"Burning Heaven, I can’t blame me for this. I don’t owe everything to me for ruining your Burning Heaven Sect millennium foundation, and you also have a credit."

Ye Qianxing See Burning Heaven Wake up, ready to use words to stimulate him.

I have to say that Ye Qianxing's irritating kung fu is indeed very difficult to deal with, and I have grasped the essence of which pot is not opened or which pot is lifted.

Fen Xing shouldn't lose his mind before blaming himself, and now Ye Qianxing said these words immediately, so angry that Fen Xing almost couldn't help but froze again.

But he quickly stabilized his mind and looked towards Ye Qianxing, with some fear at this moment.

"Your grasp of the human heart is indeed very difficult to deal with, which made me lose my mind several times, but what you said is not bad. I am responsible for the destruction of Burning Heaven Sect, so I want to deal with You killed them all, to make up for the mistakes I made, to pay homage to my son and all Burning Heaven Sect dísciple who died because of you!"

At this moment, the burning star rose up in an imposing manner.

Ye Qianxing looked at Burning Star with a little surprise, didn't expect being stimulated so many times by himself, this guy became more sober instead.

"Boss, don't be afraid, let's help you!"

"Brother Xing, and me."

Just when Burning Star prepares to face Ye Qianxing When he shot, several voices sounded.

Erbaiwu, Vajra, Xiao Taixu, and Zhou Lang appeared next to Ye Qianxing one after another, facing the burning star with Ye Qianxing.


Burning Star looked towards all around and found that Elder was all lying on the ground, some of them had lost their breath, and some of them were still alive, but lost their combat effectiveness.

His face suddenly became more ugly.

He didn't expect these strongest battle strengths of Burning Heaven Sect to lose so soon.

Still defeated by a group of monster beasts who have not even reached the Monster Emperor cultivation base!

"Okay, let's kill this guy together!"

Ye Qianxing repeatedly nodded.

If he is alone, he really can't beat a six-stage monster soul emperor.

But if you add Spirit Pet Legion and Zhou Lang, you will win.

"hmph, in the face of absolute strength, the number is just a joke. Whether you come together, I will hunt down one by one if you save it."

Fenxing said domineeringly.

Ye Qianxing didn't talk too much nonsense, and waved his hand.

Shouted, "Go!"

Spirit Pet Legion suddenly moved towards Burning Star and rushed away.

Vajra was still the first to bear the brunt, and he pulled the Hunyuan stick moved towards the Demon Soul of the Scarlet Flame Horse that shrouded Burning Star.

"Eat my Vajra a stick!"


The Hunyuan stick collided with the one-horn of the red flame horse, but Vajra He is known for his strength, so even if he is far from the Star Burning cultivation base, this stick still makes Star Burning retreat a few steps.

"Very powerful!"

The burning star stared wide-eyed.

When he played against Ye Qianxing before, he already felt that Ye Qianxing's strength was very strong, far surpassing his superficial cultivation base.

But after fighting with Vajra, he realized that Ye Qianxing's power is nothing, and Vajra's power can definitely surpass most of the imperial fifth-stage powerhouses.

"Come again!"

Vajra has a loud and deafening voice, and he has to pick up the Hunyuan stick to smash the burning star.

This time Burning Star learned a lesson, and didn't dare to meet force with force with Vajra anymore, but sprayed a wave of fire towards Vajra.

Sure enough, facing the intrusion of the fire, Vajra still couldn't break through.

But at this time, the remaining Spirit Pet has already rushed over.

Erbaiwu directly gave Fen Xing a soul shock, which made Fen Xing lose consciousness for a moment, and Xiao Lei quickly created a Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

Little Monk also shot a Buddha's Palm at the same time.



Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and golden giant palm struck one after another on Burning Star's body, battered and exhausted, and his eyes were full of shock and jealousy.

Only then did he discover that these monster beast companions of Ye Qianxing are much stronger than the cultivation base on the surface, and each has its own characteristics and abilities.

He doesn't know them at all, so it is easy to suffer.

"Kill sword dao, Myriad Swords Return To One!"

Zhou Lang jumped up, raising his virtual grip with both hands.

Countless Dao Accumulation sword qi with the Slaughter Sword Intent swirled around him, and finally condensed in Zhou Lang's hands at the same time, and it quickly turned into a huge sword.


Zhou Lang holds the giant sword, and moved towards Burning Star is a slash.

"Red flame horse, blazing light waves!"

Fen Xing also shouted sharply, and the red flame horse shrouded on him blasted out a blazing light wave from its unicorn. Hit the giant sword of Zhou Lang's killing.

However, when the flame light wave just rushed out, Xiao Taixu shot.

"Time Reverse."

Power of Time spurred, the flame light wave just charged ahead not far, and instantly retreated back, unexpectedly returned to the red flame horse demon soul Among the unicorns.


Burning Star creded out in surprise, he couldn't imagine that his skills would come back on their own initiative.

No, it should not be coming back, but going backwards.

It's as if I haven't activated this skill at all.

Fen Xing didn't react, but Zhou Lang's giant sword didn't give him a chance to think at all. It slashed down and directly smashed Fen Xing's body.


The Demon Soul of Chi Yanju let out a scream again, his body visibly dimmed a lot.

It can be seen that Zhou Lang's blow to him is not small.

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