dungeon.

Several other Elders followed closely behind.

"All the dísciples of Burning Heaven Sect are ordered, immediately stand up and close the way out, even a fly is not allowed to let me out!"

Burning Star chased Ye Qianxing while chasing Ye Qianxing , Shouted loudly.

But he didn't know that Ye Qianxing simply didn't plan to leave.

He came here, one is to save the Flame Emperor.

Second, it is to give Burning Heaven Sect a fiercely revenge!

So as soon as he left the dungeon, he did not continue to escape, but threw a flame into the sky.


The flame lifted into the air and exploded suddenly.

An azure lotus mark appeared above the sky.

"Li! ”

A scream sounded in the air, and the surrounding Burning Heaven Sect dísciple flocking to Ye Qianxing only felt the sky suddenly darkened.

Looking up subconsciously, they couldn't help exclaiming.

"What kind of monster is that? It's so big!"

"This is not Divine Peng, right?"

"Divine Peng, isn't it? Is the legendary Ancient Divine Beast, how could it appear here?"

"I remember, this is the Golden Wings Great Peng family of Hundred Thousand Great Mountains!"

At this time, the silly eagle had already landed, scaring the Burning Heaven Sect dísciple to retreat one after another, for fear of being crushed into meat sauce.

Shua! Shua!

After two air-splitting sounds, Zhou Lang and Sister Huang jumped off the back of the silly eagle.

Appeared beside Ye Qianxing.

At the same time, the silly eagle groaned again.

The wings shook suddenly, hundreds of golden feathers shot out, and the Burning Heaven Sect dísciple that had not run far was directly shot into a sieve.

"Sister Huang, please give Flame Emperor Your Majesty a cure."

Ye Qianxing moved towards Sister Huang said.

Although Sister Huang is a Monster Emperor, Ye Qianxing does not want her to help deal with Burning Heaven Sect. As he said before, Sister Huang’s hands are used to save people, not to kill. of.

even more how, with his current strength and influence, there is no shortage of the battle strength of Sister Huang.


For Ye Qianxing's requests that are not excessive, Sister Huang will generally not refuse.

Enter Life Power directly for Flame Emperor.

At this time, Fen Xing and the Elders also chased them out. Instead of running away, Ye Qianxing had a few more helpers around him, frowning.

"It seems that you are not going to escape."

Burning Star said solemnly.

"Escape? Why should I escape? I came to you Burning Heaven Sect today for revenge. If it weren't for your Burning Heaven Sect, why would I need to escape? ??"

"And you also joined the Xiting Dynasty to invade the Great Yan Emperor, causing the Great Yan Emperor to suffer unreasonable disasters for hundreds of millions of people, and the sky is angry and people resent."

"New hatred and old hatred." , I, Ye Qianxing, I will end it with you today!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, his fighting intent skyrocketed.

Even if Burning Heaven Sect cannot be destroyed today, he will make Burning Heaven regret everything he did to him and to all the people of the Yan Emperor.

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