
Burning Star is connected to his Scarlet Flame Horse Demon Soul, and Scarlet Flame Horse is attacked by a powerful force, so Burning Star will naturally not be comfortable.

After being hit by Zhou Lang's strongest blow, Burning Star groaned, with a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Let me come!"

At this moment Vajra roared again and rushed over.

Leap high, lift the Hunyuan stick and move towards the burning star and hit it heavily.

Just as Fen Xing was about to retreat, Lin Ruoxi activated his skills against his retreat.

Elemental Storm!

Various elements condensed into a tornado, entwining the entire burning star.


Fen Xing yelled, and the flames burst all over his body, directly breaking the elemental storm released by Lin Ruoxi.

But just the little time that trapped him, Vajra's attack arrived.


The Hunyuan stick moved towards the burning star, and the Chi Yanju screamed, using the single horn above his head to resist the impact of Vajra's Hunyuan stick.

"It's now, come on!"

Ye Qianxing yelled, his silhouette flashed, and he instantly appeared beside Fenxing, holding both Thunder Fire blades in his hands, yes. Flicking away at the burning star.

Burning Star’s Scarlet Flame Horse Demon Soul is suppressed by Vajra’s Hunyuan Cudgel, but he can still act.

But at this moment, a dark shadow also appeared behind Fen Xing.

It is just a little dream.

"ghost shadow Legion!"

Xiao Meng's voice was cold, and a huge shadow appeared at the feet of Fen Xing.

The dark ghost shadows entangled the burning stars and dragged them into the shadows.

"get lost!"

Fen Xing blasted angrily and wiped out most of the ghost shadow Legion with a wave of his hand.

But this time Ye Qianxing's attack has also arrived.


Ye Qianxing moved towards Burning Xing's chest with a sword, but the result was beyond his expectation.

Divine Item, as sharp as Thunder Fire double-edged blades, did not break through the defenses of Burning Stars.

"Your weapon is really good, but unfortunately, the strength is too weak to break my flame armor."

Burning Star snered.

Shocked all over, his coat burst open, revealing the red armor inside.

It can block the Thunder Fire double blade, the quality of this armor is certainly not bad, it should be the level of the 9th Immortal Artifact.

This Burning Heaven Sect really deserves to be a superpower with thousands of years of age. It not only has a 9th-Rank Immortal Artifact level Divine flame gun, but also a 9th-Rank flame armor.

"Just a layer of harder shell, let's see how I break it!"

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, with the sharpness of his Thunder Fire double-edged blade, he broke the 9th rank Immortal Artifact's armor is not a big problem, it's just that his strength is not enough.

"Unlimited connections under the moon."

Ye Qianxing's speed suddenly accelerated, turning into an afterimage, and quickly shuttled around the burning star.

Thunder Fire double-edged slash in the flame armor, hitting one after another in a flash.

"Hehe, are you tickling me?"

Burning Star snered, very disdainful.

However, as Ye Qianxing's speed gets faster and faster, Fenxing's complexion is getting worse and worse. He feels that Ye Qianxing's formidable power is getting stronger and stronger.

One after another crack began to appear in his flame armor.

"Not good, the flame armor is almost unable to hold."

Burning Star dare not care any more, at this time his Scarlet Flame Horse Demon Soul is suppressed by Vajra, his Strength will drop sharply.

The giant ape must be solved quickly.

"Flames trampled!"

With a loud cry, the four hooves of the Red Flame Horse suddenly moved towards the ground.

This step immediately brought a counter shock to the Chi Yanju.

A huge force pushed Vajra back out of the ground forcibly.

As soon as Vajra's suppression was released, the Scarlet Flame Horse Demon Soul immediately returned to Burning Star's body, a terrifying force vented out, and Ye Qianxing directly shook back.

"Let's go together!"

Ye Qianxing gave an order, Erbaiwu, Xiao Taixu, Little Monk and many other Spirit Pets moved towards Burning Star and rushed over.

Burning Star just broke through the suppression of Vajra and Ye Qianxing. Before he could even catch his breath, he was immediately besieged by Erbaiwu.

But I can only helplessly respond.

Ye Qianxing naturally joined the battle. Under their siege, Burning Star had no power to fight back, so he could only be forced to defend and fell into a clear disadvantage.

"Damn it, am I dignified Burning Heaven Sect, will I be destroyed in the hands of this junior today." With the power of his Burning Heaven Sect millennium foundation, he would definitely be able to kill Ye Qianxing this junior and those monster beasts, but he couldn't think of the result.

Burning Heaven Sect dísciple is all dead, and all Elders are also dead. Even his only son died before his eyes.


At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and one after another muffled thunder sounded.

Fen Xing suddenly raised his head, the sorrow on his face suddenly disappeared, instead he showed a crazy laugh.

"hahaha, it's finally here, Ye Qianxing, you ruin my Burning Heaven Sect thousands of years of foundation, I will never make you feel good, your death date is coming!"

Listening to Fen Xing's crazy laugh, Ye Qianxing frowned didn't understand what he meant.

But he felt something was wrong.

Heaven Descending Natural Phenomenon, there must be a problem.

"I'm almost dying, I'm pretending to be forced to eat your paw!"

Erbaiwu yelled, I don't know when he sneaked behind Fen Xing. , Slapped him on the head.

Staggered the burning star.

"hahaha...cough cough cough!"

Just now, I was still laughing up to the sky, but I was hit on the head suddenly, and Fen Xing almost passed away and coughed.

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