"It's over? This matter really should be over."

"Ye Qianxing, you hurt my righteous son and killed my Third Brother, and now you even broke into my Burning Heaven Sect, Kill me Burning Heaven Sect. Many dísciples, today, this sect master will rectify you on the spot, warn others from following bad examples."

"All Elders, what are you still doing, who can kill? Or catch this person alive, this sect master will have many rewards!"

The Elders who moved towards Burning Heaven Sect shouted.

The Elders immediately moved, and the rewards of the sect master will certainly not be bad.

Qi Qi moved towards Ye Qianxing and killed the past.

"Do you play gang fights with me? Then Young Master will kill you guys!"

"Spirit Pet Legion, come out for me!"

Ye Qianxing With a shout, the Contract Space Gate opened wide behind him.

Erbaiwu, Vajra, Xiao Taixu, Xiao Lei, Xiao Yan, Lin Ruoxi, Little Monk all appeared together, and a little dream was hiding in the dark.

She has another very important task.

As soon as Ye Qianxing’s Spirit Pet Legion appeared, they exuded a terrifying aura, frightening those Elders of Burning Heaven Sect to stop one after another, and did not dare to move forward easily.

Whether it is Erbaiwu, the dog with four evils and nine ghosts, or Vajra, Dragon Clan, Xiaotaixu, they all have the bloodline of ancient ominous beasts and Divine Beast, standing at the top of the food chain.

Maybe the cultivation base is not higher than those of Burning Heaven Sect Elder, but the imposing manner absolutely crushes them steadily.

"Driving the monster beast...you, are you the organizer!"

When Fen Xing saw Ye Qianxing summon Spirit Pet Legion, his eyes suddenly stared.

Can't help but cred out in surprise.

He can say "that organization", and it seems that he should also know some past events.

Yes, even Flame Emperor Old Ancestor knows about the White Night Organization. Burning Heaven Sect has been standing on Heavenly Jade continent for thousands of years. As the burning star of the sect master, it has some secrets for hundreds of years. It must be known.

But Ye Qianxing didn't intend to conceal it either. Of course, he was also impossible to admit it stupidly, but ignored the burning star.

Directly issue instructions to Spirit Pet Legion.

"You choose your opponents according to your own strengths, idiots, Burning Heaven Sect, those dísciples, deacons, and Elders below the emperor level will be handed over to you. You can kill as many as you can. I want Burning Heaven. Sect, from now on, in the entire Heavenly Jade continent, disappear!"


Spirit Pet Legion, Zhou Lang, and Silly Eagle yelled in unison, and then moved towards Burning Heaven. Sect's people rushed away.

Spirit Pet Legion and Zhou Lang naturally moved towards those Elders above the emperor level and rushed away, although they are some of the cultivation bases that are not at the emperor level or the emperor level Early-Stage, but battle The strength can be much stronger than the surface cultivation base.

Zhou Lang directly moved towards an emperor-level three Elder Duan holding a flame sword, and rushed away. The emperor-level one or two, he disdains to shoot. Although he is not afraid of the fourth and fifth levels, he is not sure to win. .

So I chose the three-stage Elder of the imperial class.

"Kill sword dao, the stars fall!"

Zhou Lang jumped up, without saying anything, directly activated his skills.

Zhou Lang drew out his sword, and under the bright light, a bloody cold light flashed, looming in the eyes of the emperor-level third Elder Duan.

Suddenly, an Asura hell appeared in his sight.

Countless people who died because of him turned into fierce and treacherous, baring fangs and brandishing claws, demanding his life.

"Is it an illusion? Break for me!"

The Emperor-level third-tier Burning Heaven Sect Elder is also a man with rich combat experience, and he immediately reacted.

The flame sword slashed out in anger, destroying the illusion in an instant.

Zhou Lang's face doesn't change, and he stabbed the Elder with his sword.


The two swords clash, and the sound of golden ming erupts.

That Burning Heaven Sect Elder was directly repelled a few steps.

"Damn it, this guy is obviously only an emperor, but his strength is so strong!"

The Burning Heaven Sect Elder who fought against Zhou Lang had a terrible expression. He was dignified as an emperor. The powerhouse of the third stage, unexpectedly fell into a disadvantage against a youngster who had just entered the emperor rank.

"Demon soul possessed, Explosive Mantis!"

That Elder loudly shouted, an illusory shadow of a flame mantis covered him.

The imposing manner suddenly rose.

"I am like a sword, Human and Sword Unity!"

Zhou Lang not to be outdone, directly Human and Sword Unity.

The turbulent killing sword qi suddenly soared into the sky.


Zhou Lang turned into a sword shadow and quickly moved towards the opponent, shooting away.


Spirit Pet Legion has also found opponents.

Vajra magnified several times, lifted the Hunyuan stick, and moved towards a fourth-level emperor Elder Duan with a flame demon giant bear.

Erbaiwu releases the poisonous air, instantly forming a field of poisonous miasma.

Penetrate the Nether Flame into the realm of poisonous miasma, so that the Elders of Burning Heaven Sect will be devastated all the time.

"Amitabha, donor, little monk, have you ever heard of a hand that fell from the sky!"

"Huh? What?"

Little Monk was confronted by an Elder in the second stage of the imperial class. He was stunned when he heard Little Monk's words.

"The name of this palm is Buddha's Palm."

Little Monk said softly, raising his hand and squeezing it in the air.

Suddenly, a golden giant palm was placed on the top of Elder's head and evolved, and it suddenly fell from the sky and pressed down.


"One thought of the gods and demons."

Lin Ruoxi thoughts move, the left side is bright like an angel, but the right side exudes violent and evil demonic energy.

Half angel, half demon.

"God and Demon Cross Slash."

Lin Ruoxi's left-hand angel holy sword, right hand demon sword, cut out a Cross Slash that blends light and darkness.

moved towards a Burning Heaven Sect Elder of an emperor-level section.


A group of Spirit Pets showed their divine ability. Ye Qianxing did not participate in the battle, but stared at the burning star.

Burning Star also looked at Ye Qianxing.

Both of them are leaders of both sides. It can be said that their victory or defeat is the main factor in determining the battle, so they will not take action easily.

"It seems that I guessed right, you should be the remnant of the White Night Organization, you said, if I inform the Holy Soul Hall of your situation, what will happen?"

Burning Heaven Sect sect master Burning Heaven looked at Ye Qianxing, said with a sneer.

Ye Qianxing's face remained unmoved, and said calmly.

"Don't worry, you don't have this chance. Today, you Burning Heaven Sect alone don't want to escape."

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