[Name]: Ancient giant spirit tortoise

[attribute]: God Water Element

[Level]: SSR9/Emperor Jiudan

[ Evaluation]: Eight-star

[Ability]: Profound Armor Shield, Hanshui Xuanpo

[Weakness]: None

[Introduction]: From Ancient Era exists. The lifespan is extremely long, the personality is gentle, he doesn't like fighting, and he is very lazy. It takes tens of thousands of years to sleep. Because of its huge size, it is easy to be mistaken for a small island on the sea.

When I saw the message of this ancient giant spirit tortoise, Ye Qianxing heart trembled.

It turned out to be an emperor-level nine-dan sea monster.

Although the strength of Ye Qianxing's camp has risen sharply, the winning rate is not great when faced with the powerful 9th ​​dan of the emperor class.

Fortunately, the system has a reminder that this ancient giant spirit tortoise has a good temper.

So he hurriedly let the silly eagle fly up, and then moved towards the ancient giant spirit tortoise and bowed his hand.

"Giant spirit tortoise senior, I waited for you to be mistaken for an island before I interrupted your rest. I will leave immediately. I hope the turtle senior will forgive me."

After that, Ye Qianxing Without waiting for the other party to reply, he signaled the silly eagle to leave.

Fortunately, the ancient giant spirit tortoise just stared at them for a few moments, and did not attack or catch up.

Ye Qianxing is sighed in relief.

"This Eastern Sea is really dangerous, and you must be more careful afterwards."

Ye Qianxing said, and the silly eagle continued on his way.


Not long after, a flash of lightning suddenly shot out from the sea.

It hit the idiot directly.

Because it was not an attack on Ye Qianxing, his predictive skills were not triggered.


The silly eagle didn't react either, and was struck by lightning in his abdomen, making a scream.

Like a wrecked airplane, moved towards the surface of the sea.

"Stupid Eagle!"

Ye Qianxing cried out in surprise, but fortunately, Xiao Kun reacted quickly and opened the Sea God Realm. Suddenly a large amount of sea water condensed into a Sea God Image, and he reached out The silly eagle held on.

This did not fall into the sea.

Sister Huang put her hand on the back of the silly eagle, and a stream of yellow life energy poured into the silly eagle's body, healing his injuries.

"Brother Xing, look, there is something in the sea."

Ye Qianxing looked over and saw a few electric eels and sea monsters emerging from the sea.

Electricity flashes all over.

Staring at Ye Qianxing's side.

"Big brother, are they the human beings wanted by the deep sea octopus?"

"It must be. How long hasn't humans been here in our Sea Territory."


"Then catch them quickly and hand them over to the deep sea octopus family. There are many benefits."

The three electric eels started to talk about the sky, but they still spoke. human's words.

Obviously, I told Ye Qianxing directly.

"Boss, let me solve them."

At this time, Xiao Lei volunteered.

Ye Qianxing did not stop either, just a reminder.

"Be careful, they are all emperor-level."

Xiao Lei is not yet emperor-level.

"Don't worry, boss, level doesn't mean everything, my Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is their Sovereign!"

Xiao Lei laughed heartily, said very confidently.

moved towards The three electric eels floated past.

In the middle of the journey, Xiao Lei's body shape changed into a human form.

Erbaiwu, Xiaokun, Xiaotaixu, and Vajra successively connected Human Transformation, which made Xiaolei feel jealous and envy. Although Xiaoyan did not have Human Transformation, it was originally a fusion of the human spirit of war. So this is a human form.

Little Monk and Lin Ruoxi don't need an emperor, they are already humanoids.

Even Xiao Meng, that is in human form, which is very annoying.

However, Xiao Lei has the ability of 72 Transformations, so at this time he directly transformed into a human form, but the whole body is still thundercloud.

"Boss, there is an act recklessly coming."

"Fuck him!"

Those three electric eels moved towards Xiaoleibo at the same time Thunder and lightning.

"hmph, dare to play video with me?"

Seeing this disdainful smile, Xiao Lei directly took out Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

Suddenly, three Divine Lightning fell from the sky, which directly smashed the three electric eels.

"Erbaiwu, let me ask you a question, will electric eels die if you use electricity?"

Erbaiwu looked at Ye Qianxing with a serious face and slowly opened the mouth and said.

"Boss, before answering your question, I would like to ask you a question first, if poisonous snake poisonous snake is used, will poisonous snake die?"

"Huh? Boss, Brother Gou, what are you guys talking about? I don't understand anything about electricity, electricity, or poison."

Only Vajra was still scratching his head, with a naive expression on his face.

Obviously, let him understand such a profound problem, it must be embarrassing for him.

Whether the electric eel will die is a very profound question, but the answer will soon appear.


Three lines of Nine Heavens Divine Thunder smashed on the three electric eels respectively, and one of the Emperor-class electric eel sea monsters trembled directly.

But in a moment, the whole body became blackened, and a strong smell of barbecue came out.

It seems that electric eels can be electrocuted.

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